Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | String |
Yes | - |
String |
Yes | - | |
untis | UntisTeacher? |
No | - |
untisId | Int? |
No | - |
firstName | String |
Yes | - |
lastName | String |
Yes | - |
role | Role |
Yes | - |
createdAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
updatedAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
events | Event[] |
Yes | - |
jobs | Job[] |
Yes | - |
subscription | Subscription? |
No | - |
eventGroups | EventGroup[] |
Yes | - |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean? |
No | - |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean? |
No | - |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean? |
No | - |
Find zero or one User
// Get one User
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | UserWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first User
// Get one User
const user = await prisma.user.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | UserWhereInput | No |
orderBy | UserOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UserOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | UserScalarFieldEnum | UserScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more User
// Get all User
const User = await prisma.user.findMany()
// Get first 10 User
const User = await prisma.user.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | UserWhereInput | No |
orderBy | UserOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UserOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | UserScalarFieldEnum | UserScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one User
// Create one User
const User = await prisma.user.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a User
Name | Type | Required |
data | UserCreateInput | UserUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one User
// Delete one User
const User = await prisma.user.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one User
Name | Type | Required |
where | UserWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one User
// Update one User
const user = await prisma.user.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | UserUpdateInput | UserUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | UserWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more User
// Delete a few User
const { count } = await prisma.user.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | UserWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one User
const { count } = await prisma.user.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | UserUpdateManyMutationInput | UserUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | UserWhereInput | No |
Create or update one User
// Update or create a User
const user = await prisma.user.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a User
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the User we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | UserWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | UserCreateInput | UserUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | UserUpdateInput | UserUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | String |
Yes | - |
author | User |
Yes | - |
authorId | String |
Yes | - |
start | DateTime |
Yes | - |
end | DateTime |
Yes | - |
location | String |
Yes | - |
description | String |
Yes | - |
descriptionLong | String |
Yes | - |
state | EventState |
Yes | - |
cloned | Boolean |
Yes | - |
job | Job? |
No | - |
jobId | String? |
No | - |
parent | Event? |
No | - |
parentId | String? |
No | - |
children | Event[] |
Yes | - |
clonedFrom | Event? |
No | - |
clonedFromId | String? |
No | - |
clones | Event[] |
Yes | - |
classes | String[] |
Yes | - |
classGroups | String[] |
Yes | - |
departments | Department[] |
Yes | - |
groups | EventGroup[] |
Yes | - |
audience | EventAudience |
Yes | - |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean? |
No | - |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected |
Yes | - |
subscriptions | Subscription[] |
Yes | - |
createdAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
updatedAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
deletedAt | DateTime? |
No | - |
meta | Json? |
No | - |
Find zero or one Event
// Get one Event
const event = await prisma.event.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first Event
// Get one Event
const event = await prisma.event.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | EventWhereInput | No |
orderBy | EventOrderByWithRelationInput[] | EventOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | EventScalarFieldEnum | EventScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more Event
// Get all Event
const Event = await prisma.event.findMany()
// Get first 10 Event
const Event = await prisma.event.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | EventWhereInput | No |
orderBy | EventOrderByWithRelationInput[] | EventOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | EventScalarFieldEnum | EventScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one Event
// Create one Event
const Event = await prisma.event.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a Event
Name | Type | Required |
data | EventCreateInput | EventUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one Event
// Delete one Event
const Event = await prisma.event.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one Event
Name | Type | Required |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one Event
// Update one Event
const event = await prisma.event.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | EventUpdateInput | EventUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more Event
// Delete a few Event
const { count } = await prisma.event.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | EventWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one Event
const { count } = await prisma.event.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | EventUpdateManyMutationInput | EventUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | EventWhereInput | No |
Create or update one Event
// Update or create a Event
const event = await prisma.event.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a Event
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the Event we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | EventCreateInput | EventUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | EventUpdateInput | EventUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | String |
Yes | - |
user | User |
Yes | - |
userId | String |
Yes | - |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean |
Yes | - |
icsLocator | String |
Yes | - |
departments | Department[] |
Yes | - |
untisClasses | UntisClass[] |
Yes | - |
ignoredEvents | Event[] |
Yes | - |
createdAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
updatedAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one Subscription
// Get one Subscription
const subscription = await prisma.subscription.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first Subscription
// Get one Subscription
const subscription = await prisma.subscription.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
orderBy | SubscriptionOrderByWithRelationInput[] | SubscriptionOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | SubscriptionScalarFieldEnum | SubscriptionScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more Subscription
// Get all Subscription
const Subscription = await prisma.subscription.findMany()
// Get first 10 Subscription
const Subscription = await prisma.subscription.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
orderBy | SubscriptionOrderByWithRelationInput[] | SubscriptionOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | SubscriptionScalarFieldEnum | SubscriptionScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one Subscription
// Create one Subscription
const Subscription = await prisma.subscription.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a Subscription
Name | Type | Required |
data | SubscriptionCreateInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one Subscription
// Delete one Subscription
const Subscription = await prisma.subscription.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one Subscription
Name | Type | Required |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one Subscription
// Update one Subscription
const subscription = await prisma.subscription.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | SubscriptionUpdateInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more Subscription
// Delete a few Subscription
const { count } = await prisma.subscription.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one Subscription
const { count } = await prisma.subscription.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | SubscriptionUpdateManyMutationInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
Create or update one Subscription
// Update or create a Subscription
const subscription = await prisma.subscription.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a Subscription
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the Subscription we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | SubscriptionCreateInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | SubscriptionUpdateInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | String |
Yes | - |
name | String |
Yes | - |
description | String |
Yes | - |
collection | String |
Yes | - |
meta | Json |
Yes | - |
events | Event[] |
Yes | - |
users | User[] |
Yes | - |
createdAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
updatedAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one EventGroup
// Get one EventGroup
const eventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first EventGroup
// Get one EventGroup
const eventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | EventGroupWhereInput | No |
orderBy | EventGroupOrderByWithRelationInput[] | EventGroupOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | EventGroupScalarFieldEnum | EventGroupScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more EventGroup
// Get all EventGroup
const EventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.findMany()
// Get first 10 EventGroup
const EventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | EventGroupWhereInput | No |
orderBy | EventGroupOrderByWithRelationInput[] | EventGroupOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | EventGroupScalarFieldEnum | EventGroupScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one EventGroup
// Create one EventGroup
const EventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a EventGroup
Name | Type | Required |
data | EventGroupCreateInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateInput | No |
Delete one EventGroup
// Delete one EventGroup
const EventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one EventGroup
Name | Type | Required |
where | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one EventGroup
// Update one EventGroup
const eventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | EventGroupUpdateInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more EventGroup
// Delete a few EventGroup
const { count } = await prisma.eventGroup.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | EventGroupWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one EventGroup
const { count } = await prisma.eventGroup.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | EventGroupUpdateManyMutationInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | EventGroupWhereInput | No |
Create or update one EventGroup
// Update or create a EventGroup
const eventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a EventGroup
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the EventGroup we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | EventGroupCreateInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | EventGroupUpdateInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | String |
Yes | - |
name | String |
Yes | - |
description | String |
Yes | - |
letter | String |
Yes | - |
classLetters | String[] |
Yes | - |
department1_Id | String? |
No | - |
department1 | Department? |
No | - |
childDepartment1 | Department? |
No | - |
department2_Id | String? |
No | - |
department2 | Department? |
No | - |
childDepartment2 | Department? |
No | - |
classes | UntisClass[] |
Yes | - |
events | Event[] |
Yes | - |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriod[] |
Yes | - |
color | String |
Yes | - |
subscriptions | Subscription[] |
Yes | - |
createdAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
updatedAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one Department
// Get one Department
const department = await prisma.department.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first Department
// Get one Department
const department = await prisma.department.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
orderBy | DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput[] | DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | DepartmentScalarFieldEnum | DepartmentScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more Department
// Get all Department
const Department = await prisma.department.findMany()
// Get first 10 Department
const Department = await prisma.department.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
orderBy | DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput[] | DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | DepartmentScalarFieldEnum | DepartmentScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one Department
// Create one Department
const Department = await prisma.department.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a Department
Name | Type | Required |
data | DepartmentCreateInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one Department
// Delete one Department
const Department = await prisma.department.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one Department
Name | Type | Required |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one Department
// Update one Department
const department = await prisma.department.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | DepartmentUpdateInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more Department
// Delete a few Department
const { count } = await prisma.department.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one Department
const { count } = await prisma.department.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | DepartmentUpdateManyMutationInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
Create or update one Department
// Update or create a Department
const department = await prisma.department.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a Department
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the Department we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | DepartmentCreateInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | DepartmentUpdateInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | String |
Yes | - |
name | String |
Yes | - |
start | DateTime |
Yes | - |
end | DateTime |
Yes | - |
untisSyncDate | DateTime |
Yes | - |
lessons | UntisLesson[] |
Yes | - |
jobs | Job[] |
Yes | - |
createdAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
updatedAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one Semester
// Get one Semester
const semester = await prisma.semester.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | SemesterWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first Semester
// Get one Semester
const semester = await prisma.semester.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | SemesterWhereInput | No |
orderBy | SemesterOrderByWithRelationInput[] | SemesterOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | SemesterWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | SemesterScalarFieldEnum | SemesterScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more Semester
// Get all Semester
const Semester = await prisma.semester.findMany()
// Get first 10 Semester
const Semester = await prisma.semester.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | SemesterWhereInput | No |
orderBy | SemesterOrderByWithRelationInput[] | SemesterOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | SemesterWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | SemesterScalarFieldEnum | SemesterScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one Semester
// Create one Semester
const Semester = await prisma.semester.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a Semester
Name | Type | Required |
data | SemesterCreateInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one Semester
// Delete one Semester
const Semester = await prisma.semester.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one Semester
Name | Type | Required |
where | SemesterWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one Semester
// Update one Semester
const semester = await prisma.semester.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | SemesterUpdateInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | SemesterWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more Semester
// Delete a few Semester
const { count } = await prisma.semester.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | SemesterWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one Semester
const { count } = await prisma.semester.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | SemesterUpdateManyMutationInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | SemesterWhereInput | No |
Create or update one Semester
// Update or create a Semester
const semester = await prisma.semester.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a Semester
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the Semester we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | SemesterWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | SemesterCreateInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | SemesterUpdateInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | String |
Yes | - |
name | String |
Yes | - |
description | String |
Yes | - |
start | DateTime |
Yes | - |
end | DateTime |
Yes | - |
eventRangeStart | DateTime |
Yes | - |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime |
Yes | - |
isOpen | Boolean |
Yes | - |
departments | Department[] |
Yes | - |
createdAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
updatedAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one RegistrationPeriod
// Get one RegistrationPeriod
const registrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first RegistrationPeriod
// Get one RegistrationPeriod
const registrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput | No |
orderBy | RegistrationPeriodOrderByWithRelationInput[] | RegistrationPeriodOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | RegistrationPeriodScalarFieldEnum | RegistrationPeriodScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more RegistrationPeriod
// Get all RegistrationPeriod
const RegistrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.findMany()
// Get first 10 RegistrationPeriod
const RegistrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput | No |
orderBy | RegistrationPeriodOrderByWithRelationInput[] | RegistrationPeriodOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | RegistrationPeriodScalarFieldEnum | RegistrationPeriodScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one RegistrationPeriod
// Create one RegistrationPeriod
const RegistrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a RegistrationPeriod
Name | Type | Required |
data | RegistrationPeriodCreateInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one RegistrationPeriod
// Delete one RegistrationPeriod
const RegistrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one RegistrationPeriod
Name | Type | Required |
where | RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one RegistrationPeriod
// Update one RegistrationPeriod
const registrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | RegistrationPeriodUpdateInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more RegistrationPeriod
// Delete a few RegistrationPeriod
const { count } = await prisma.registrationPeriod.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one RegistrationPeriod
const { count } = await prisma.registrationPeriod.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyMutationInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput | No |
Create or update one RegistrationPeriod
// Update or create a RegistrationPeriod
const registrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a RegistrationPeriod
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the RegistrationPeriod we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | RegistrationPeriodCreateInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | RegistrationPeriodUpdateInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | String |
Yes | - |
type | JobType |
Yes | - |
state | JobState |
Yes | - |
user | User |
Yes | - |
userId | String |
Yes | - |
semester | Semester? |
No | - |
semesterId | String? |
No | - |
syncDate | DateTime? |
No | - |
events | Event[] |
Yes | - |
description | String |
Yes | - |
filename | String? |
No | - |
log | String |
Yes | - |
createdAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
updatedAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one Job
// Get one Job
const job = await prisma.job.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | JobWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first Job
// Get one Job
const job = await prisma.job.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | JobWhereInput | No |
orderBy | JobOrderByWithRelationInput[] | JobOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | JobWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | JobScalarFieldEnum | JobScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more Job
// Get all Job
const Job = await prisma.job.findMany()
// Get first 10 Job
const Job = await prisma.job.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | JobWhereInput | No |
orderBy | JobOrderByWithRelationInput[] | JobOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | JobWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | JobScalarFieldEnum | JobScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one Job
// Create one Job
const Job = await prisma.job.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a Job
Name | Type | Required |
data | JobCreateInput | JobUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one Job
// Delete one Job
const Job = await prisma.job.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one Job
Name | Type | Required |
where | JobWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one Job
// Update one Job
const job = await prisma.job.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | JobUpdateInput | JobUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | JobWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more Job
// Delete a few Job
const { count } = await prisma.job.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | JobWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one Job
const { count } = await prisma.job.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | JobUpdateManyMutationInput | JobUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | JobWhereInput | No |
Create or update one Job
// Update or create a Job
const job = await prisma.job.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a Job
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the Job we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | JobWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | JobCreateInput | JobUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | JobUpdateInput | JobUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | Int |
Yes | - |
name | String |
Yes | - |
longName | String |
Yes | - |
title | String |
Yes | - |
active | Boolean |
Yes | - |
lessons | UntisLesson[] |
Yes | - |
classes | UntisClass[] |
Yes | - |
user | User? |
No | - |
Find zero or one UntisTeacher
// Get one UntisTeacher
const untisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first UntisTeacher
// Get one UntisTeacher
const untisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisTeacherWhereInput | No |
orderBy | UntisTeacherOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UntisTeacherOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | UntisTeacherScalarFieldEnum | UntisTeacherScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more UntisTeacher
// Get all UntisTeacher
const UntisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.findMany()
// Get first 10 UntisTeacher
const UntisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisTeacherWhereInput | No |
orderBy | UntisTeacherOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UntisTeacherOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | UntisTeacherScalarFieldEnum | UntisTeacherScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one UntisTeacher
// Create one UntisTeacher
const UntisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a UntisTeacher
Name | Type | Required |
data | UntisTeacherCreateInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one UntisTeacher
// Delete one UntisTeacher
const UntisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one UntisTeacher
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one UntisTeacher
// Update one UntisTeacher
const untisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | UntisTeacherUpdateInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more UntisTeacher
// Delete a few UntisTeacher
const { count } = await prisma.untisTeacher.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisTeacherWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one UntisTeacher
const { count } = await prisma.untisTeacher.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | UntisTeacherUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | UntisTeacherWhereInput | No |
Create or update one UntisTeacher
// Update or create a UntisTeacher
const untisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a UntisTeacher
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the UntisTeacher we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | UntisTeacherCreateInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | UntisTeacherUpdateInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | Int |
Yes | - |
room | String |
Yes | - |
subject | String |
Yes | - |
description | String |
Yes | - |
semesterNr | Int |
Yes | - |
year | Int |
Yes | - |
weekDay | Int |
Yes | - |
startHHMM | Int |
Yes | - |
endHHMM | Int |
Yes | - |
classes | UntisClass[] |
Yes | - |
teachers | UntisTeacher[] |
Yes | - |
semester | Semester |
Yes | - |
semesterId | String |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one UntisLesson
// Get one UntisLesson
const untisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first UntisLesson
// Get one UntisLesson
const untisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisLessonWhereInput | No |
orderBy | UntisLessonOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UntisLessonOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | UntisLessonScalarFieldEnum | UntisLessonScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more UntisLesson
// Get all UntisLesson
const UntisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.findMany()
// Get first 10 UntisLesson
const UntisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisLessonWhereInput | No |
orderBy | UntisLessonOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UntisLessonOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | UntisLessonScalarFieldEnum | UntisLessonScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one UntisLesson
// Create one UntisLesson
const UntisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a UntisLesson
Name | Type | Required |
data | UntisLessonCreateInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one UntisLesson
// Delete one UntisLesson
const UntisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one UntisLesson
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one UntisLesson
// Update one UntisLesson
const untisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | UntisLessonUpdateInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more UntisLesson
// Delete a few UntisLesson
const { count } = await prisma.untisLesson.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisLessonWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one UntisLesson
const { count } = await prisma.untisLesson.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | UntisLessonUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | UntisLessonWhereInput | No |
Create or update one UntisLesson
// Update or create a UntisLesson
const untisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a UntisLesson
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the UntisLesson we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | UntisLessonCreateInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | UntisLessonUpdateInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | Int |
Yes | - |
name | String |
Yes | - |
legacyName | String? |
No | - |
year | Int |
Yes | - |
sf | String |
Yes | - |
lessons | UntisLesson[] |
Yes | - |
teachers | UntisTeacher[] |
Yes | - |
department | Department? |
No | - |
departmentId | String? |
No | - |
subscriptions | Subscription[] |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one UntisClass
// Get one UntisClass
const untisClass = await prisma.untisClass.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first UntisClass
// Get one UntisClass
const untisClass = await prisma.untisClass.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisClassWhereInput | No |
orderBy | UntisClassOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UntisClassOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | UntisClassScalarFieldEnum | UntisClassScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more UntisClass
// Get all UntisClass
const UntisClass = await prisma.untisClass.findMany()
// Get first 10 UntisClass
const UntisClass = await prisma.untisClass.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisClassWhereInput | No |
orderBy | UntisClassOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UntisClassOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | UntisClassScalarFieldEnum | UntisClassScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one UntisClass
// Create one UntisClass
const UntisClass = await prisma.untisClass.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a UntisClass
Name | Type | Required |
data | UntisClassCreateInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one UntisClass
// Delete one UntisClass
const UntisClass = await prisma.untisClass.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one UntisClass
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one UntisClass
// Update one UntisClass
const untisClass = await prisma.untisClass.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | UntisClassUpdateInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more UntisClass
// Delete a few UntisClass
const { count } = await prisma.untisClass.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisClassWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one UntisClass
const { count } = await prisma.untisClass.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | UntisClassUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | UntisClassWhereInput | No |
Create or update one UntisClass
// Update or create a UntisClass
const untisClass = await prisma.untisClass.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a UntisClass
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the UntisClass we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | UntisClassCreateInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | UntisClassUpdateInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
sid | String |
Yes | - |
sess | Json |
Yes | - |
expire | DateTime |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one Session
// Get one Session
const session = await prisma.session.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | SessionWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first Session
// Get one Session
const session = await prisma.session.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | SessionWhereInput | No |
orderBy | SessionOrderByWithRelationInput[] | SessionOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | SessionWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | SessionScalarFieldEnum | SessionScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more Session
// Get all Session
const Session = await prisma.session.findMany()
// Get first 10 Session
const Session = await prisma.session.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | SessionWhereInput | No |
orderBy | SessionOrderByWithRelationInput[] | SessionOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | SessionWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | SessionScalarFieldEnum | SessionScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one Session
// Create one Session
const Session = await prisma.session.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a Session
Name | Type | Required |
data | SessionCreateInput | SessionUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one Session
// Delete one Session
const Session = await prisma.session.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one Session
Name | Type | Required |
where | SessionWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one Session
// Update one Session
const session = await prisma.session.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | SessionUpdateInput | SessionUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | SessionWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more Session
// Delete a few Session
const { count } = await prisma.session.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | SessionWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one Session
const { count } = await prisma.session.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | SessionUpdateManyMutationInput | SessionUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | SessionWhereInput | No |
Create or update one Session
// Update or create a Session
const session = await prisma.session.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a Session
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the Session we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | SessionWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | SessionCreateInput | SessionUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | SessionUpdateInput | SessionUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Value |
@@unique |
@@index |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
userId | String |
Yes | - |
teacherId | Int |
Yes | - |
teacherName | String |
Yes | - |
classId | Int |
Yes | - |
className | String |
Yes | - |
semesterId | String |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one View_KLPs
// Get one View_KLPs
const view_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_KLPsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first View_KLPs
// Get one View_KLPs
const view_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_KLPsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_KLPsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_KLPsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_KLPsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_KLPsScalarFieldEnum | View_KLPsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more View_KLPs
// Get all View_KLPs
const View_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_KLPs
const View_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_KLPsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_KLPsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_KLPsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_KLPsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_KLPsScalarFieldEnum | View_KLPsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one View_KLPs
// Create one View_KLPs
const View_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a View_KLPs
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_KLPsCreateInput | view_KLPsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one View_KLPs
// Delete one View_KLPs
const View_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one View_KLPs
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_KLPsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one View_KLPs
// Update one View_KLPs
const view_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_KLPsUpdateInput | view_KLPsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | view_KLPsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more View_KLPs
// Delete a few View_KLPs
const { count } = await prisma.view_KLPs.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_KLPsWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one View_KLPs
const { count } = await prisma.view_KLPs.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_KLPsUpdateManyMutationInput | view_KLPsUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | view_KLPsWhereInput | No |
Create or update one View_KLPs
// Update or create a View_KLPs
const view_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a View_KLPs
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the View_KLPs we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_KLPsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | view_KLPsCreateInput | view_KLPsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | view_KLPsUpdateInput | view_KLPsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Value |
@@unique |
@@index |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
eventId | String |
Yes | - |
userId | String |
Yes | - |
semesterId | String |
Yes | - |
untisTeacherId | Int? |
No | - |
classId | Int |
Yes | - |
className | String |
Yes | - |
lessonId | Int |
Yes | - |
lessonSubject | String |
Yes | - |
eventAudience | EventAudience |
Yes | - |
affectedDepartmentId | String? |
No | - |
affectsDepartment | Boolean? |
No | - |
affectsClassname | Boolean |
Yes | - |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean |
Yes | - |
affectsLesson | Boolean |
Yes | - |
isKlp | Boolean? |
No | - |
Find zero or one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
// Get one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
// Get one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredScalarFieldEnum | View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
// Get all View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredScalarFieldEnum | View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
// Create one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredCreateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
// Delete one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
// Update one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUpdateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
// Delete a few View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const { count } = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const { count } = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUpdateManyMutationInput | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput | No |
Create or update one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
// Update or create a View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredCreateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUpdateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Value |
@@unique |
@@index |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
eventId | String |
Yes | - |
userId | String |
Yes | - |
semesterId | String |
Yes | - |
untisTeacherId | Int? |
No | - |
classId | Int |
Yes | - |
className | String |
Yes | - |
lessonId | Int |
Yes | - |
lessonSubject | String |
Yes | - |
eventAudience | EventAudience |
Yes | - |
affectedDepartmentId | String? |
No | - |
affectsDepartment | Boolean? |
No | - |
affectsClassname | Boolean |
Yes | - |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean |
Yes | - |
affectsLesson | Boolean |
Yes | - |
isKlp | Boolean? |
No | - |
Find zero or one View_AffectedByEvents
// Get one View_AffectedByEvents
const view_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_AffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first View_AffectedByEvents
// Get one View_AffectedByEvents
const view_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_AffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_AffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_AffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_AffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum | View_AffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more View_AffectedByEvents
// Get all View_AffectedByEvents
const View_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_AffectedByEvents
const View_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_AffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_AffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_AffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_AffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum | View_AffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one View_AffectedByEvents
// Create one View_AffectedByEvents
const View_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a View_AffectedByEvents
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_AffectedByEventsCreateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one View_AffectedByEvents
// Delete one View_AffectedByEvents
const View_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one View_AffectedByEvents
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_AffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one View_AffectedByEvents
// Update one View_AffectedByEvents
const view_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_AffectedByEventsUpdateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | view_AffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more View_AffectedByEvents
// Delete a few View_AffectedByEvents
const { count } = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one View_AffectedByEvents
const { count } = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_AffectedByEventsUpdateManyMutationInput | view_AffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput | No |
Create or update one View_AffectedByEvents
// Update or create a View_AffectedByEvents
const view_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a View_AffectedByEvents
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the View_AffectedByEvents we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_AffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | view_AffectedByEventsCreateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | view_AffectedByEventsUpdateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Value |
@@unique |
@@index |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
userId | String |
Yes | - |
semesterId | String |
Yes | - |
id | String |
Yes | - |
authorId | String |
Yes | - |
start | DateTime |
Yes | - |
end | DateTime |
Yes | - |
location | String |
Yes | - |
description | String |
Yes | - |
descriptionLong | String |
Yes | - |
state | EventState |
Yes | - |
jobId | String? |
No | - |
classes | String[] |
Yes | - |
classGroups | String[] |
Yes | - |
createdAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
updatedAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
deletedAt | DateTime? |
No | - |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected |
Yes | - |
parentId | String? |
No | - |
clonedFromId | String? |
No | - |
cloned | Boolean |
Yes | - |
audience | EventAudience |
Yes | - |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean? |
No | - |
meta | Json? |
No | - |
Find zero or one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
// Get one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const view_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first View_UsersAffectedByEvents
// Get one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const view_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_UsersAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_UsersAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_UsersAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum | View_UsersAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more View_UsersAffectedByEvents
// Get all View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const View_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const View_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_UsersAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_UsersAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_UsersAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum | View_UsersAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
// Create one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const View_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a View_UsersAffectedByEvents
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_UsersAffectedByEventsCreateInput | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
// Delete one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const View_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
// Update one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const view_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUpdateInput | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more View_UsersAffectedByEvents
// Delete a few View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const { count } = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const { count } = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUpdateManyMutationInput | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereInput | No |
Create or update one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
// Update or create a View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const view_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a View_UsersAffectedByEvents
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the View_UsersAffectedByEvents we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | view_UsersAffectedByEventsCreateInput | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUpdateInput | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Value |
@@unique |
@@index |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
eventId | String |
Yes | - |
sId | String |
Yes | - |
id | Int |
Yes | - |
room | String |
Yes | - |
subject | String |
Yes | - |
description | String |
Yes | - |
semesterNr | Int |
Yes | - |
year | Int |
Yes | - |
weekDay | Int |
Yes | - |
startHHMM | Int |
Yes | - |
endHHMM | Int |
Yes | - |
semesterId | String? |
No | - |
teacherIds | Int[] |
Yes | - |
classIds | Int[] |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
// Get one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const view_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
// Get one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const view_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
// Get all View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const View_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const View_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
// Create one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const View_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsCreateInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
// Delete one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const View_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
// Update one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const view_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
// Delete a few View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const { count } = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const { count } = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateManyMutationInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput | No |
Create or update one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
// Update or create a View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const view_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the View_LessonsAffectedByEvents we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsCreateInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Value |
@@unique |
@@index |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | String |
Yes | - |
authorId | String |
Yes | - |
start | DateTime |
Yes | - |
end | DateTime |
Yes | - |
location | String |
Yes | - |
description | String |
Yes | - |
descriptionLong | String |
Yes | - |
state | EventState |
Yes | - |
jobId | String? |
No | - |
classes | String[] |
Yes | - |
classGroups | String[] |
Yes | - |
createdAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
updatedAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
deletedAt | DateTime? |
No | - |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected |
Yes | - |
parentId | String? |
No | - |
clonedFromId | String? |
No | - |
cloned | Boolean |
Yes | - |
audience | EventAudience |
Yes | - |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean? |
No | - |
meta | Json? |
No | - |
classId | Int |
Yes | - |
className | String |
Yes | - |
departmentId | String |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one View_EventsClasses
// Get one View_EventsClasses
const view_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsClassesWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first View_EventsClasses
// Get one View_EventsClasses
const view_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsClassesWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_EventsClassesOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_EventsClassesOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_EventsClassesWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_EventsClassesScalarFieldEnum | View_EventsClassesScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more View_EventsClasses
// Get all View_EventsClasses
const View_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_EventsClasses
const View_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsClassesWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_EventsClassesOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_EventsClassesOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_EventsClassesWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_EventsClassesScalarFieldEnum | View_EventsClassesScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one View_EventsClasses
// Create one View_EventsClasses
const View_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a View_EventsClasses
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_EventsClassesCreateInput | view_EventsClassesUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one View_EventsClasses
// Delete one View_EventsClasses
const View_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one View_EventsClasses
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsClassesWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one View_EventsClasses
// Update one View_EventsClasses
const view_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_EventsClassesUpdateInput | view_EventsClassesUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | view_EventsClassesWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more View_EventsClasses
// Delete a few View_EventsClasses
const { count } = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsClassesWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one View_EventsClasses
const { count } = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_EventsClassesUpdateManyMutationInput | view_EventsClassesUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | view_EventsClassesWhereInput | No |
Create or update one View_EventsClasses
// Update or create a View_EventsClasses
const view_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a View_EventsClasses
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the View_EventsClasses we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsClassesWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | view_EventsClassesCreateInput | view_EventsClassesUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | view_EventsClassesUpdateInput | view_EventsClassesUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Value |
@@unique |
@@index |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
id | String |
Yes | - |
authorId | String |
Yes | - |
start | DateTime |
Yes | - |
end | DateTime |
Yes | - |
location | String |
Yes | - |
description | String |
Yes | - |
descriptionLong | String |
Yes | - |
state | EventState |
Yes | - |
jobId | String? |
No | - |
classes | String[] |
Yes | - |
classGroups | String[] |
Yes | - |
createdAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
updatedAt | DateTime |
Yes | - |
deletedAt | DateTime? |
No | - |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected |
Yes | - |
parentId | String? |
No | - |
clonedFromId | String? |
No | - |
cloned | Boolean |
Yes | - |
audience | EventAudience |
Yes | - |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean? |
No | - |
meta | Json? |
No | - |
departmentId | String |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one View_EventsDepartments
// Get one View_EventsDepartments
const view_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsDepartmentsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first View_EventsDepartments
// Get one View_EventsDepartments
const view_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsDepartmentsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_EventsDepartmentsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_EventsDepartmentsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_EventsDepartmentsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_EventsDepartmentsScalarFieldEnum | View_EventsDepartmentsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more View_EventsDepartments
// Get all View_EventsDepartments
const View_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_EventsDepartments
const View_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsDepartmentsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_EventsDepartmentsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_EventsDepartmentsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_EventsDepartmentsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_EventsDepartmentsScalarFieldEnum | View_EventsDepartmentsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one View_EventsDepartments
// Create one View_EventsDepartments
const View_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a View_EventsDepartments
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_EventsDepartmentsCreateInput | view_EventsDepartmentsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one View_EventsDepartments
// Delete one View_EventsDepartments
const View_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one View_EventsDepartments
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsDepartmentsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one View_EventsDepartments
// Update one View_EventsDepartments
const view_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_EventsDepartmentsUpdateInput | view_EventsDepartmentsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | view_EventsDepartmentsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more View_EventsDepartments
// Delete a few View_EventsDepartments
const { count } = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsDepartmentsWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one View_EventsDepartments
const { count } = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_EventsDepartmentsUpdateManyMutationInput | view_EventsDepartmentsUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | view_EventsDepartmentsWhereInput | No |
Create or update one View_EventsDepartments
// Update or create a View_EventsDepartments
const view_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a View_EventsDepartments
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the View_EventsDepartments we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsDepartmentsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | view_EventsDepartmentsCreateInput | view_EventsDepartmentsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | view_EventsDepartmentsUpdateInput | view_EventsDepartmentsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Value |
@@unique |
@@index |
Name | Type | Attributes | Required | Comment |
eventId | String |
Yes | - |
rpId | String |
Yes | - |
rpName | String |
Yes | - |
rpIsOpen | Boolean |
Yes | - |
rpStart | DateTime |
Yes | - |
rpEnd | DateTime |
Yes | - |
rpEventRangeStart | DateTime |
Yes | - |
rpEventRangeEnd | DateTime |
Yes | - |
Find zero or one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
// Get one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const view_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.findUnique({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Find first View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
// Get one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const view_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.findFirst({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarFieldEnum | View_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Find zero or more View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
// Get all View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const View_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const View_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.findMany({ take: 10 })
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput | No |
orderBy | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
cursor | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereUniqueInput | No |
take | Int | No |
skip | Int | No |
distinct | View_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarFieldEnum | View_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarFieldEnum[] | No |
Create one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
// Create one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const View_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.create({
data: {
// ... data to create a View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsCreateInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
Delete one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
// Delete one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const View_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.delete({
where: {
// ... filter to delete one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Update one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
// Update one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const view_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.update({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUpdateInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
where | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
Delete zero or more View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
// Delete a few View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const { count } = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.deleteMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput | No |
Update zero or one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const { count } = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.updateMany({
where: {
// ... provide filter here
data: {
// ... provide data here
Name | Type | Required |
data | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUpdateManyMutationInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUncheckedUpdateManyInput | Yes |
where | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput | No |
Create or update one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
// Update or create a View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const view_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.upsert({
create: {
// ... data to create a View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
update: {
// ... in case it already exists, update
where: {
// ... the filter for the View_EventsRegistrationPeriods we want to update
Name | Type | Required |
where | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereUniqueInput | Yes |
create | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsCreateInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUncheckedCreateInput | Yes |
update | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUpdateInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUncheckedUpdateInput | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | UserWhereInput | UserWhereInput[] | No |
OR | UserWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | UserWhereInput | UserWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
StringFilter | String | No | |
untisId | IntNullableFilter | Int | Null | Yes |
firstName | StringFilter | String | No |
lastName | StringFilter | String | No |
role | EnumRoleFilter | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
untis | UntisTeacherNullableScalarRelationFilter | UntisTeacherWhereInput | Null | Yes |
events | EventListRelationFilter | No |
jobs | JobListRelationFilter | No |
subscription | SubscriptionNullableScalarRelationFilter | SubscriptionWhereInput | Null | Yes |
eventGroups | EventGroupListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
SortOrder | No | |
untisId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
firstName | SortOrder | No |
lastName | SortOrder | No |
role | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
untis | UntisTeacherOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
events | EventOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
jobs | JobOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
untisId | Int | No |
AND | UserWhereInput | UserWhereInput[] | No |
OR | UserWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | UserWhereInput | UserWhereInput[] | No |
firstName | StringFilter | String | No |
lastName | StringFilter | String | No |
role | EnumRoleFilter | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
untis | UntisTeacherNullableScalarRelationFilter | UntisTeacherWhereInput | Null | Yes |
events | EventListRelationFilter | No |
jobs | JobListRelationFilter | No |
subscription | SubscriptionNullableScalarRelationFilter | SubscriptionWhereInput | Null | Yes |
eventGroups | EventGroupListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
SortOrder | No | |
untisId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
firstName | SortOrder | No |
lastName | SortOrder | No |
role | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
_count | UserCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | UserAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | UserMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | UserMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | UserSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | UserScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | UserScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | UserScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | UserScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | UserScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No | |
untisId | IntNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Int | Null | Yes |
firstName | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
lastName | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
role | EnumRoleWithAggregatesFilter | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | BoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | BoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | BoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
parentId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classes | SortOrder | No |
classGroups | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
meta | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
_count | EventCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | EventMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | EventMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | SubscriptionWhereInput | SubscriptionWhereInput[] | No |
OR | SubscriptionWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | SubscriptionWhereInput | SubscriptionWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
userId | UuidFilter | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | StringFilter | String | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
user | UserScalarRelationFilter | UserWhereInput | No |
departments | DepartmentListRelationFilter | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassListRelationFilter | No |
ignoredEvents | EventListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
subscribeToAffected | SortOrder | No |
icsLocator | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
user | UserOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
departments | DepartmentOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
userId | String | No |
icsLocator | String | No |
AND | SubscriptionWhereInput | SubscriptionWhereInput[] | No |
OR | SubscriptionWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | SubscriptionWhereInput | SubscriptionWhereInput[] | No |
subscribeToAffected | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
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updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
user | UserScalarRelationFilter | UserWhereInput | No |
departments | DepartmentListRelationFilter | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassListRelationFilter | No |
ignoredEvents | EventListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
subscribeToAffected | SortOrder | No |
icsLocator | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
_count | SubscriptionCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | SubscriptionMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | SubscriptionMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | SubscriptionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | SubscriptionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | SubscriptionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | SubscriptionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | SubscriptionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
userId | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | BoolWithAggregatesFilter | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
createdAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | EventGroupWhereInput | EventGroupWhereInput[] | No |
OR | EventGroupWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | EventGroupWhereInput | EventGroupWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
collection | StringFilter | String | No |
meta | JsonFilter | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
events | EventListRelationFilter | No |
users | UserListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
collection | SortOrder | No |
meta | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
events | EventOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
users | UserOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
AND | EventGroupWhereInput | EventGroupWhereInput[] | No |
OR | EventGroupWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | EventGroupWhereInput | EventGroupWhereInput[] | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
collection | StringFilter | String | No |
meta | JsonFilter | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
events | EventListRelationFilter | No |
users | UserListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
collection | SortOrder | No |
meta | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
_count | EventGroupCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | EventGroupMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | EventGroupMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | EventGroupScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | EventGroupScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | EventGroupScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | EventGroupScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | EventGroupScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
name | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
description | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
collection | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
meta | JsonWithAggregatesFilter | No |
createdAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
letter | SortOrder | No |
classLetters | SortOrder | No |
department1_Id | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
department2_Id | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
color | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
department1 | DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
department2 | DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
classes | UntisClassOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
events | EventOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
department1_Id | String | No |
department2_Id | String | No |
AND | DepartmentWhereInput | DepartmentWhereInput[] | No |
OR | DepartmentWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | DepartmentWhereInput | DepartmentWhereInput[] | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
letter | StringFilter | String | No |
classLetters | StringNullableListFilter | No |
color | StringFilter | String | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
department1 | DepartmentNullableScalarRelationFilter | DepartmentWhereInput | Null | Yes |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentNullableScalarRelationFilter | DepartmentWhereInput | Null | Yes |
department2 | DepartmentNullableScalarRelationFilter | DepartmentWhereInput | Null | Yes |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentNullableScalarRelationFilter | DepartmentWhereInput | Null | Yes |
classes | UntisClassListRelationFilter | No |
events | EventListRelationFilter | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodListRelationFilter | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
letter | SortOrder | No |
classLetters | SortOrder | No |
department1_Id | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
department2_Id | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
color | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
_count | DepartmentCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | DepartmentMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | DepartmentMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | DepartmentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | DepartmentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | DepartmentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | DepartmentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | DepartmentScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
name | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
description | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
letter | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
classLetters | StringNullableListFilter | No |
department1_Id | UuidNullableWithAggregatesFilter | String | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | UuidNullableWithAggregatesFilter | String | Null | Yes |
color | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
createdAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | SemesterWhereInput | SemesterWhereInput[] | No |
OR | SemesterWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | SemesterWhereInput | SemesterWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
start | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
end | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
lessons | UntisLessonListRelationFilter | No |
jobs | JobListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
untisSyncDate | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
lessons | UntisLessonOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
jobs | JobOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
AND | SemesterWhereInput | SemesterWhereInput[] | No |
OR | SemesterWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | SemesterWhereInput | SemesterWhereInput[] | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
start | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
end | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
lessons | UntisLessonListRelationFilter | No |
jobs | JobListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
untisSyncDate | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
_count | SemesterCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | SemesterMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | SemesterMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | SemesterScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | SemesterScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | SemesterScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | SemesterScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | SemesterScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
name | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
start | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
end | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
createdAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput[] | No |
OR | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
start | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
end | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
isOpen | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
departments | DepartmentListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
eventRangeStart | SortOrder | No |
eventRangeEnd | SortOrder | No |
isOpen | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
departments | DepartmentOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
AND | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput[] | No |
OR | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput[] | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
start | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
end | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
isOpen | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
departments | DepartmentListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
eventRangeStart | SortOrder | No |
eventRangeEnd | SortOrder | No |
isOpen | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
_count | RegistrationPeriodCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | RegistrationPeriodMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | RegistrationPeriodMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
name | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
description | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
start | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
end | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
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isOpen | BoolWithAggregatesFilter | Boolean | No |
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updatedAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | JobWhereInput | JobWhereInput[] | No |
OR | JobWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | JobWhereInput | JobWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
type | EnumJobTypeFilter | JobType | No |
state | EnumJobStateFilter | JobState | No |
userId | UuidFilter | String | No |
semesterId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
filename | StringNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
log | StringFilter | String | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
user | UserScalarRelationFilter | UserWhereInput | No |
semester | SemesterNullableScalarRelationFilter | SemesterWhereInput | Null | Yes |
events | EventListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
type | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
syncDate | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
filename | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
log | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
user | UserOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
semester | SemesterOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
events | EventOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
AND | JobWhereInput | JobWhereInput[] | No |
OR | JobWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | JobWhereInput | JobWhereInput[] | No |
type | EnumJobTypeFilter | JobType | No |
state | EnumJobStateFilter | JobState | No |
userId | UuidFilter | String | No |
semesterId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
filename | StringNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
log | StringFilter | String | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
user | UserScalarRelationFilter | UserWhereInput | No |
semester | SemesterNullableScalarRelationFilter | SemesterWhereInput | Null | Yes |
events | EventListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
type | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
syncDate | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
filename | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
log | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
_count | JobCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | JobMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | JobMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | JobScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | JobScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | JobScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | JobScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | JobScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
type | EnumJobTypeWithAggregatesFilter | JobType | No |
state | EnumJobStateWithAggregatesFilter | JobState | No |
userId | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
semesterId | UuidNullableWithAggregatesFilter | String | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
filename | StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | String | Null | Yes |
log | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
createdAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | UntisTeacherWhereInput | UntisTeacherWhereInput[] | No |
OR | UntisTeacherWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | UntisTeacherWhereInput | UntisTeacherWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
longName | StringFilter | String | No |
title | StringFilter | String | No |
active | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
lessons | UntisLessonListRelationFilter | No |
classes | UntisClassListRelationFilter | No |
user | UserNullableScalarRelationFilter | UserWhereInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
longName | SortOrder | No |
title | SortOrder | No |
active | SortOrder | No |
lessons | UntisLessonOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
classes | UntisClassOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
user | UserOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
AND | UntisTeacherWhereInput | UntisTeacherWhereInput[] | No |
OR | UntisTeacherWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | UntisTeacherWhereInput | UntisTeacherWhereInput[] | No |
longName | StringFilter | String | No |
title | StringFilter | String | No |
active | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
lessons | UntisLessonListRelationFilter | No |
classes | UntisClassListRelationFilter | No |
user | UserNullableScalarRelationFilter | UserWhereInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
longName | SortOrder | No |
title | SortOrder | No |
active | SortOrder | No |
_count | UntisTeacherCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | UntisTeacherAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | UntisTeacherMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | UntisTeacherMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | UntisTeacherSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | UntisTeacherScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | UntisTeacherScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | UntisTeacherScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | UntisTeacherScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | UntisTeacherScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
name | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
longName | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
title | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
active | BoolWithAggregatesFilter | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | UntisLessonWhereInput | UntisLessonWhereInput[] | No |
OR | UntisLessonWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | UntisLessonWhereInput | UntisLessonWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
room | StringFilter | String | No |
subject | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
semesterNr | IntFilter | Int | No |
year | IntFilter | Int | No |
weekDay | IntFilter | Int | No |
startHHMM | IntFilter | Int | No |
endHHMM | IntFilter | Int | No |
semesterId | UuidFilter | String | No |
classes | UntisClassListRelationFilter | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherListRelationFilter | No |
semester | SemesterScalarRelationFilter | SemesterWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
room | SortOrder | No |
subject | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
endHHMM | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
classes | UntisClassOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
semester | SemesterOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
AND | UntisLessonWhereInput | UntisLessonWhereInput[] | No |
OR | UntisLessonWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | UntisLessonWhereInput | UntisLessonWhereInput[] | No |
room | StringFilter | String | No |
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description | StringFilter | String | No |
semesterNr | IntFilter | Int | No |
year | IntFilter | Int | No |
weekDay | IntFilter | Int | No |
startHHMM | IntFilter | Int | No |
endHHMM | IntFilter | Int | No |
semesterId | UuidFilter | String | No |
classes | UntisClassListRelationFilter | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherListRelationFilter | No |
semester | SemesterScalarRelationFilter | SemesterWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
room | SortOrder | No |
subject | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
endHHMM | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
_count | UntisLessonCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | UntisLessonAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | UntisLessonMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | UntisLessonMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | UntisLessonSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | UntisLessonScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | UntisLessonScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | UntisLessonScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | UntisLessonScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | UntisLessonScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
room | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
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description | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
semesterNr | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
year | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
weekDay | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
startHHMM | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
endHHMM | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
semesterId | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | UntisClassWhereInput | UntisClassWhereInput[] | No |
OR | UntisClassWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | UntisClassWhereInput | UntisClassWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
legacyName | StringNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
year | IntFilter | Int | No |
sf | StringFilter | String | No |
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lessons | UntisLessonListRelationFilter | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherListRelationFilter | No |
department | DepartmentNullableScalarRelationFilter | DepartmentWhereInput | Null | Yes |
subscriptions | SubscriptionListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
legacyName | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
sf | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
department | DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionOrderByRelationAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | No |
AND | UntisClassWhereInput | UntisClassWhereInput[] | No |
OR | UntisClassWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | UntisClassWhereInput | UntisClassWhereInput[] | No |
year | IntFilter | Int | No |
sf | StringFilter | String | No |
departmentId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
lessons | UntisLessonListRelationFilter | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherListRelationFilter | No |
department | DepartmentNullableScalarRelationFilter | DepartmentWhereInput | Null | Yes |
subscriptions | SubscriptionListRelationFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
legacyName | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
sf | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
_count | UntisClassCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | UntisClassAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | UntisClassMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | UntisClassMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | UntisClassSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | UntisClassScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | UntisClassScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | UntisClassScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | UntisClassScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | UntisClassScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
id | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
name | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
legacyName | StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | String | Null | Yes |
year | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
sf | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
departmentId | UuidNullableWithAggregatesFilter | String | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | SessionWhereInput | SessionWhereInput[] | No |
OR | SessionWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | SessionWhereInput | SessionWhereInput[] | No |
sid | StringFilter | String | No |
sess | JsonFilter | No |
expire | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | SortOrder | No |
sess | SortOrder | No |
expire | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | String | No |
AND | SessionWhereInput | SessionWhereInput[] | No |
OR | SessionWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | SessionWhereInput | SessionWhereInput[] | No |
sess | JsonFilter | No |
expire | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | SortOrder | No |
sess | SortOrder | No |
expire | SortOrder | No |
_count | SessionCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | SessionMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | SessionMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | SessionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | SessionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | SessionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | SessionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | SessionScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
sid | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
sess | JsonWithAggregatesFilter | No |
expire | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | view_KLPsWhereInput | view_KLPsWhereInput[] | No |
OR | view_KLPsWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | view_KLPsWhereInput | view_KLPsWhereInput[] | No |
userId | UuidFilter | String | No |
teacherId | IntFilter | Int | No |
teacherName | StringFilter | String | No |
classId | IntFilter | Int | No |
className | StringFilter | String | No |
semesterId | UuidFilter | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | SortOrder | No |
teacherId | SortOrder | No |
teacherName | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId_teacherId_classId_semesterId | view_KLPsUserIdTeacherIdClassIdSemesterIdCompoundUniqueInput | No |
AND | view_KLPsWhereInput | view_KLPsWhereInput[] | No |
OR | view_KLPsWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | view_KLPsWhereInput | view_KLPsWhereInput[] | No |
userId | UuidFilter | String | No |
teacherId | IntFilter | Int | No |
teacherName | StringFilter | String | No |
classId | IntFilter | Int | No |
className | StringFilter | String | No |
semesterId | UuidFilter | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | SortOrder | No |
teacherId | SortOrder | No |
teacherName | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
_count | view_KLPsCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | view_KLPsAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | view_KLPsMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | view_KLPsMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | view_KLPsSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | view_KLPsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | view_KLPsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | view_KLPsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | view_KLPsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | view_KLPsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
userId | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
teacherId | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
teacherName | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
classId | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
className | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
semesterId | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput[] | No |
OR | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput[] | No |
eventId | UuidFilter | String | No |
userId | UuidFilter | String | No |
semesterId | UuidFilter | String | No |
untisTeacherId | IntNullableFilter | Int | Null | Yes |
classId | IntFilter | Int | No |
className | StringFilter | String | No |
lessonId | IntFilter | Int | No |
lessonSubject | StringFilter | String | No |
eventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFilter | EventAudience | No |
affectedDepartmentId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
affectsClassgroup | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
affectsLesson | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
isKlp | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
lessonSubject | SortOrder | No |
eventAudience | SortOrder | No |
affectedDepartmentId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
affectsDepartment | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
affectsClassname | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassgroup | SortOrder | No |
affectsLesson | SortOrder | No |
isKlp | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
lessonSubject | SortOrder | No |
eventAudience | SortOrder | No |
affectedDepartmentId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
affectsDepartment | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
affectsClassname | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassgroup | SortOrder | No |
affectsLesson | SortOrder | No |
isKlp | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
_count | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput[] | No |
OR | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput[] | No |
eventId | UuidFilter | String | No |
userId | UuidFilter | String | No |
semesterId | UuidFilter | String | No |
untisTeacherId | IntNullableFilter | Int | Null | Yes |
classId | IntFilter | Int | No |
className | StringFilter | String | No |
lessonId | IntFilter | Int | No |
lessonSubject | StringFilter | String | No |
eventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFilter | EventAudience | No |
affectedDepartmentId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
affectsClassgroup | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
affectsLesson | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
isKlp | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
lessonSubject | SortOrder | No |
eventAudience | SortOrder | No |
affectedDepartmentId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
affectsDepartment | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
affectsClassname | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassgroup | SortOrder | No |
affectsLesson | SortOrder | No |
isKlp | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId_eventId_semesterId_classId_lessonId | view_AffectedByEventsUserIdEventIdSemesterIdClassIdLessonIdCompoundUniqueInput | No |
AND | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput[] | No |
OR | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput | view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput[] | No |
eventId | UuidFilter | String | No |
userId | UuidFilter | String | No |
semesterId | UuidFilter | String | No |
untisTeacherId | IntNullableFilter | Int | Null | Yes |
classId | IntFilter | Int | No |
className | StringFilter | String | No |
lessonId | IntFilter | Int | No |
lessonSubject | StringFilter | String | No |
eventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFilter | EventAudience | No |
affectedDepartmentId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
affectsClassgroup | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
affectsLesson | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
isKlp | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
lessonSubject | SortOrder | No |
eventAudience | SortOrder | No |
affectedDepartmentId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
affectsDepartment | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
affectsClassname | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassgroup | SortOrder | No |
affectsLesson | SortOrder | No |
isKlp | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
_count | view_AffectedByEventsCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | view_AffectedByEventsAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | view_AffectedByEventsMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | view_AffectedByEventsMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | view_AffectedByEventsSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classes | SortOrder | No |
classGroups | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
meta | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classes | SortOrder | No |
classGroups | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
meta | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
_count | view_UsersAffectedByEventsCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | view_UsersAffectedByEventsMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | view_UsersAffectedByEventsMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput[] | No |
OR | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput[] | No |
eventId | UuidFilter | String | No |
sId | UuidFilter | String | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
room | StringFilter | String | No |
subject | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
semesterNr | IntFilter | Int | No |
year | IntFilter | Int | No |
weekDay | IntFilter | Int | No |
startHHMM | IntFilter | Int | No |
endHHMM | IntFilter | Int | No |
semesterId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
teacherIds | IntNullableListFilter | No |
classIds | IntNullableListFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
sId | SortOrder | No |
id | SortOrder | No |
room | SortOrder | No |
subject | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
endHHMM | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
teacherIds | SortOrder | No |
classIds | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
id_eventId_sId | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsIdEventIdSIdCompoundUniqueInput | No |
AND | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput[] | No |
OR | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput[] | No |
eventId | UuidFilter | String | No |
sId | UuidFilter | String | No |
room | StringFilter | String | No |
subject | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
semesterNr | IntFilter | Int | No |
year | IntFilter | Int | No |
weekDay | IntFilter | Int | No |
startHHMM | IntFilter | Int | No |
endHHMM | IntFilter | Int | No |
semesterId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
teacherIds | IntNullableListFilter | No |
classIds | IntNullableListFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
sId | SortOrder | No |
id | SortOrder | No |
room | SortOrder | No |
subject | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
endHHMM | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
teacherIds | SortOrder | No |
classIds | SortOrder | No |
_count | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
eventId | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
sId | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
id | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
room | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
subject | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
description | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
semesterNr | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
year | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
weekDay | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
startHHMM | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
endHHMM | IntWithAggregatesFilter | Int | No |
semesterId | UuidNullableWithAggregatesFilter | String | Null | Yes |
teacherIds | IntNullableListFilter | No |
classIds | IntNullableListFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | view_EventsClassesWhereInput | view_EventsClassesWhereInput[] | No |
OR | view_EventsClassesWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | view_EventsClassesWhereInput | view_EventsClassesWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
authorId | UuidFilter | String | No |
start | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
end | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
location | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
descriptionLong | StringFilter | String | No |
state | EnumEventStateFilter | EventState | No |
jobId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
classes | StringNullableListFilter | No |
classGroups | StringNullableListFilter | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFilter | TeachingAffected | No |
parentId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
cloned | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
audience | EnumEventAudienceFilter | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
meta | JsonNullableFilter | No |
classId | IntFilter | Int | No |
className | StringFilter | String | No |
departmentId | UuidFilter | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classes | SortOrder | No |
classGroups | SortOrder | No |
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updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
meta | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
id_classId_departmentId | view_EventsClassesIdClassIdDepartmentIdCompoundUniqueInput | No |
AND | view_EventsClassesWhereInput | view_EventsClassesWhereInput[] | No |
OR | view_EventsClassesWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | view_EventsClassesWhereInput | view_EventsClassesWhereInput[] | No |
authorId | UuidFilter | String | No |
start | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
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location | StringFilter | String | No |
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jobId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
classes | StringNullableListFilter | No |
classGroups | StringNullableListFilter | No |
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updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFilter | TeachingAffected | No |
parentId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
cloned | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
audience | EnumEventAudienceFilter | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
meta | JsonNullableFilter | No |
classId | IntFilter | Int | No |
className | StringFilter | String | No |
departmentId | UuidFilter | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classes | SortOrder | No |
classGroups | SortOrder | No |
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updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
meta | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
_count | view_EventsClassesCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_avg | view_EventsClassesAvgOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | view_EventsClassesMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | view_EventsClassesMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_sum | view_EventsClassesSumOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
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jobId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classes | SortOrder | No |
classGroups | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
meta | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
classes | SortOrder | No |
classGroups | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
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cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
meta | SortOrder | SortOrderInput | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
_count | view_EventsDepartmentsCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | view_EventsDepartmentsMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | view_EventsDepartmentsMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput[] | No |
OR | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput[] | No |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
rpId | SortOrder | No |
rpName | SortOrder | No |
rpIsOpen | SortOrder | No |
rpStart | SortOrder | No |
rpEnd | SortOrder | No |
rpEventRangeStart | SortOrder | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId_rpId | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsEventIdRpIdCompoundUniqueInput | No |
AND | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput[] | No |
OR | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput[] | No |
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rpId | UuidFilter | String | No |
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rpEventRangeEnd | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
rpId | SortOrder | No |
rpName | SortOrder | No |
rpIsOpen | SortOrder | No |
rpStart | SortOrder | No |
rpEnd | SortOrder | No |
rpEventRangeStart | SortOrder | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | SortOrder | No |
_count | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsCountOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_max | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsMaxOrderByAggregateInput | No |
_min | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsMinOrderByAggregateInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
OR | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
NOT | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput[] | No |
eventId | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
rpId | UuidWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
rpName | StringWithAggregatesFilter | String | No |
rpIsOpen | BoolWithAggregatesFilter | Boolean | No |
rpStart | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
rpEnd | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
rpEventRangeStart | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | DateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
untis | UntisTeacherCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput | No |
jobs | JobCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
untisId | Int | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput | No |
jobs | JobUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
untis | UntisTeacherUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput | No |
jobs | JobUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
untisId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput | No |
jobs | JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
untisId | Int | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
untisId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
author | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
job | JobCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
parent | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput | No |
children | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clonedFrom | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutClonesInput | No |
clones | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
children | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clones | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
user | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
userId | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
user | UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutSubscriptionNestedInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
userId | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
collection | String | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutGroupsInput | No |
users | UserCreateNestedManyWithoutEventGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
collection | String | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutGroupsInput | No |
users | UserUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
collection | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutGroupsNestedInput | No |
users | UserUpdateManyWithoutEventGroupsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
collection | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutGroupsNestedInput | No |
users | UserUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventGroupsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
collection | String | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
collection | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
collection | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
department1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
department2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | Null | Yes |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
department1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
department2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | Null | Yes |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
lessons | UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutSemesterInput | No |
jobs | JobCreateNestedManyWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSemesterInput | No |
jobs | JobUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithoutSemesterNestedInput | No |
jobs | JobUpdateManyWithoutSemesterNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSemesterNestedInput | No |
jobs | JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSemesterNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | No |
isOpen | Boolean | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | No |
isOpen | Boolean | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isOpen | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUpdateManyWithoutRegistrationPeriodsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isOpen | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutRegistrationPeriodsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | No |
isOpen | Boolean | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isOpen | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isOpen | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
type | JobType | No |
state | JobState | No |
syncDate | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | String | No |
filename | String | Null | Yes |
log | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
user | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutJobsInput | No |
semester | SemesterCreateNestedOneWithoutJobsInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutJobInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
type | JobType | No |
state | JobState | No |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | String | No |
filename | String | Null | Yes |
log | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutJobInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
state | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
syncDate | DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
log | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
user | UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutJobsNestedInput | No |
semester | SemesterUpdateOneWithoutJobsNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutJobNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
state | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
log | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutJobNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
type | JobType | No |
state | JobState | No |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | String | No |
filename | String | Null | Yes |
log | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
state | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
syncDate | DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
log | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
state | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
log | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
longName | String | No |
title | String | No |
active | Boolean | No |
lessons | UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
user | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutUntisInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
longName | String | No |
title | String | No |
active | Boolean | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
user | UserUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutUntisInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
longName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
title | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
active | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput | No |
user | UserUpdateOneWithoutUntisNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
longName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
title | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
active | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput | No |
user | UserUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutUntisNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
longName | String | No |
title | String | No |
active | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
longName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
title | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
active | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
longName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
title | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
active | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
semester | SemesterCreateNestedOneWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
semesterId | String | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
semester | SemesterUpdateOneRequiredWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
semesterId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | Null | Yes |
year | Int | No |
sf | String | No |
lessons | UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
department | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutClassesInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | Null | Yes |
year | Int | No |
sf | String | No |
departmentId | String | Null | Yes |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
department | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUpdateManyWithoutUntisClassesNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUntisClassesNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | Null | Yes |
year | Int | No |
sf | String | No |
departmentId | String | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | String | No |
sess | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
expire | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | String | No |
sess | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
expire | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sess | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
expire | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sess | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
expire | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | String | No |
sess | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
expire | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sess | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
expire | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sess | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
expire | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | No |
teacherId | Int | No |
teacherName | String | No |
classId | Int | No |
className | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | No |
teacherId | Int | No |
teacherName | String | No |
classId | Int | No |
className | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
teacherId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
teacherName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
className | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
teacherId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
teacherName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
className | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | No |
teacherId | Int | No |
teacherName | String | No |
classId | Int | No |
className | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
teacherId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
teacherName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
className | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
teacherId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
teacherName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
className | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | No |
className | String | No |
lessonId | Int | No |
lessonSubject | String | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | No |
isKlp | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | No |
className | String | No |
lessonId | Int | No |
lessonSubject | String | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | No |
isKlp | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
className | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonSubject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isKlp | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
className | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonSubject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isKlp | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | No |
className | String | No |
lessonId | Int | No |
lessonSubject | String | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | No |
isKlp | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
className | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonSubject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isKlp | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
className | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonSubject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isKlp | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | No |
className | String | No |
lessonId | Int | No |
lessonSubject | String | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | No |
isKlp | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | No |
className | String | No |
lessonId | Int | No |
lessonSubject | String | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | No |
isKlp | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
className | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonSubject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isKlp | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
className | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonSubject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isKlp | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | No |
className | String | No |
lessonId | Int | No |
lessonSubject | String | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | No |
isKlp | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
className | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonSubject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isKlp | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
classId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
className | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonId | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessonSubject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventAudience | EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectedDepartmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
affectsClassname | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
affectsLesson | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isKlp | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | view_UsersAffectedByEventsCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | view_UsersAffectedByEventsCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
cloned | Boolean | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | view_UsersAffectedByEventsCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | view_UsersAffectedByEventsCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
cloned | Boolean | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | view_UsersAffectedByEventsCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | view_UsersAffectedByEventsCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
cloned | Boolean | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
sId | String | No |
id | Int | No |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
semesterId | String | Null | Yes |
teacherIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsCreateteacherIdsInput | Int | No |
classIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsCreateclassIdsInput | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
sId | String | No |
id | Int | No |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
semesterId | String | Null | Yes |
teacherIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsCreateteacherIdsInput | Int | No |
classIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsCreateclassIdsInput | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
teacherIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateteacherIdsInput | Int | No |
classIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateclassIdsInput | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
teacherIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateteacherIdsInput | Int | No |
classIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateclassIdsInput | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
sId | String | No |
id | Int | No |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
semesterId | String | Null | Yes |
teacherIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsCreateteacherIdsInput | Int | No |
classIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsCreateclassIdsInput | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
teacherIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateteacherIdsInput | Int | No |
classIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateclassIdsInput | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
teacherIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateteacherIdsInput | Int | No |
classIds | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateclassIdsInput | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | view_EventsClassesCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | view_EventsClassesCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
cloned | Boolean | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
classId | Int | No |
className | String | No |
departmentId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | view_EventsClassesCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | view_EventsClassesCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
cloned | Boolean | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
classId | Int | No |
className | String | No |
departmentId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | view_EventsClassesCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | view_EventsClassesCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
cloned | Boolean | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
classId | Int | No |
className | String | No |
departmentId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | view_EventsDepartmentsCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | view_EventsDepartmentsCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
cloned | Boolean | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
departmentId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | view_EventsDepartmentsCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | view_EventsDepartmentsCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
cloned | Boolean | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
departmentId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | view_EventsDepartmentsCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | view_EventsDepartmentsCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
cloned | Boolean | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
departmentId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
rpId | String | No |
rpName | String | No |
rpIsOpen | Boolean | No |
rpStart | DateTime | No |
rpEnd | DateTime | No |
rpEventRangeStart | DateTime | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
rpId | String | No |
rpName | String | No |
rpIsOpen | Boolean | No |
rpStart | DateTime | No |
rpEnd | DateTime | No |
rpEventRangeStart | DateTime | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpIsOpen | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpEventRangeStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpIsOpen | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpEventRangeStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
rpId | String | No |
rpName | String | No |
rpIsOpen | Boolean | No |
rpStart | DateTime | No |
rpEnd | DateTime | No |
rpEventRangeStart | DateTime | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpIsOpen | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpEventRangeStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpIsOpen | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpEventRangeStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
mode | QueryMode | No |
not | String | NestedUuidFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
mode | QueryMode | No |
not | String | NestedStringFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
not | Int | NestedIntNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Role | EnumRoleFieldRefInput | No |
in | Role[] | ListEnumRoleFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | Role[] | ListEnumRoleFieldRefInput | No |
not | Role | NestedEnumRoleFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
in | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
lt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
lte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
not | DateTime | NestedDateTimeFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
not | Boolean | NestedBoolNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
is | UntisTeacherWhereInput | Null | Yes |
isNot | UntisTeacherWhereInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | EventWhereInput | No |
some | EventWhereInput | No |
none | EventWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | JobWhereInput | No |
some | JobWhereInput | No |
none | JobWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
is | SubscriptionWhereInput | Null | Yes |
isNot | SubscriptionWhereInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | EventGroupWhereInput | No |
some | EventGroupWhereInput | No |
none | EventGroupWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sort | SortOrder | No |
nulls | NullsOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
SortOrder | No | |
untisId | SortOrder | No |
firstName | SortOrder | No |
lastName | SortOrder | No |
role | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | SortOrder | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | SortOrder | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
untisId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
SortOrder | No | |
untisId | SortOrder | No |
firstName | SortOrder | No |
lastName | SortOrder | No |
role | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | SortOrder | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | SortOrder | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
SortOrder | No | |
untisId | SortOrder | No |
firstName | SortOrder | No |
lastName | SortOrder | No |
role | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | SortOrder | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | SortOrder | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
untisId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
mode | QueryMode | No |
not | String | NestedUuidWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedStringFilter | No |
_max | NestedStringFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
mode | QueryMode | No |
not | String | NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedStringFilter | No |
_max | NestedStringFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
not | Int | NestedIntNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null | Yes |
_count | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_avg | NestedFloatNullableFilter | No |
_sum | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_min | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Role | EnumRoleFieldRefInput | No |
in | Role[] | ListEnumRoleFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | Role[] | ListEnumRoleFieldRefInput | No |
not | Role | NestedEnumRoleWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumRoleFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumRoleFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
in | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
lt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
lte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
not | DateTime | NestedDateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedDateTimeFilter | No |
_max | NestedDateTimeFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
not | Boolean | NestedBoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null | Yes |
_count | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_min | NestedBoolNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedBoolNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | EventState | EnumEventStateFieldRefInput | No |
in | EventState[] | ListEnumEventStateFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | EventState[] | ListEnumEventStateFieldRefInput | No |
not | EventState | NestedEnumEventStateFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput | No |
not | Boolean | NestedBoolFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
mode | QueryMode | No |
not | String | NestedUuidNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
has | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
hasEvery | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
hasSome | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
isEmpty | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldRefInput | No |
in | EventAudience[] | ListEnumEventAudienceFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | EventAudience[] | ListEnumEventAudienceFieldRefInput | No |
not | EventAudience | NestedEnumEventAudienceFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldRefInput | No |
in | TeachingAffected[] | ListEnumTeachingAffectedFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | TeachingAffected[] | ListEnumTeachingAffectedFieldRefInput | No |
not | TeachingAffected | NestedEnumTeachingAffectedFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
lte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
not | DateTime | NestedDateTimeNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter | No |
path | String | No |
string_contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
string_starts_with | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
string_ends_with | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
array_starts_with | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
array_ends_with | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
array_contains | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
not | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
is | UserWhereInput | No |
isNot | UserWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
is | JobWhereInput | Null | Yes |
isNot | JobWhereInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
is | EventWhereInput | Null | Yes |
isNot | EventWhereInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
some | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
none | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
some | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
none | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | No |
classes | SortOrder | No |
classGroups | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | No |
meta | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | EventState | EnumEventStateFieldRefInput | No |
in | EventState[] | ListEnumEventStateFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | EventState[] | ListEnumEventStateFieldRefInput | No |
not | EventState | NestedEnumEventStateWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumEventStateFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumEventStateFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput | No |
not | Boolean | NestedBoolWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedBoolFilter | No |
_max | NestedBoolFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
mode | QueryMode | No |
not | String | NestedUuidNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null | Yes |
_count | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_min | NestedStringNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedStringNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldRefInput | No |
in | EventAudience[] | ListEnumEventAudienceFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | EventAudience[] | ListEnumEventAudienceFieldRefInput | No |
not | EventAudience | NestedEnumEventAudienceWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumEventAudienceFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumEventAudienceFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldRefInput | No |
in | TeachingAffected[] | ListEnumTeachingAffectedFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | TeachingAffected[] | ListEnumTeachingAffectedFieldRefInput | No |
not | TeachingAffected | NestedEnumTeachingAffectedWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumTeachingAffectedFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumTeachingAffectedFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
lte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
not | DateTime | NestedDateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null | Yes |
_count | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_min | NestedDateTimeNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedDateTimeNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter | No |
path | String | No |
string_contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
string_starts_with | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
string_ends_with | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
array_starts_with | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
array_ends_with | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
array_contains | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
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_count | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_min | NestedJsonNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedJsonNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | UntisClassWhereInput | No |
some | UntisClassWhereInput | No |
none | UntisClassWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
subscribeToAffected | SortOrder | No |
icsLocator | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
subscribeToAffected | SortOrder | No |
icsLocator | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
subscribeToAffected | SortOrder | No |
icsLocator | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter | No |
path | String | No |
string_contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
string_starts_with | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
string_ends_with | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
array_starts_with | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
array_ends_with | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
array_contains | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
not | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | UserWhereInput | No |
some | UserWhereInput | No |
none | UserWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
collection | SortOrder | No |
meta | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
collection | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
collection | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter | No |
path | String | No |
string_contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
string_starts_with | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
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array_starts_with | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
array_ends_with | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
array_contains | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
not | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedJsonFilter | No |
_max | NestedJsonFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
is | DepartmentWhereInput | Null | Yes |
isNot | DepartmentWhereInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput | No |
some | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput | No |
none | RegistrationPeriodWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
letter | SortOrder | No |
classLetters | SortOrder | No |
department1_Id | SortOrder | No |
department2_Id | SortOrder | No |
color | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
letter | SortOrder | No |
department1_Id | SortOrder | No |
department2_Id | SortOrder | No |
color | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
letter | SortOrder | No |
department1_Id | SortOrder | No |
department2_Id | SortOrder | No |
color | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | UntisLessonWhereInput | No |
some | UntisLessonWhereInput | No |
none | UntisLessonWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
untisSyncDate | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
untisSyncDate | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
untisSyncDate | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
eventRangeStart | SortOrder | No |
eventRangeEnd | SortOrder | No |
isOpen | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
eventRangeStart | SortOrder | No |
eventRangeEnd | SortOrder | No |
isOpen | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
eventRangeStart | SortOrder | No |
eventRangeEnd | SortOrder | No |
isOpen | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldRefInput | No |
in | JobType[] | ListEnumJobTypeFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | JobType[] | ListEnumJobTypeFieldRefInput | No |
not | JobType | NestedEnumJobTypeFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldRefInput | No |
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notIn | JobState[] | ListEnumJobStateFieldRefInput | No |
not | JobState | NestedEnumJobStateFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
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gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
mode | QueryMode | No |
not | String | NestedStringNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
is | SemesterWhereInput | Null | Yes |
isNot | SemesterWhereInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
type | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
syncDate | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
filename | SortOrder | No |
log | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
type | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
syncDate | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
filename | SortOrder | No |
log | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
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state | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
syncDate | SortOrder | No |
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filename | SortOrder | No |
log | SortOrder | No |
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updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldRefInput | No |
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notIn | JobType[] | ListEnumJobTypeFieldRefInput | No |
not | JobType | NestedEnumJobTypeWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumJobTypeFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumJobTypeFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldRefInput | No |
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notIn | JobState[] | ListEnumJobStateFieldRefInput | No |
not | JobState | NestedEnumJobStateWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumJobStateFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumJobStateFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
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notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
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gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
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mode | QueryMode | No |
not | String | NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null | Yes |
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_min | NestedStringNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedStringNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
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lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
not | Int | NestedIntFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
is | UserWhereInput | Null | Yes |
isNot | UserWhereInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
longName | SortOrder | No |
title | SortOrder | No |
active | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
longName | SortOrder | No |
title | SortOrder | No |
active | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
longName | SortOrder | No |
title | SortOrder | No |
active | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
in | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | No |
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lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
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gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
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_avg | NestedFloatFilter | No |
_sum | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedIntFilter | No |
_max | NestedIntFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
every | UntisTeacherWhereInput | No |
some | UntisTeacherWhereInput | No |
none | UntisTeacherWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
is | SemesterWhereInput | No |
isNot | SemesterWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
room | SortOrder | No |
subject | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
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weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
endHHMM | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
room | SortOrder | No |
subject | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
endHHMM | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
room | SortOrder | No |
subject | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
endHHMM | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
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weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
endHHMM | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
legacyName | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
sf | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
name | SortOrder | No |
legacyName | SortOrder | No |
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sf | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
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legacyName | SortOrder | No |
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sf | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | SortOrder | No |
sess | SortOrder | No |
expire | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | No |
teacherId | Int | No |
classId | Int | No |
semesterId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | SortOrder | No |
teacherId | SortOrder | No |
teacherName | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | SortOrder | No |
teacherId | SortOrder | No |
teacherName | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | SortOrder | No |
teacherId | SortOrder | No |
teacherName | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | No |
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semesterId | String | No |
classId | Int | No |
lessonId | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
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eventAudience | SortOrder | No |
affectedDepartmentId | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassname | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassgroup | SortOrder | No |
affectsLesson | SortOrder | No |
isKlp | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
lessonSubject | SortOrder | No |
eventAudience | SortOrder | No |
affectedDepartmentId | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassname | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassgroup | SortOrder | No |
affectsLesson | SortOrder | No |
isKlp | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
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eventAudience | SortOrder | No |
affectedDepartmentId | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassname | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassgroup | SortOrder | No |
affectsLesson | SortOrder | No |
isKlp | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | No |
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eventId | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
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eventAudience | SortOrder | No |
affectedDepartmentId | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassname | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassgroup | SortOrder | No |
affectsLesson | SortOrder | No |
isKlp | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
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affectsDepartment | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassname | SortOrder | No |
affectsClassgroup | SortOrder | No |
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isKlp | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
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affectsDepartment | SortOrder | No |
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affectsClassgroup | SortOrder | No |
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isKlp | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
untisTeacherId | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
lessonId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
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location | SortOrder | No |
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state | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | No |
classes | SortOrder | No |
classGroups | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | No |
meta | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
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affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | No |
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userId | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
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jobId | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
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sId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
sId | SortOrder | No |
id | SortOrder | No |
room | SortOrder | No |
subject | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
endHHMM | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
teacherIds | SortOrder | No |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
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classIds | SortOrder | No |
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eventId | SortOrder | No |
sId | SortOrder | No |
id | SortOrder | No |
room | SortOrder | No |
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description | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
endHHMM | SortOrder | No |
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sId | SortOrder | No |
id | SortOrder | No |
room | SortOrder | No |
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description | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
endHHMM | SortOrder | No |
semesterId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
semesterNr | SortOrder | No |
year | SortOrder | No |
weekDay | SortOrder | No |
startHHMM | SortOrder | No |
endHHMM | SortOrder | No |
teacherIds | SortOrder | No |
classIds | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
classId | Int | No |
departmentId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | No |
classes | SortOrder | No |
classGroups | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | No |
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audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | No |
meta | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
classId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
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jobId | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | No |
classId | SortOrder | No |
className | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
classId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
departmentId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | No |
classes | SortOrder | No |
classGroups | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | No |
meta | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | SortOrder | No |
authorId | SortOrder | No |
start | SortOrder | No |
end | SortOrder | No |
location | SortOrder | No |
description | SortOrder | No |
descriptionLong | SortOrder | No |
state | SortOrder | No |
jobId | SortOrder | No |
createdAt | SortOrder | No |
updatedAt | SortOrder | No |
deletedAt | SortOrder | No |
teachingAffected | SortOrder | No |
parentId | SortOrder | No |
clonedFromId | SortOrder | No |
cloned | SortOrder | No |
audience | SortOrder | No |
affectsDepartment2 | SortOrder | No |
departmentId | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
rpId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
rpId | SortOrder | No |
rpName | SortOrder | No |
rpIsOpen | SortOrder | No |
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rpEnd | SortOrder | No |
rpEventRangeStart | SortOrder | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
rpId | SortOrder | No |
rpName | SortOrder | No |
rpIsOpen | SortOrder | No |
rpStart | SortOrder | No |
rpEnd | SortOrder | No |
rpEventRangeStart | SortOrder | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | SortOrder | No |
rpId | SortOrder | No |
rpName | SortOrder | No |
rpIsOpen | SortOrder | No |
rpStart | SortOrder | No |
rpEnd | SortOrder | No |
rpEventRangeStart | SortOrder | No |
rpEventRangeEnd | SortOrder | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UntisTeacherCreateWithoutUserInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | No |
connectOrCreate | UntisTeacherCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput | No |
connect | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutAuthorInput | EventCreateWithoutAuthorInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutAuthorInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyAuthorInputEnvelope | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | JobCreateWithoutUserInput | JobCreateWithoutUserInput[] | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput[] | No |
createMany | JobCreateManyUserInputEnvelope | No |
connect | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | SubscriptionCreateWithoutUserInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | No |
connectOrCreate | SubscriptionCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput | No |
connect | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
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connect | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutAuthorInput | EventCreateWithoutAuthorInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutAuthorInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyAuthorInputEnvelope | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | JobCreateWithoutUserInput | JobCreateWithoutUserInput[] | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput[] | No |
createMany | JobCreateManyUserInputEnvelope | No |
connect | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | SubscriptionCreateWithoutUserInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | No |
connectOrCreate | SubscriptionCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput | No |
connect | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventGroupCreateWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupCreateWithoutUsersInput[] | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutUsersInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventGroupCreateOrConnectWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupCreateOrConnectWithoutUsersInput[] | No |
connect | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | Role | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UntisTeacherCreateWithoutUserInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | No |
connectOrCreate | UntisTeacherCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput | No |
upsert | UntisTeacherUpsertWithoutUserInput | No |
disconnect | Boolean | UntisTeacherWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | UntisTeacherWhereInput | No |
connect | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UntisTeacherUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutUserInput | UntisTeacherUpdateWithoutUserInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutAuthorInput | EventCreateWithoutAuthorInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutAuthorInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
upsert | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
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set | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
disconnect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
delete | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
update | EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput | EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
updateMany | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutAuthorInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
deleteMany | EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | JobCreateWithoutUserInput | JobCreateWithoutUserInput[] | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput[] | No |
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set | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
disconnect | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
delete | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
connect | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
update | JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput | JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput[] | No |
updateMany | JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutUserInput | JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutUserInput[] | No |
deleteMany | JobScalarWhereInput | JobScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | SubscriptionCreateWithoutUserInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | No |
connectOrCreate | SubscriptionCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput | No |
upsert | SubscriptionUpsertWithoutUserInput | No |
disconnect | Boolean | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
connect | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | SubscriptionUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutUserInput | SubscriptionUpdateWithoutUserInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | Int | Null | Yes |
increment | Int | No |
decrement | Int | No |
multiply | Int | No |
divide | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutAuthorInput | EventCreateWithoutAuthorInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutAuthorInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
upsert | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyAuthorInputEnvelope | No |
set | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
disconnect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
delete | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
update | EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput | EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
updateMany | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutAuthorInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutAuthorInput[] | No |
deleteMany | EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | JobCreateWithoutUserInput | JobCreateWithoutUserInput[] | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput[] | No |
upsert | JobUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput | JobUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput[] | No |
createMany | JobCreateManyUserInputEnvelope | No |
set | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
disconnect | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
delete | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
connect | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
update | JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput | JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput[] | No |
updateMany | JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutUserInput | JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutUserInput[] | No |
deleteMany | JobScalarWhereInput | JobScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | SubscriptionCreateWithoutUserInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | No |
connectOrCreate | SubscriptionCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput | No |
upsert | SubscriptionUpsertWithoutUserInput | No |
disconnect | Boolean | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
connect | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | SubscriptionUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutUserInput | SubscriptionUpdateWithoutUserInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UserCreateWithoutEventsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | No |
connectOrCreate | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput | No |
connect | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | JobCreateWithoutEventsInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | No |
connectOrCreate | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput | No |
connect | JobWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutChildrenInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutChildrenInput | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutChildrenInput | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutParentInput | EventCreateWithoutParentInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutParentInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutParentInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutParentInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutParentInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyParentInputEnvelope | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutClonesInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonesInput | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutClonesInput | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutClonedFromInput | EventCreateWithoutClonedFromInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonedFromInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonedFromInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutClonedFromInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutClonedFromInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyClonedFromInputEnvelope | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentCreateWithoutEventsInput[] | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput[] | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventGroupCreateWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupCreateWithoutEventsInput[] | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventGroupCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput[] | No |
connect | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutParentInput | EventCreateWithoutParentInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutParentInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutParentInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutParentInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutParentInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyParentInputEnvelope | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutClonedFromInput | EventCreateWithoutClonedFromInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonedFromInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonedFromInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutClonedFromInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutClonedFromInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyClonedFromInputEnvelope | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentCreateWithoutEventsInput[] | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput[] | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventGroupCreateWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupCreateWithoutEventsInput[] | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventGroupCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput[] | No |
connect | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | EventState | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
push | String | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
push | String | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | EventAudience | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | TeachingAffected | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | DateTime | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UserCreateWithoutEventsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | No |
connectOrCreate | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput | No |
upsert | UserUpsertWithoutEventsInput | No |
connect | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UserUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutEventsInput | UserUpdateWithoutEventsInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | JobCreateWithoutEventsInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | No |
connectOrCreate | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput | No |
upsert | JobUpsertWithoutEventsInput | No |
disconnect | Boolean | JobWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | JobWhereInput | No |
connect | JobWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | JobUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutEventsInput | JobUpdateWithoutEventsInput | JobUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutChildrenInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutChildrenInput | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutChildrenInput | No |
upsert | EventUpsertWithoutChildrenInput | No |
disconnect | Boolean | EventWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | EventWhereInput | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | EventUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutChildrenInput | EventUpdateWithoutChildrenInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutChildrenInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutParentInput | EventCreateWithoutParentInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutParentInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutParentInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutParentInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutParentInput[] | No |
upsert | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutParentInput | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutParentInput[] | No |
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set | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
disconnect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
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connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
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updateMany | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutParentInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutParentInput[] | No |
deleteMany | EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutClonesInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonesInput | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutClonesInput | No |
upsert | EventUpsertWithoutClonesInput | No |
disconnect | Boolean | EventWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | EventWhereInput | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | EventUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutClonesInput | EventUpdateWithoutClonesInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutClonesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutClonedFromInput | EventCreateWithoutClonedFromInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonedFromInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonedFromInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutClonedFromInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutClonedFromInput[] | No |
upsert | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutClonedFromInput | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutClonedFromInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyClonedFromInputEnvelope | No |
set | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
disconnect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
delete | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
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updateMany | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutClonedFromInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutClonedFromInput[] | No |
deleteMany | EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutParentInput | EventCreateWithoutParentInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutParentInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutParentInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutParentInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutParentInput[] | No |
upsert | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutParentInput | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutParentInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyParentInputEnvelope | No |
set | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
disconnect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
delete | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
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updateMany | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutParentInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutParentInput[] | No |
deleteMany | EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutClonedFromInput | EventCreateWithoutClonedFromInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonedFromInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonedFromInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutClonedFromInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutClonedFromInput[] | No |
upsert | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutClonedFromInput | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutClonedFromInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyClonedFromInputEnvelope | No |
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disconnect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
delete | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
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updateMany | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutClonedFromInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutClonedFromInput[] | No |
deleteMany | EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UserCreateWithoutSubscriptionInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
connectOrCreate | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
connect | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | EventCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutSubscriptionsInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutSubscriptionsInput[] | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | EventCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutSubscriptionsInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutSubscriptionsInput[] | No |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UserCreateWithoutSubscriptionInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
connectOrCreate | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
upsert | UserUpsertWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
connect | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UserUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutSubscriptionInput | UserUpdateWithoutSubscriptionInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutGroupsInput | EventCreateWithoutGroupsInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutGroupsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutGroupsInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutGroupsInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutGroupsInput[] | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UserCreateWithoutEventGroupsInput | UserCreateWithoutEventGroupsInput[] | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutEventGroupsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutEventGroupsInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutEventGroupsInput | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutEventGroupsInput[] | No |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
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connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UserCreateWithoutEventGroupsInput | UserCreateWithoutEventGroupsInput[] | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutEventGroupsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutEventGroupsInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutEventGroupsInput | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutEventGroupsInput[] | No |
connect | UserWhereUniqueInput | UserWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
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upsert | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutGroupsInput | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutGroupsInput[] | No |
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disconnect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
delete | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
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updateMany | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutGroupsInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutGroupsInput[] | No |
deleteMany | EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutGroupsInput | EventCreateWithoutGroupsInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutGroupsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutGroupsInput[] | No |
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updateMany | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutGroupsInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutGroupsInput[] | No |
deleteMany | EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartmentsInput[] | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartmentsInput[] | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
push | String | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
upsert | DepartmentUpsertWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
disconnect | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | DepartmentUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutChildDepartment1Input | DepartmentUpdateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
upsert | DepartmentUpsertWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
disconnect | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | DepartmentUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUpdateWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
upsert | DepartmentUpsertWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
disconnect | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | DepartmentUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutChildDepartment2Input | DepartmentUpdateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
upsert | DepartmentUpsertWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
disconnect | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | DepartmentUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUpdateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
upsert | DepartmentUpsertWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
disconnect | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | DepartmentUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUpdateWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
upsert | DepartmentUpsertWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
disconnect | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | DepartmentUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUpdateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UntisLessonCreateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
createMany | UntisLessonCreateManySemesterInputEnvelope | No |
connect | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
createMany | JobCreateManySemesterInputEnvelope | No |
connect | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UntisLessonCreateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
createMany | UntisLessonCreateManySemesterInputEnvelope | No |
connect | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
createMany | JobCreateManySemesterInputEnvelope | No |
connect | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
upsert | JobUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput | JobUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
createMany | JobCreateManySemesterInputEnvelope | No |
set | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
disconnect | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
delete | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
connect | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
update | JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput | JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
updateMany | JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutSemesterInput | JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
deleteMany | JobScalarWhereInput | JobScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
upsert | JobUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput | JobUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
createMany | JobCreateManySemesterInputEnvelope | No |
set | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
disconnect | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
delete | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
connect | JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
update | JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput | JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
updateMany | JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutSemesterInput | JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutSemesterInput[] | No |
deleteMany | JobScalarWhereInput | JobScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UserCreateWithoutJobsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutJobsInput | No |
connectOrCreate | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutJobsInput | No |
connect | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | SemesterCreateWithoutJobsInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateWithoutJobsInput | No |
connectOrCreate | SemesterCreateOrConnectWithoutJobsInput | No |
connect | SemesterWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutJobInput | EventCreateWithoutJobInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutJobInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutJobInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyJobInputEnvelope | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutJobInput | EventCreateWithoutJobInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutJobInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutJobInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyJobInputEnvelope | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | JobType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | JobState | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UserCreateWithoutJobsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutJobsInput | No |
connectOrCreate | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutJobsInput | No |
upsert | UserUpsertWithoutJobsInput | No |
connect | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UserUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutJobsInput | UserUpdateWithoutJobsInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutJobsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | SemesterCreateWithoutJobsInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateWithoutJobsInput | No |
connectOrCreate | SemesterCreateOrConnectWithoutJobsInput | No |
upsert | SemesterUpsertWithoutJobsInput | No |
disconnect | Boolean | SemesterWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | SemesterWhereInput | No |
connect | SemesterWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | SemesterUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutJobsInput | SemesterUpdateWithoutJobsInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateWithoutJobsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutJobInput | EventCreateWithoutJobInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutJobInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutJobInput[] | No |
upsert | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyJobInputEnvelope | No |
set | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
disconnect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
delete | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
update | EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput | EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput[] | No |
updateMany | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutJobInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutJobInput[] | No |
deleteMany | EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | EventCreateWithoutJobInput | EventCreateWithoutJobInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput[] | No |
connectOrCreate | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutJobInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutJobInput[] | No |
upsert | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput[] | No |
createMany | EventCreateManyJobInputEnvelope | No |
set | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
disconnect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
delete | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
connect | EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] | No |
update | EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput | EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput[] | No |
updateMany | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutJobInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutJobInput[] | No |
deleteMany | EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UserCreateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutUntisInput | No |
connectOrCreate | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutUntisInput | No |
connect | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UserCreateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutUntisInput | No |
connectOrCreate | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutUntisInput | No |
connect | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UserCreateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutUntisInput | No |
connectOrCreate | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutUntisInput | No |
upsert | UserUpsertWithoutUntisInput | No |
disconnect | Boolean | UserWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | UserWhereInput | No |
connect | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UserUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutUntisInput | UserUpdateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutUntisInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | Int | No |
increment | Int | No |
decrement | Int | No |
multiply | Int | No |
divide | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | UserCreateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutUntisInput | No |
connectOrCreate | UserCreateOrConnectWithoutUntisInput | No |
upsert | UserUpsertWithoutUntisInput | No |
disconnect | Boolean | UserWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | UserWhereInput | No |
connect | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UserUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutUntisInput | UserUpdateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutUntisInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | SemesterCreateWithoutLessonsInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
connectOrCreate | SemesterCreateOrConnectWithoutLessonsInput | No |
connect | SemesterWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | SemesterCreateWithoutLessonsInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
connectOrCreate | SemesterCreateOrConnectWithoutLessonsInput | No |
upsert | SemesterUpsertWithoutLessonsInput | No |
connect | SemesterWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | SemesterUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutLessonsInput | SemesterUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutClassesInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutClassesInput | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutClassesInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput | No |
connectOrCreate | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutClassesInput | No |
upsert | DepartmentUpsertWithoutClassesInput | No |
disconnect | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
delete | Boolean | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
connect | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | DepartmentUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutClassesInput | DepartmentUpdateWithoutClassesInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
push | String | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
push | String | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | Int | No |
push | Int | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | Int | No |
push | Int | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
push | String | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
push | String | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
push | String | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
set | String | No |
push | String | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
not | String | NestedUuidFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
not | String | NestedStringFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
not | Int | NestedIntNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Role | EnumRoleFieldRefInput | No |
in | Role[] | ListEnumRoleFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | Role[] | ListEnumRoleFieldRefInput | No |
not | Role | NestedEnumRoleFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
in | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
lt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
lte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
not | DateTime | NestedDateTimeFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
not | Boolean | NestedBoolNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
not | String | NestedUuidWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedStringFilter | No |
_max | NestedStringFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
in | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | No |
lt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
not | Int | NestedIntFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | No |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
not | String | NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedStringFilter | No |
_max | NestedStringFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
not | Int | NestedIntNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null | Yes |
_count | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_avg | NestedFloatNullableFilter | No |
_sum | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_min | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | Float | ListFloatFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | Float | ListFloatFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
not | Float | NestedFloatNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Role | EnumRoleFieldRefInput | No |
in | Role[] | ListEnumRoleFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | Role[] | ListEnumRoleFieldRefInput | No |
not | Role | NestedEnumRoleWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumRoleFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumRoleFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
in | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
lt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
lte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
not | DateTime | NestedDateTimeWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedDateTimeFilter | No |
_max | NestedDateTimeFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
not | Boolean | NestedBoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null | Yes |
_count | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_min | NestedBoolNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedBoolNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | EventState | EnumEventStateFieldRefInput | No |
in | EventState[] | ListEnumEventStateFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | EventState[] | ListEnumEventStateFieldRefInput | No |
not | EventState | NestedEnumEventStateFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput | No |
not | Boolean | NestedBoolFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
not | String | NestedUuidNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldRefInput | No |
in | EventAudience[] | ListEnumEventAudienceFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | EventAudience[] | ListEnumEventAudienceFieldRefInput | No |
not | EventAudience | NestedEnumEventAudienceFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldRefInput | No |
in | TeachingAffected[] | ListEnumTeachingAffectedFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | TeachingAffected[] | ListEnumTeachingAffectedFieldRefInput | No |
not | TeachingAffected | NestedEnumTeachingAffectedFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
lte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
not | DateTime | NestedDateTimeNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | EventState | EnumEventStateFieldRefInput | No |
in | EventState[] | ListEnumEventStateFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | EventState[] | ListEnumEventStateFieldRefInput | No |
not | EventState | NestedEnumEventStateWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumEventStateFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumEventStateFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput | No |
not | Boolean | NestedBoolWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedBoolFilter | No |
_max | NestedBoolFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
not | String | NestedUuidNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null | Yes |
_count | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_min | NestedStringNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedStringNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
not | String | NestedStringNullableFilter | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldRefInput | No |
in | EventAudience[] | ListEnumEventAudienceFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | EventAudience[] | ListEnumEventAudienceFieldRefInput | No |
not | EventAudience | NestedEnumEventAudienceWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumEventAudienceFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumEventAudienceFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldRefInput | No |
in | TeachingAffected[] | ListEnumTeachingAffectedFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | TeachingAffected[] | ListEnumTeachingAffectedFieldRefInput | No |
not | TeachingAffected | NestedEnumTeachingAffectedWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumTeachingAffectedFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumTeachingAffectedFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
lte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
gte | DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | No |
not | DateTime | NestedDateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null | Yes |
_count | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_min | NestedDateTimeNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedDateTimeNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter | No |
path | String | No |
string_contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
string_starts_with | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
string_ends_with | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
array_starts_with | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
array_ends_with | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
array_contains | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
not | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter | No |
path | String | No |
string_contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
string_starts_with | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
string_ends_with | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
array_starts_with | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
array_ends_with | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
array_contains | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | No |
not | Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldRefInput | No |
in | JobType[] | ListEnumJobTypeFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | JobType[] | ListEnumJobTypeFieldRefInput | No |
not | JobType | NestedEnumJobTypeFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldRefInput | No |
in | JobState[] | ListEnumJobStateFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | JobState[] | ListEnumJobStateFieldRefInput | No |
not | JobState | NestedEnumJobStateFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldRefInput | No |
in | JobType[] | ListEnumJobTypeFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | JobType[] | ListEnumJobTypeFieldRefInput | No |
not | JobType | NestedEnumJobTypeWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumJobTypeFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumJobTypeFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldRefInput | No |
in | JobState[] | ListEnumJobStateFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | JobState[] | ListEnumJobStateFieldRefInput | No |
not | JobState | NestedEnumJobStateWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedEnumJobStateFilter | No |
_max | NestedEnumJobStateFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | String | StringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
in | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
notIn | String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null | Yes |
lt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
lte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gt | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
gte | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
contains | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
startsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
endsWith | String | StringFieldRefInput | No |
not | String | NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null | Yes |
_count | NestedIntNullableFilter | No |
_min | NestedStringNullableFilter | No |
_max | NestedStringNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
in | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | No |
lt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Int | IntFieldRefInput | No |
not | Int | NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter | No |
_count | NestedIntFilter | No |
_avg | NestedFloatFilter | No |
_sum | NestedIntFilter | No |
_min | NestedIntFilter | No |
_max | NestedIntFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
equals | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
in | Float | ListFloatFieldRefInput | No |
notIn | Float | ListFloatFieldRefInput | No |
lt | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
lte | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
gt | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
gte | Float | FloatFieldRefInput | No |
not | Float | NestedFloatFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
longName | String | No |
title | String | No |
active | Boolean | No |
lessons | UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
longName | String | No |
title | String | No |
active | Boolean | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UntisTeacherCreateWithoutUserInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
job | JobCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
parent | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput | No |
children | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clonedFrom | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutClonesInput | No |
clones | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
children | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clones | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutAuthorInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
data | EventCreateManyAuthorInput | EventCreateManyAuthorInput[] | No |
skipDuplicates | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
type | JobType | No |
state | JobState | No |
syncDate | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | String | No |
filename | String | Null | Yes |
log | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
semester | SemesterCreateNestedOneWithoutJobsInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutJobInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
type | JobType | No |
state | JobState | No |
semesterId | String | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | String | No |
filename | String | Null | Yes |
log | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutJobInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | JobWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | JobCreateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
data | JobCreateManyUserInput | JobCreateManyUserInput[] | No |
skipDuplicates | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | SubscriptionCreateWithoutUserInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
collection | String | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
collection | String | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | EventGroupCreateWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | UntisTeacherUpdateWithoutUserInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput | No |
create | UntisTeacherCreateWithoutUserInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | No |
where | UntisTeacherWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisTeacherWhereInput | No |
data | UntisTeacherUpdateWithoutUserInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
longName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
title | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
active | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
longName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
title | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
active | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | EventUpdateWithoutAuthorInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutAuthorInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutAuthorInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutAuthorInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | EventUpdateWithoutAuthorInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutAuthorInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventScalarWhereInput | No |
data | EventUpdateManyMutationInput | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutAuthorInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
authorId | UuidFilter | String | No |
start | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
end | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
location | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
descriptionLong | StringFilter | String | No |
state | EnumEventStateFilter | EventState | No |
cloned | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
jobId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
parentId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
classes | StringNullableListFilter | No |
classGroups | StringNullableListFilter | No |
audience | EnumEventAudienceFilter | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFilter | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | JsonNullableFilter | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | JobWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | JobUpdateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput | No |
create | JobCreateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | JobWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | JobUpdateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | JobScalarWhereInput | No |
data | JobUpdateManyMutationInput | JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | JobScalarWhereInput | JobScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | JobScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | JobScalarWhereInput | JobScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
type | EnumJobTypeFilter | JobType | No |
state | EnumJobStateFilter | JobState | No |
userId | UuidFilter | String | No |
semesterId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
filename | StringNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
log | StringFilter | String | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | SubscriptionUpdateWithoutUserInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput | No |
create | SubscriptionCreateWithoutUserInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | No |
where | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionWhereInput | No |
data | SubscriptionUpdateWithoutUserInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | EventGroupUpdateWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateWithoutUsersInput | No |
create | EventGroupCreateWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | EventGroupUpdateWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventGroupScalarWhereInput | No |
data | EventGroupUpdateManyMutationInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | EventGroupScalarWhereInput | EventGroupScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | EventGroupScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | EventGroupScalarWhereInput | EventGroupScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
collection | StringFilter | String | No |
meta | JsonFilter | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
untis | UntisTeacherCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
jobs | JobCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
untisId | Int | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
jobs | JobUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UserCreateWithoutEventsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
type | JobType | No |
state | JobState | No |
syncDate | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | String | No |
filename | String | Null | Yes |
log | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
user | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutJobsInput | No |
semester | SemesterCreateNestedOneWithoutJobsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
type | JobType | No |
state | JobState | No |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | String | No |
filename | String | Null | Yes |
log | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | JobWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | JobCreateWithoutEventsInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
author | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
job | JobCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
parent | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput | No |
clonedFrom | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutClonesInput | No |
clones | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
clones | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutChildrenInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutChildrenInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
author | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
job | JobCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
children | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clonedFrom | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutClonesInput | No |
clones | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
children | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clones | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutParentInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutParentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
data | EventCreateManyParentInput | EventCreateManyParentInput[] | No |
skipDuplicates | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
author | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
job | JobCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
parent | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput | No |
children | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clonedFrom | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutClonesInput | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
children | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutClonesInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
author | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
job | JobCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
parent | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput | No |
children | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clones | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
children | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clones | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutClonedFromInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
data | EventCreateManyClonedFromInput | EventCreateManyClonedFromInput[] | No |
skipDuplicates | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
department1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
department2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | Null | Yes |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
collection | String | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
users | UserCreateNestedManyWithoutEventGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
collection | String | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
users | UserUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | EventGroupCreateWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
user | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
userId | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | SubscriptionCreateWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | UserUpdateWithoutEventsInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventsInput | No |
create | UserCreateWithoutEventsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | No |
where | UserWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UserWhereInput | No |
data | UserUpdateWithoutEventsInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
untis | UntisTeacherUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
jobs | JobUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
untisId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
jobs | JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | JobUpdateWithoutEventsInput | JobUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventsInput | No |
create | JobCreateWithoutEventsInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | No |
where | JobWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | JobWhereInput | No |
data | JobUpdateWithoutEventsInput | JobUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
state | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
syncDate | DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
log | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
user | UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutJobsNestedInput | No |
semester | SemesterUpdateOneWithoutJobsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
state | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
log | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | EventUpdateWithoutChildrenInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutChildrenInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutChildrenInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutChildrenInput | No |
where | EventWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereInput | No |
data | EventUpdateWithoutChildrenInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutChildrenInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | EventUpdateWithoutParentInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutParentInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutParentInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutParentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | EventUpdateWithoutParentInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutParentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventScalarWhereInput | No |
data | EventUpdateManyMutationInput | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutParentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | EventUpdateWithoutClonesInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutClonesInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutClonesInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonesInput | No |
where | EventWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereInput | No |
data | EventUpdateWithoutClonesInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutClonesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | EventUpdateWithoutClonedFromInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutClonedFromInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | EventUpdateWithoutClonedFromInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventScalarWhereInput | No |
data | EventUpdateManyMutationInput | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | DepartmentUpdateWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventsInput | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | DepartmentUpdateWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentScalarWhereInput | No |
data | DepartmentUpdateManyMutationInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | DepartmentScalarWhereInput | DepartmentScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | DepartmentScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | DepartmentScalarWhereInput | DepartmentScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
letter | StringFilter | String | No |
classLetters | StringNullableListFilter | No |
department1_Id | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
color | StringFilter | String | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | EventGroupUpdateWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventsInput | No |
create | EventGroupCreateWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | EventGroupUpdateWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventGroupScalarWhereInput | No |
data | EventGroupUpdateManyMutationInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | SubscriptionUpdateWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
create | SubscriptionCreateWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | SubscriptionUpdateWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionScalarWhereInput | No |
data | SubscriptionUpdateManyMutationInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | SubscriptionScalarWhereInput | SubscriptionScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | SubscriptionScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | SubscriptionScalarWhereInput | SubscriptionScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
userId | UuidFilter | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | StringFilter | String | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
untis | UntisTeacherCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput | No |
jobs | JobCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
untisId | Int | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput | No |
jobs | JobUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UserCreateWithoutSubscriptionInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
department1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
department2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | Null | Yes |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | Null | Yes |
year | Int | No |
sf | String | No |
lessons | UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
department | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | Null | Yes |
year | Int | No |
sf | String | No |
departmentId | String | Null | Yes |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UntisClassCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
author | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
job | JobCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
parent | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput | No |
children | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clonedFrom | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutClonesInput | No |
clones | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
children | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clones | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | UserUpdateWithoutSubscriptionInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
create | UserCreateWithoutSubscriptionInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
where | UserWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UserWhereInput | No |
data | UserUpdateWithoutSubscriptionInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
untis | UntisTeacherUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput | No |
jobs | JobUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
untisId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput | No |
jobs | JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | DepartmentUpdateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | DepartmentUpdateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentScalarWhereInput | No |
data | DepartmentUpdateManyMutationInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UntisClassUpdateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
create | UntisClassCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | UntisClassUpdateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassScalarWhereInput | No |
data | UntisClassUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | UntisClassScalarWhereInput | UntisClassScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | UntisClassScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | UntisClassScalarWhereInput | UntisClassScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
legacyName | StringNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
year | IntFilter | Int | No |
sf | StringFilter | String | No |
departmentId | UuidNullableFilter | String | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | EventUpdateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | EventUpdateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventScalarWhereInput | No |
data | EventUpdateManyMutationInput | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
author | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
job | JobCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
parent | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput | No |
children | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clonedFrom | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutClonesInput | No |
clones | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
children | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clones | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutGroupsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
untis | UntisTeacherCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput | No |
jobs | JobCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
untisId | Int | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput | No |
jobs | JobUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UserCreateWithoutEventGroupsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutEventGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | EventUpdateWithoutGroupsInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutGroupsInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutGroupsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | EventUpdateWithoutGroupsInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventScalarWhereInput | No |
data | EventUpdateManyMutationInput | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UserUpdateWithoutEventGroupsInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventGroupsInput | No |
create | UserCreateWithoutEventGroupsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutEventGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | UserUpdateWithoutEventGroupsInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UserScalarWhereInput | No |
data | UserUpdateManyMutationInput | UserUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventGroupsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | UserScalarWhereInput | UserScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | UserScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | UserScalarWhereInput | UserScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
StringFilter | String | No | |
untisId | IntNullableFilter | Int | Null | Yes |
firstName | StringFilter | String | No |
lastName | StringFilter | String | No |
role | EnumRoleFilter | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
department1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
department2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | Null | Yes |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
department2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department2_Id | String | Null | Yes |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
department1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
department2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | Null | Yes |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
department1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | Null | Yes |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | Null | Yes |
year | Int | No |
sf | String | No |
lessons | UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | Null | Yes |
year | Int | No |
sf | String | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UntisClassCreateWithoutDepartmentInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
data | UntisClassCreateManyDepartmentInput | UntisClassCreateManyDepartmentInput[] | No |
skipDuplicates | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
author | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
job | JobCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
parent | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput | No |
children | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clonedFrom | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutClonesInput | No |
clones | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
groups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
children | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clones | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
groups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | No |
isOpen | Boolean | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | No |
isOpen | Boolean | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | RegistrationPeriodCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
user | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
userId | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | SubscriptionCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | DepartmentUpdateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
data | DepartmentUpdateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
department1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput | No |
department2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | DepartmentUpdateWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
data | DepartmentUpdateWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
department2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department2_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | DepartmentUpdateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
data | DepartmentUpdateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
department1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
department2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | DepartmentUpdateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
data | DepartmentUpdateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
department1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UntisClassUpdateWithoutDepartmentInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
create | UntisClassCreateWithoutDepartmentInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | UntisClassUpdateWithoutDepartmentInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassScalarWhereInput | No |
data | UntisClassUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | EventUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | EventUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventScalarWhereInput | No |
data | EventUpdateManyMutationInput | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | RegistrationPeriodUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput | No |
data | RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyMutationInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | UuidFilter | String | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
start | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
end | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
isOpen | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
createdAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTimeFilter | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | SubscriptionUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
create | SubscriptionCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | SubscriptionUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionScalarWhereInput | No |
data | SubscriptionUpdateManyMutationInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UntisLessonCreateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
data | UntisLessonCreateManySemesterInput | UntisLessonCreateManySemesterInput[] | No |
skipDuplicates | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
type | JobType | No |
state | JobState | No |
syncDate | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | String | No |
filename | String | Null | Yes |
log | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
user | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutJobsInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutJobInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
type | JobType | No |
state | JobState | No |
userId | String | No |
syncDate | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | String | No |
filename | String | Null | Yes |
log | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutJobInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | JobWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
data | JobCreateManySemesterInput | JobCreateManySemesterInput[] | No |
skipDuplicates | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UntisLessonUpdateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateWithoutSemesterInput | No |
create | UntisLessonCreateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | UntisLessonUpdateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | No |
data | UntisLessonUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
room | StringFilter | String | No |
subject | StringFilter | String | No |
description | StringFilter | String | No |
semesterNr | IntFilter | Int | No |
year | IntFilter | Int | No |
weekDay | IntFilter | Int | No |
startHHMM | IntFilter | Int | No |
endHHMM | IntFilter | Int | No |
semesterId | UuidFilter | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | JobWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | JobUpdateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedUpdateWithoutSemesterInput | No |
create | JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | JobWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | JobUpdateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedUpdateWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | JobScalarWhereInput | No |
data | JobUpdateManyMutationInput | JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
department1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
department2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | Null | Yes |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | DepartmentUpdateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentScalarWhereInput | No |
data | DepartmentUpdateManyMutationInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
untis | UntisTeacherCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
untisId | Int | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UserCreateWithoutJobsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutJobsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
lessons | UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SemesterWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | SemesterCreateWithoutJobsInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateWithoutJobsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
author | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput | No |
parent | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput | No |
children | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clonedFrom | EventCreateNestedOneWithoutClonesInput | No |
clones | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
children | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput | No |
clones | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClonedFromInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
groups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutIgnoredEventsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
data | EventCreateManyJobInput | EventCreateManyJobInput[] | No |
skipDuplicates | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | UserUpdateWithoutJobsInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutJobsInput | No |
create | UserCreateWithoutJobsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutJobsInput | No |
where | UserWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UserWhereInput | No |
data | UserUpdateWithoutJobsInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutJobsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
untis | UntisTeacherUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
untisId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | SemesterUpdateWithoutJobsInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateWithoutJobsInput | No |
create | SemesterCreateWithoutJobsInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateWithoutJobsInput | No |
where | SemesterWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SemesterWhereInput | No |
data | SemesterUpdateWithoutJobsInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateWithoutJobsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithoutSemesterNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSemesterNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | EventUpdateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutJobInput | No |
create | EventCreateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | EventUpdateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutJobInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | EventScalarWhereInput | No |
data | EventUpdateManyMutationInput | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutJobInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
semester | SemesterCreateNestedOneWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
semesterId | String | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UntisLessonCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | Null | Yes |
year | Int | No |
sf | String | No |
lessons | UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
department | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutClassesInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | Null | Yes |
year | Int | No |
sf | String | No |
departmentId | String | Null | Yes |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UntisClassCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput | No |
jobs | JobCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
String | No | |
firstName | String | No |
lastName | String | No |
role | Role | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | Null | Yes |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput | No |
jobs | JobUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UserWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UserCreateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutUntisInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UntisLessonUpdateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateWithoutTeachersInput | No |
create | UntisLessonCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | UntisLessonUpdateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateWithoutTeachersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | No |
data | UntisLessonUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UntisClassUpdateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateWithoutTeachersInput | No |
create | UntisClassCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | UntisClassUpdateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateWithoutTeachersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassScalarWhereInput | No |
data | UntisClassUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | UserUpdateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutUntisInput | No |
create | UserCreateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutUntisInput | No |
where | UserWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UserWhereInput | No |
data | UserUpdateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutUntisInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput | No |
jobs | JobUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput | No |
jobs | JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
eventGroups | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | Null | Yes |
year | Int | No |
sf | String | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
department | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutClassesInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | Null | Yes |
year | Int | No |
sf | String | No |
departmentId | String | Null | Yes |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UntisClassCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
longName | String | No |
title | String | No |
active | Boolean | No |
classes | UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
user | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutUntisInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
longName | String | No |
title | String | No |
active | Boolean | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
user | UserUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutUntisInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UntisTeacherCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
jobs | JobCreateNestedManyWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
jobs | JobUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSemesterInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SemesterWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | SemesterCreateWithoutLessonsInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UntisClassUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
create | UntisClassCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | UntisClassUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisClassScalarWhereInput | No |
data | UntisClassUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UntisTeacherUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
create | UntisTeacherCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | UntisTeacherUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput | No |
data | UntisTeacherUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
AND | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput[] | No |
OR | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput[] | No |
NOT | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput[] | No |
id | IntFilter | Int | No |
name | StringFilter | String | No |
longName | StringFilter | String | No |
title | StringFilter | String | No |
active | BoolFilter | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | SemesterUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
create | SemesterCreateWithoutLessonsInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
where | SemesterWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SemesterWhereInput | No |
data | SemesterUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
jobs | JobUpdateManyWithoutSemesterNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
jobs | JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSemesterNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
semester | SemesterCreateNestedOneWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
semesterId | String | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UntisLessonCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | No |
longName | String | No |
title | String | No |
active | Boolean | No |
lessons | UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
user | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutUntisInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
longName | String | No |
title | String | No |
active | Boolean | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput | No |
user | UserUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutUntisInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | UntisTeacherCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
department1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
department2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment2Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
events | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
name | String | No |
description | String | No |
letter | String | No |
classLetters | DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | Null | Yes |
color | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input | No |
events | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutClassesInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
user | UserCreateNestedOneWithoutSubscriptionInput | No |
departments | DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
userId | String | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | No |
icsLocator | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSubscriptionsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
create | SubscriptionCreateWithoutUntisClassesInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UntisLessonUpdateWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateWithoutClassesInput | No |
create | UntisLessonCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | UntisLessonUpdateWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | No |
data | UntisLessonUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | UntisTeacherUpdateWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateWithoutClassesInput | No |
create | UntisTeacherCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | UntisTeacherUpdateWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput | No |
data | UntisTeacherUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
update | DepartmentUpdateWithoutClassesInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutClassesInput | No |
create | DepartmentCreateWithoutClassesInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput | No |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | DepartmentWhereInput | No |
data | DepartmentUpdateWithoutClassesInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
department1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
department2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
update | SubscriptionUpdateWithoutUntisClassesInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
create | SubscriptionCreateWithoutUntisClassesInput | SubscriptionUncheckedCreateWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionWhereUniqueInput | No |
data | SubscriptionUpdateWithoutUntisClassesInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
where | SubscriptionScalarWhereInput | No |
data | SubscriptionUpdateManyMutationInput | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUntisClassesInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
type | JobType | No |
state | JobState | No |
semesterId | String | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | String | No |
filename | String | Null | Yes |
log | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
state | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
syncDate | DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
log | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semester | SemesterUpdateOneWithoutJobsNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutJobNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
state | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
log | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutJobNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
state | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
syncDate | DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
log | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
collection | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutGroupsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
collection | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutGroupsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
collection | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
jobId | String | Null | Yes |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
department1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
department2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
collection | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
users | UserUpdateManyWithoutEventGroupsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
collection | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
users | UserUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventGroupsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
collection | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
meta | JsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
user | UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutSubscriptionNestedInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
department1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
department2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
department | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
untis | UntisTeacherUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput | No |
jobs | JobUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
untisId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput | No |
jobs | JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
subscription | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No | |
untisId | Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
firstName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lastName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
role | Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
name | String | No |
legacyName | String | Null | Yes |
year | Int | No |
sf | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUpdateManyWithoutUntisClassesNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUntisClassesNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isOpen | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isOpen | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
start | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
end | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
isOpen | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
user | UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutSubscriptionNestedInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
untisClasses | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
description | String | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
year | Int | No |
weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
type | JobType | No |
state | JobState | No |
userId | String | No |
syncDate | DateTime | Null | Yes |
description | String | No |
filename | String | Null | Yes |
log | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
state | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
syncDate | DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
log | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
user | UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutJobsNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutJobNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
state | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
syncDate | DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
log | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutJobNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
type | JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
state | JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
syncDate | DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
filename | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
log | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
department1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
department2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
childDepartment1 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput | No |
childDepartment2 | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput | No |
events | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
letter | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classLetters | DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String | No |
department1_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
department2_Id | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
color | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
start | DateTime | No |
end | DateTime | No |
location | String | No |
description | String | No |
descriptionLong | String | No |
state | EventState | No |
cloned | Boolean | No |
parentId | String | Null | Yes |
clonedFromId | String | Null | Yes |
classes | EventCreateclassesInput | String | No |
classGroups | EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | No |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | Null | Yes |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | No |
createdAt | DateTime | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | No |
deletedAt | DateTime | Null | Yes |
meta | NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
semester | SemesterUpdateOneRequiredWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
department | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUpdateManyWithoutUntisClassesNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUntisClassesNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
department | DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUpdateManyWithoutUntisClassesNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput | No |
subscriptions | SubscriptionUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUntisClassesNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
legacyName | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
sf | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departmentId | String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
longName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
title | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
active | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput | No |
user | UserUpdateOneWithoutUntisNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
longName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
title | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
active | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
classes | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput | No |
user | UserUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutUntisNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
longName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
title | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
active | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
semester | SemesterUpdateOneRequiredWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
teachers | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
room | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subject | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
description | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
semesterNr | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
year | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
weekDay | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
startHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
endHHMM | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
longName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
title | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
active | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput | No |
user | UserUpdateOneWithoutUntisNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
longName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
title | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
active | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
lessons | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput | No |
user | UserUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutUntisNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
name | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
longName | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
title | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
active | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
user | UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutSubscriptionNestedInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
departments | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
ignoredEvents | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSubscriptionsNestedInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
userId | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
icsLocator | String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
createdAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
updatedAt | DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
String | Yes | |
untisId | Int | No |
firstName | String | Yes |
lastName | String | Yes |
role | Role | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | No |
untis | UntisTeacher | No |
events | Event[] | No |
jobs | Job[] | No |
subscription | Subscription | No |
eventGroups | EventGroup[] | No |
_count | UserCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
descriptionLong | String | Yes |
state | EventState | Yes |
cloned | Boolean | Yes |
jobId | String | No |
parentId | String | No |
clonedFromId | String | No |
classes | String | No |
classGroups | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
deletedAt | DateTime | No |
meta | Json | No |
author | User | Yes |
job | Job | No |
parent | Event | No |
children | Event[] | No |
clonedFrom | Event | No |
clones | Event[] | No |
departments | Department[] | No |
groups | EventGroup[] | No |
subscriptions | Subscription[] | No |
_count | EventCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | Yes |
icsLocator | String | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
user | User | Yes |
departments | Department[] | No |
untisClasses | UntisClass[] | No |
ignoredEvents | Event[] | No |
_count | SubscriptionCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
collection | String | Yes |
meta | Json | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
events | Event[] | No |
users | User[] | No |
_count | EventGroupCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
letter | String | Yes |
classLetters | String | No |
department1_Id | String | No |
department2_Id | String | No |
color | String | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
department1 | Department | No |
childDepartment1 | Department | No |
department2 | Department | No |
childDepartment2 | Department | No |
classes | UntisClass[] | No |
events | Event[] | No |
registrationPeriods | RegistrationPeriod[] | No |
subscriptions | Subscription[] | No |
_count | DepartmentCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
lessons | UntisLesson[] | No |
jobs | Job[] | No |
_count | SemesterCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | Yes |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | Yes |
isOpen | Boolean | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
departments | Department[] | No |
_count | RegistrationPeriodCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
type | JobType | Yes |
state | JobState | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | No |
syncDate | DateTime | No |
description | String | Yes |
filename | String | No |
log | String | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
user | User | Yes |
semester | Semester | No |
events | Event[] | No |
_count | JobCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
longName | String | Yes |
title | String | Yes |
active | Boolean | Yes |
lessons | UntisLesson[] | No |
classes | UntisClass[] | No |
user | User | No |
_count | UntisTeacherCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
room | String | Yes |
subject | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
semesterNr | Int | Yes |
year | Int | Yes |
weekDay | Int | Yes |
startHHMM | Int | Yes |
endHHMM | Int | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
classes | UntisClass[] | No |
teachers | UntisTeacher[] | No |
semester | Semester | Yes |
_count | UntisLessonCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
legacyName | String | No |
year | Int | Yes |
sf | String | Yes |
departmentId | String | No |
lessons | UntisLesson[] | No |
teachers | UntisTeacher[] | No |
department | Department | No |
subscriptions | Subscription[] | No |
_count | UntisClassCountOutputType | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | String | Yes |
sess | Json | Yes |
expire | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | Yes |
teacherId | Int | Yes |
teacherName | String | Yes |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
untisTeacherId | Int | No |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
lessonId | Int | Yes |
lessonSubject | String | Yes |
eventAudience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectedDepartmentId | String | No |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | No |
affectsClassname | Boolean | Yes |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | Yes |
affectsLesson | Boolean | Yes |
isKlp | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
untisTeacherId | Int | No |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
lessonId | Int | Yes |
lessonSubject | String | Yes |
eventAudience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectedDepartmentId | String | No |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | No |
affectsClassname | Boolean | Yes |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | Yes |
affectsLesson | Boolean | Yes |
isKlp | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
descriptionLong | String | Yes |
state | EventState | Yes |
jobId | String | No |
classes | String | No |
classGroups | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
deletedAt | DateTime | No |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | Yes |
parentId | String | No |
clonedFromId | String | No |
cloned | Boolean | Yes |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
meta | Json | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | Yes |
sId | String | Yes |
id | Int | Yes |
room | String | Yes |
subject | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
semesterNr | Int | Yes |
year | Int | Yes |
weekDay | Int | Yes |
startHHMM | Int | Yes |
endHHMM | Int | Yes |
semesterId | String | No |
teacherIds | Int | No |
classIds | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
descriptionLong | String | Yes |
state | EventState | Yes |
jobId | String | No |
classes | String | No |
classGroups | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
deletedAt | DateTime | No |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | Yes |
parentId | String | No |
clonedFromId | String | No |
cloned | Boolean | Yes |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
meta | Json | No |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
departmentId | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
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state | EventState | Yes |
jobId | String | No |
classes | String | No |
classGroups | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
deletedAt | DateTime | No |
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parentId | String | No |
clonedFromId | String | No |
cloned | Boolean | Yes |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
meta | Json | No |
departmentId | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | Yes |
rpId | String | Yes |
rpName | String | Yes |
rpIsOpen | Boolean | Yes |
rpStart | DateTime | Yes |
rpEnd | DateTime | Yes |
rpEventRangeStart | DateTime | Yes |
rpEventRangeEnd | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
String | Yes | |
untisId | Int | No |
firstName | String | Yes |
lastName | String | Yes |
role | Role | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | No |
untis | UntisTeacher | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
String | Yes | |
untisId | Int | No |
firstName | String | Yes |
lastName | String | Yes |
role | Role | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | No |
untis | UntisTeacher | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
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descriptionLong | String | Yes |
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jobId | String | No |
parentId | String | No |
clonedFromId | String | No |
classes | String | No |
classGroups | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
deletedAt | DateTime | No |
meta | Json | No |
author | User | Yes |
job | Job | No |
parent | Event | No |
clonedFrom | Event | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
descriptionLong | String | Yes |
state | EventState | Yes |
cloned | Boolean | Yes |
jobId | String | No |
parentId | String | No |
clonedFromId | String | No |
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classGroups | String | No |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
deletedAt | DateTime | No |
meta | Json | No |
author | User | Yes |
job | Job | No |
parent | Event | No |
clonedFrom | Event | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | Yes |
icsLocator | String | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
user | User | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | Yes |
icsLocator | String | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
collection | String | Yes |
meta | Json | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
collection | String | Yes |
meta | Json | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
letter | String | Yes |
classLetters | String | No |
department1_Id | String | No |
department2_Id | String | No |
color | String | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
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department2 | Department | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
letter | String | Yes |
classLetters | String | No |
department1_Id | String | No |
department2_Id | String | No |
color | String | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
department1 | Department | No |
department2 | Department | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | Yes |
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updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | Yes |
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isOpen | Boolean | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
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description | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | Yes |
eventRangeEnd | DateTime | Yes |
isOpen | Boolean | Yes |
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updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
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state | JobState | Yes |
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semesterId | String | No |
syncDate | DateTime | No |
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filename | String | No |
log | String | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
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semester | Semester | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
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state | JobState | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | No |
syncDate | DateTime | No |
description | String | Yes |
filename | String | No |
log | String | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
user | User | Yes |
semester | Semester | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
longName | String | Yes |
title | String | Yes |
active | Boolean | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
longName | String | Yes |
title | String | Yes |
active | Boolean | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
room | String | Yes |
subject | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
semesterNr | Int | Yes |
year | Int | Yes |
weekDay | Int | Yes |
startHHMM | Int | Yes |
endHHMM | Int | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
semester | Semester | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
room | String | Yes |
subject | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
semesterNr | Int | Yes |
year | Int | Yes |
weekDay | Int | Yes |
startHHMM | Int | Yes |
endHHMM | Int | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
semester | Semester | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
legacyName | String | No |
year | Int | Yes |
sf | String | Yes |
departmentId | String | No |
department | Department | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
legacyName | String | No |
year | Int | Yes |
sf | String | Yes |
departmentId | String | No |
department | Department | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | String | Yes |
sess | Json | Yes |
expire | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
sid | String | Yes |
sess | Json | Yes |
expire | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | Yes |
teacherId | Int | Yes |
teacherName | String | Yes |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | Yes |
teacherId | Int | Yes |
teacherName | String | Yes |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
untisTeacherId | Int | No |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
lessonId | Int | Yes |
lessonSubject | String | Yes |
eventAudience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectedDepartmentId | String | No |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | No |
affectsClassname | Boolean | Yes |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | Yes |
affectsLesson | Boolean | Yes |
isKlp | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
untisTeacherId | Int | No |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
lessonId | Int | Yes |
lessonSubject | String | Yes |
eventAudience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectedDepartmentId | String | No |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | No |
affectsClassname | Boolean | Yes |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | Yes |
affectsLesson | Boolean | Yes |
isKlp | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
untisTeacherId | Int | No |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
lessonId | Int | Yes |
lessonSubject | String | Yes |
eventAudience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectedDepartmentId | String | No |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | No |
affectsClassname | Boolean | Yes |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | Yes |
affectsLesson | Boolean | Yes |
isKlp | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
untisTeacherId | Int | No |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
lessonId | Int | Yes |
lessonSubject | String | Yes |
eventAudience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectedDepartmentId | String | No |
affectsDepartment | Boolean | No |
affectsClassname | Boolean | Yes |
affectsClassgroup | Boolean | Yes |
affectsLesson | Boolean | Yes |
isKlp | Boolean | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
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jobId | String | No |
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classGroups | String | No |
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deletedAt | DateTime | No |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | Yes |
parentId | String | No |
clonedFromId | String | No |
cloned | Boolean | Yes |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
meta | Json | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
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end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
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classGroups | String | No |
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updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
deletedAt | DateTime | No |
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cloned | Boolean | Yes |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
meta | Json | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | Yes |
sId | String | Yes |
id | Int | Yes |
room | String | Yes |
subject | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
semesterNr | Int | Yes |
year | Int | Yes |
weekDay | Int | Yes |
startHHMM | Int | Yes |
endHHMM | Int | Yes |
semesterId | String | No |
teacherIds | Int | No |
classIds | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | Yes |
sId | String | Yes |
id | Int | Yes |
room | String | Yes |
subject | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
semesterNr | Int | Yes |
year | Int | Yes |
weekDay | Int | Yes |
startHHMM | Int | Yes |
endHHMM | Int | Yes |
semesterId | String | No |
teacherIds | Int | No |
classIds | Int | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
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jobId | String | No |
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classGroups | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
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cloned | Boolean | Yes |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
meta | Json | No |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
departmentId | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
descriptionLong | String | Yes |
state | EventState | Yes |
jobId | String | No |
classes | String | No |
classGroups | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
deletedAt | DateTime | No |
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parentId | String | No |
clonedFromId | String | No |
cloned | Boolean | Yes |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
meta | Json | No |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
departmentId | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
descriptionLong | String | Yes |
state | EventState | Yes |
jobId | String | No |
classes | String | No |
classGroups | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
deletedAt | DateTime | No |
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cloned | Boolean | Yes |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
meta | Json | No |
departmentId | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
descriptionLong | String | Yes |
state | EventState | Yes |
jobId | String | No |
classes | String | No |
classGroups | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
deletedAt | DateTime | No |
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parentId | String | No |
clonedFromId | String | No |
cloned | Boolean | Yes |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
meta | Json | No |
departmentId | String | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | Yes |
rpId | String | Yes |
rpName | String | Yes |
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rpEnd | DateTime | Yes |
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eventId | String | Yes |
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rpName | String | Yes |
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rpStart | DateTime | Yes |
rpEnd | DateTime | Yes |
rpEventRangeStart | DateTime | Yes |
rpEventRangeEnd | DateTime | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | UserCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | UserAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
String | Yes | |
untisId | Int | No |
firstName | String | Yes |
lastName | String | Yes |
role | Role | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
notifyOnEventUpdate | Boolean | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest | Boolean | No |
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision | Boolean | No |
_count | UserCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | UserAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
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_min | UserMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | UserMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
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id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
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jobId | String | No |
parentId | String | No |
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classGroups | String | No |
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teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | Yes |
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updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
deletedAt | DateTime | No |
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_min | EventMinAggregateOutputType | No |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SubscriptionCountAggregateOutputType | No |
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id | String | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
subscribeToAffected | Boolean | Yes |
icsLocator | String | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
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_max | SubscriptionMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
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collection | String | Yes |
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_min | EventGroupMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | EventGroupMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | DepartmentCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | DepartmentMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | DepartmentMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
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id | String | Yes |
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letter | String | Yes |
classLetters | String | No |
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department2_Id | String | No |
color | String | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
_count | DepartmentCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | DepartmentMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | DepartmentMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
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_count | SemesterCountAggregateOutputType | No |
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_max | SemesterMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
untisSyncDate | DateTime | Yes |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
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_min | SemesterMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | SemesterMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | RegistrationPeriodCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | RegistrationPeriodMinAggregateOutputType | No |
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id | String | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
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end | DateTime | Yes |
eventRangeStart | DateTime | Yes |
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isOpen | Boolean | Yes |
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_max | RegistrationPeriodMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
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id | String | Yes |
type | JobType | Yes |
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syncDate | DateTime | No |
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filename | String | No |
log | String | Yes |
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updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
_count | JobCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | JobMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | JobMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
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_count | UntisTeacherCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | UntisTeacherAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
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_min | UntisTeacherMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | UntisTeacherMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
name | String | Yes |
longName | String | Yes |
title | String | Yes |
active | Boolean | Yes |
_count | UntisTeacherCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | UntisTeacherAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
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_min | UntisTeacherMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | UntisTeacherMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | UntisLessonCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | UntisLessonAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
_sum | UntisLessonSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | UntisLessonMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | UntisLessonMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
room | String | Yes |
subject | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
semesterNr | Int | Yes |
year | Int | Yes |
weekDay | Int | Yes |
startHHMM | Int | Yes |
endHHMM | Int | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
_count | UntisLessonCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | UntisLessonAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
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_min | UntisLessonMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | UntisLessonMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | UntisClassCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | UntisClassAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
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_max | UntisClassMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | Yes |
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legacyName | String | No |
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sf | String | Yes |
departmentId | String | No |
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_avg | UntisClassAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
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_min | UntisClassMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | UntisClassMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | SessionCountAggregateOutputType | No |
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_max | SessionMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
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sid | String | Yes |
sess | Json | Yes |
expire | DateTime | Yes |
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_max | SessionMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
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_avg | View_KLPsAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
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_min | View_KLPsMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | View_KLPsMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
userId | String | Yes |
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teacherName | String | Yes |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
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userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
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classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
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isKlp | Boolean | No |
_count | View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
_sum | View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | View_AffectedByEventsCountAggregateOutputType | No |
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_sum | View_AffectedByEventsSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | View_AffectedByEventsMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | View_AffectedByEventsMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | Yes |
userId | String | Yes |
semesterId | String | Yes |
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classId | Int | Yes |
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lessonId | Int | Yes |
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isKlp | Boolean | No |
_count | View_AffectedByEventsCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_avg | View_AffectedByEventsAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
_sum | View_AffectedByEventsSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | View_AffectedByEventsMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | View_AffectedByEventsMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
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jobId | String | No |
classes | String | No |
classGroups | String | No |
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updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
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affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
meta | Json | No |
_count | View_UsersAffectedByEventsCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | View_UsersAffectedByEventsMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | View_UsersAffectedByEventsMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
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_count | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsCountAggregateOutputType | No |
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_sum | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
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_avg | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
_sum | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsSumAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
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_avg | View_EventsClassesAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
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_min | View_EventsClassesMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | View_EventsClassesMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
location | String | Yes |
description | String | Yes |
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jobId | String | No |
classes | String | No |
classGroups | String | No |
createdAt | DateTime | Yes |
updatedAt | DateTime | Yes |
deletedAt | DateTime | No |
teachingAffected | TeachingAffected | Yes |
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cloned | Boolean | Yes |
audience | EventAudience | Yes |
affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
meta | Json | No |
classId | Int | Yes |
className | String | Yes |
departmentId | String | Yes |
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_avg | View_EventsClassesAvgAggregateOutputType | No |
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_min | View_EventsClassesMinAggregateOutputType | No |
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_count | View_EventsDepartmentsCountAggregateOutputType | No |
_min | View_EventsDepartmentsMinAggregateOutputType | No |
_max | View_EventsDepartmentsMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
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id | String | Yes |
authorId | String | Yes |
start | DateTime | Yes |
end | DateTime | Yes |
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classGroups | String | No |
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cloned | Boolean | Yes |
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affectsDepartment2 | Boolean | No |
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departmentId | String | Yes |
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_max | View_EventsDepartmentsMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
_count | View_EventsRegistrationPeriodsCountAggregateOutputType | No |
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_max | View_EventsRegistrationPeriodsMaxAggregateOutputType | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
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rpName | String | Yes |
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Int | Yes | |
untisId | Int | Yes |
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String | No | |
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String | No | |
untisId | Int | No |
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letter | Int | Yes |
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id | Int | No |
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id | Int | Yes |
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sf | Int | Yes |
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sess | Int | Yes |
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teacherId | Float | No |
classId | Float | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
teacherId | Int | No |
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semesterId | String | No |
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userId | String | No |
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isKlp | Int | Yes |
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untisTeacherId | Float | No |
classId | Float | No |
lessonId | Float | No |
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untisTeacherId | Int | No |
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lessonId | Int | No |
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eventId | String | No |
userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
untisTeacherId | Int | No |
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lessonId | Int | No |
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affectedDepartmentId | String | No |
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isKlp | Boolean | No |
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semesterId | Int | Yes |
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lessonId | Int | Yes |
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eventAudience | Int | Yes |
affectedDepartmentId | Int | Yes |
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isKlp | Int | Yes |
_all | Int | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
untisTeacherId | Float | No |
classId | Float | No |
lessonId | Float | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
untisTeacherId | Int | No |
classId | Int | No |
lessonId | Int | No |
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lessonId | Int | No |
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isKlp | Boolean | No |
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userId | String | No |
semesterId | String | No |
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lessonId | Int | No |
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affectedDepartmentId | String | No |
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isKlp | Boolean | No |
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classGroups | Int | Yes |
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semesterId | String | No |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
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semesterId | String | No |
id | String | No |
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sId | Int | Yes |
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weekDay | Int | Yes |
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classIds | Int | Yes |
_all | Int | Yes |
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startHHMM | Float | No |
endHHMM | Float | No |
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classIds | Float | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | Int | No |
semesterNr | Int | No |
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weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
teacherIds | Int | No |
classIds | Int | No |
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eventId | String | No |
sId | String | No |
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room | String | No |
subject | String | No |
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semesterNr | Int | No |
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weekDay | Int | No |
startHHMM | Int | No |
endHHMM | Int | No |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
eventId | String | No |
sId | String | No |
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semesterNr | Int | No |
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endHHMM | Int | No |
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authorId | Int | Yes |
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descriptionLong | Int | Yes |
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jobId | Int | Yes |
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classGroups | Int | Yes |
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affectsDepartment2 | Int | Yes |
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className | Int | Yes |
departmentId | Int | Yes |
_all | Int | Yes |
Name | Type | Nullable |
classId | Float | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
classId | Int | No |
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id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
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jobId | String | No |
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departmentId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
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jobId | String | No |
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className | String | No |
departmentId | String | No |
Name | Type | Nullable |
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authorId | Int | Yes |
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end | Int | Yes |
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jobId | Int | Yes |
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classGroups | Int | Yes |
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Name | Type | Nullable |
id | String | No |
authorId | String | No |
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