



Name Type Attributes Required Comment
id String
  • @id
  • @default(dbgenerated(gen_random_uuid()))
Yes -
email String
  • @unique
Yes -
untis UntisTeacher?
  • -
No -
untisId Int?
  • @unique
No -
firstName String
  • -
Yes -
lastName String
  • -
Yes -
role Role
  • @default(USER)
Yes -
createdAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
Yes -
updatedAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
  • @updatedAt
Yes -
events Event[]
  • -
Yes -
icsLocator String?
  • @unique
No -
jobs Job[]
  • -
Yes -
eventGroups EventGroup[]
  • -
Yes -
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean?
  • @default(false)
No -
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean?
  • @default(false)
No -
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean?
  • @default(false)
No -



Find zero or one User

// Get one User
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where UserWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: User
Required: No
List: No


Find first User

// Get one User
const user = await prisma.user.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where UserWhereInput No
orderBy UserOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UserOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor UserWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct UserScalarFieldEnum | UserScalarFieldEnum[] No


Type: User
Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more User

// Get all User
const User = await prisma.user.findMany()
// Get first 10 User
const User = await prisma.user.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where UserWhereInput No
orderBy UserOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UserOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor UserWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct UserScalarFieldEnum | UserScalarFieldEnum[] No


Type: User
Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one User

// Create one User
const User = await prisma.user.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a User


Name Type Required
data UserCreateInput | UserUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Type: User
Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one User

// Delete one User
const User = await prisma.user.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one User


Name Type Required
where UserWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: User
Required: No
List: No


Update one User

// Update one User
const user = await prisma.user.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data UserUpdateInput | UserUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where UserWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: User
Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more User

// Delete a few User
const { count } = await prisma.user.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where UserWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one User

const { count } = await prisma.user.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data UserUpdateManyMutationInput | UserUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where UserWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one User

// Update or create a User
const user = await prisma.user.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a User
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the User we want to update


Name Type Required
where UserWhereUniqueInput Yes
create UserCreateInput | UserUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update UserUpdateInput | UserUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Type: User
Required: Yes
List: No



Name Type Attributes Required Comment
id String
  • @id
  • @default(dbgenerated(gen_random_uuid()))
Yes -
author User
  • -
Yes -
authorId String
  • -
Yes -
start DateTime
  • -
Yes -
end DateTime
  • -
Yes -
location String
  • @default()
Yes -
description String
  • @default()
Yes -
descriptionLong String
  • @default()
Yes -
state EventState
  • @default(DRAFT)
Yes -
cloned Boolean
  • @default(false)
Yes -
job Job?
  • -
No -
jobId String?
  • -
No -
parent Event?
  • -
No -
parentId String?
  • -
No -
children Event[]
  • -
Yes -
classes String[]
  • @default([])
Yes -
classGroups String[]
  • @default([])
Yes -
departments Department[]
  • -
Yes -
groups EventGroup[]
  • -
Yes -
audience EventAudience
  • @default(STUDENTS)
Yes -
affectsDepartment2 Boolean?
  • @default(false)
No -
teachingAffected TeachingAffected
  • @default(YES)
Yes -
createdAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
Yes -
updatedAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
  • @updatedAt
Yes -
deletedAt DateTime?
  • -
No -
meta Json?
  • -
No -



Find zero or one Event

// Get one Event
const event = await prisma.event.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where EventWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: Event
Required: No
List: No


Find first Event

// Get one Event
const event = await prisma.event.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where EventWhereInput No
orderBy EventOrderByWithRelationInput[] | EventOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor EventWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct EventScalarFieldEnum | EventScalarFieldEnum[] No


Type: Event
Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more Event

// Get all Event
const Event = await prisma.event.findMany()
// Get first 10 Event
const Event = await prisma.event.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where EventWhereInput No
orderBy EventOrderByWithRelationInput[] | EventOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor EventWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct EventScalarFieldEnum | EventScalarFieldEnum[] No


Type: Event
Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one Event

// Create one Event
const Event = await prisma.event.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a Event


Name Type Required
data EventCreateInput | EventUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Type: Event
Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one Event

// Delete one Event
const Event = await prisma.event.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one Event


Name Type Required
where EventWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: Event
Required: No
List: No


Update one Event

// Update one Event
const event = await prisma.event.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data EventUpdateInput | EventUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where EventWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: Event
Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more Event

// Delete a few Event
const { count } = await prisma.event.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where EventWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one Event

const { count } = await prisma.event.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data EventUpdateManyMutationInput | EventUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where EventWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one Event

// Update or create a Event
const event = await prisma.event.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a Event
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the Event we want to update


Name Type Required
where EventWhereUniqueInput Yes
create EventCreateInput | EventUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update EventUpdateInput | EventUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Type: Event
Required: Yes
List: No



Name Type Attributes Required Comment
id String
  • @id
  • @default(dbgenerated(gen_random_uuid()))
Yes -
name String
  • @default()
Yes -
description String
  • @default()
Yes -
events Event[]
  • -
Yes -
users User[]
  • -
Yes -
createdAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
Yes -
updatedAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
  • @updatedAt
Yes -



Find zero or one EventGroup

// Get one EventGroup
const eventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where EventGroupWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first EventGroup

// Get one EventGroup
const eventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where EventGroupWhereInput No
orderBy EventGroupOrderByWithRelationInput[] | EventGroupOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor EventGroupWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct EventGroupScalarFieldEnum | EventGroupScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more EventGroup

// Get all EventGroup
const EventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.findMany()
// Get first 10 EventGroup
const EventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where EventGroupWhereInput No
orderBy EventGroupOrderByWithRelationInput[] | EventGroupOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor EventGroupWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct EventGroupScalarFieldEnum | EventGroupScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one EventGroup

// Create one EventGroup
const EventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a EventGroup


Name Type Required
data EventGroupCreateInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one EventGroup

// Delete one EventGroup
const EventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one EventGroup


Name Type Required
where EventGroupWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one EventGroup

// Update one EventGroup
const eventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data EventGroupUpdateInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where EventGroupWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more EventGroup

// Delete a few EventGroup
const { count } = await prisma.eventGroup.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where EventGroupWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one EventGroup

const { count } = await prisma.eventGroup.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data EventGroupUpdateManyMutationInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where EventGroupWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one EventGroup

// Update or create a EventGroup
const eventGroup = await prisma.eventGroup.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a EventGroup
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the EventGroup we want to update


Name Type Required
where EventGroupWhereUniqueInput Yes
create EventGroupCreateInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update EventGroupUpdateInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No



Name Type Attributes Required Comment
id String
  • @id
  • @default(dbgenerated(gen_random_uuid()))
Yes -
name String
  • @unique
Yes -
description String
  • @default()
Yes -
letter String
  • @default()
Yes -
classLetters String[]
  • @default([])
Yes -
department1_Id String?
  • @unique
No -
department1 Department?
  • -
No -
childDepartment1 Department?
  • -
No -
department2_Id String?
  • @unique
No -
department2 Department?
  • -
No -
childDepartment2 Department?
  • -
No -
classes UntisClass[]
  • -
Yes -
events Event[]
  • -
Yes -
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriod[]
  • -
Yes -
color String
  • @default(#306cce)
Yes -
createdAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
Yes -
updatedAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
  • @updatedAt
Yes -



Find zero or one Department

// Get one Department
const department = await prisma.department.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where DepartmentWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first Department

// Get one Department
const department = await prisma.department.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where DepartmentWhereInput No
orderBy DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput[] | DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor DepartmentWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct DepartmentScalarFieldEnum | DepartmentScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more Department

// Get all Department
const Department = await prisma.department.findMany()
// Get first 10 Department
const Department = await prisma.department.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where DepartmentWhereInput No
orderBy DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput[] | DepartmentOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor DepartmentWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct DepartmentScalarFieldEnum | DepartmentScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one Department

// Create one Department
const Department = await prisma.department.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a Department


Name Type Required
data DepartmentCreateInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one Department

// Delete one Department
const Department = await prisma.department.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one Department


Name Type Required
where DepartmentWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one Department

// Update one Department
const department = await prisma.department.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data DepartmentUpdateInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where DepartmentWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more Department

// Delete a few Department
const { count } = await prisma.department.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where DepartmentWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one Department

const { count } = await prisma.department.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data DepartmentUpdateManyMutationInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where DepartmentWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one Department

// Update or create a Department
const department = await prisma.department.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a Department
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the Department we want to update


Name Type Required
where DepartmentWhereUniqueInput Yes
create DepartmentCreateInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update DepartmentUpdateInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No



Name Type Attributes Required Comment
id String
  • @id
  • @default(dbgenerated(gen_random_uuid()))
Yes -
name String
  • -
Yes -
start DateTime
  • -
Yes -
end DateTime
  • -
Yes -
untisSyncDate DateTime
  • -
Yes -
lessons UntisLesson[]
  • -
Yes -
jobs Job[]
  • -
Yes -
createdAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
Yes -
updatedAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
  • @updatedAt
Yes -



Find zero or one Semester

// Get one Semester
const semester = await prisma.semester.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where SemesterWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: Semester
Required: No
List: No


Find first Semester

// Get one Semester
const semester = await prisma.semester.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where SemesterWhereInput No
orderBy SemesterOrderByWithRelationInput[] | SemesterOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor SemesterWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct SemesterScalarFieldEnum | SemesterScalarFieldEnum[] No


Type: Semester
Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more Semester

// Get all Semester
const Semester = await prisma.semester.findMany()
// Get first 10 Semester
const Semester = await prisma.semester.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where SemesterWhereInput No
orderBy SemesterOrderByWithRelationInput[] | SemesterOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor SemesterWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct SemesterScalarFieldEnum | SemesterScalarFieldEnum[] No


Type: Semester
Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one Semester

// Create one Semester
const Semester = await prisma.semester.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a Semester


Name Type Required
data SemesterCreateInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Type: Semester
Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one Semester

// Delete one Semester
const Semester = await prisma.semester.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one Semester


Name Type Required
where SemesterWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: Semester
Required: No
List: No


Update one Semester

// Update one Semester
const semester = await prisma.semester.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data SemesterUpdateInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where SemesterWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: Semester
Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more Semester

// Delete a few Semester
const { count } = await prisma.semester.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where SemesterWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one Semester

const { count } = await prisma.semester.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data SemesterUpdateManyMutationInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where SemesterWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one Semester

// Update or create a Semester
const semester = await prisma.semester.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a Semester
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the Semester we want to update


Name Type Required
where SemesterWhereUniqueInput Yes
create SemesterCreateInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update SemesterUpdateInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Type: Semester
Required: Yes
List: No



Name Type Attributes Required Comment
id String
  • @id
  • @default(dbgenerated(gen_random_uuid()))
Yes -
name String
  • -
Yes -
description String
  • @default()
Yes -
start DateTime
  • -
Yes -
end DateTime
  • -
Yes -
eventRangeStart DateTime
  • -
Yes -
eventRangeEnd DateTime
  • -
Yes -
isOpen Boolean
  • @default(false)
Yes -
departments Department[]
  • -
Yes -
createdAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
Yes -
updatedAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
  • @updatedAt
Yes -



Find zero or one RegistrationPeriod

// Get one RegistrationPeriod
const registrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first RegistrationPeriod

// Get one RegistrationPeriod
const registrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where RegistrationPeriodWhereInput No
orderBy RegistrationPeriodOrderByWithRelationInput[] | RegistrationPeriodOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct RegistrationPeriodScalarFieldEnum | RegistrationPeriodScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more RegistrationPeriod

// Get all RegistrationPeriod
const RegistrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.findMany()
// Get first 10 RegistrationPeriod
const RegistrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where RegistrationPeriodWhereInput No
orderBy RegistrationPeriodOrderByWithRelationInput[] | RegistrationPeriodOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct RegistrationPeriodScalarFieldEnum | RegistrationPeriodScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one RegistrationPeriod

// Create one RegistrationPeriod
const RegistrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a RegistrationPeriod


Name Type Required
data RegistrationPeriodCreateInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one RegistrationPeriod

// Delete one RegistrationPeriod
const RegistrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one RegistrationPeriod


Name Type Required
where RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one RegistrationPeriod

// Update one RegistrationPeriod
const registrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data RegistrationPeriodUpdateInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more RegistrationPeriod

// Delete a few RegistrationPeriod
const { count } = await prisma.registrationPeriod.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where RegistrationPeriodWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one RegistrationPeriod

const { count } = await prisma.registrationPeriod.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyMutationInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where RegistrationPeriodWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one RegistrationPeriod

// Update or create a RegistrationPeriod
const registrationPeriod = await prisma.registrationPeriod.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a RegistrationPeriod
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the RegistrationPeriod we want to update


Name Type Required
where RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput Yes
create RegistrationPeriodCreateInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update RegistrationPeriodUpdateInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No



Name Type Attributes Required Comment
id String
  • @id
  • @default(dbgenerated(gen_random_uuid()))
Yes -
type JobType
  • -
Yes -
state JobState
  • @default(PENDING)
Yes -
user User
  • -
Yes -
userId String
  • -
Yes -
semester Semester?
  • -
No -
semesterId String?
  • -
No -
syncDate DateTime?
  • -
No -
events Event[]
  • -
Yes -
description String
  • @default()
Yes -
filename String?
  • -
No -
log String
  • @default()
Yes -
createdAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
Yes -
updatedAt DateTime
  • @default(now())
  • @updatedAt
Yes -



Find zero or one Job

// Get one Job
const job = await prisma.job.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where JobWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: Job
Required: No
List: No


Find first Job

// Get one Job
const job = await prisma.job.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where JobWhereInput No
orderBy JobOrderByWithRelationInput[] | JobOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor JobWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct JobScalarFieldEnum | JobScalarFieldEnum[] No


Type: Job
Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more Job

// Get all Job
const Job = await prisma.job.findMany()
// Get first 10 Job
const Job = await prisma.job.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where JobWhereInput No
orderBy JobOrderByWithRelationInput[] | JobOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor JobWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct JobScalarFieldEnum | JobScalarFieldEnum[] No


Type: Job
Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one Job

// Create one Job
const Job = await prisma.job.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a Job


Name Type Required
data JobCreateInput | JobUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Type: Job
Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one Job

// Delete one Job
const Job = await prisma.job.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one Job


Name Type Required
where JobWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: Job
Required: No
List: No


Update one Job

// Update one Job
const job = await prisma.job.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data JobUpdateInput | JobUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where JobWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: Job
Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more Job

// Delete a few Job
const { count } = await prisma.job.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where JobWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one Job

const { count } = await prisma.job.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data JobUpdateManyMutationInput | JobUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where JobWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one Job

// Update or create a Job
const job = await prisma.job.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a Job
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the Job we want to update


Name Type Required
where JobWhereUniqueInput Yes
create JobCreateInput | JobUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update JobUpdateInput | JobUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Type: Job
Required: Yes
List: No



Name Type Attributes Required Comment
id Int
  • @id
  • @default(autoincrement())
Yes -
name String
  • @unique
Yes -
longName String
  • -
Yes -
title String
  • -
Yes -
active Boolean
  • -
Yes -
lessons UntisLesson[]
  • -
Yes -
classes UntisClass[]
  • -
Yes -
user User?
  • -
No -



Find zero or one UntisTeacher

// Get one UntisTeacher
const untisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first UntisTeacher

// Get one UntisTeacher
const untisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where UntisTeacherWhereInput No
orderBy UntisTeacherOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UntisTeacherOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct UntisTeacherScalarFieldEnum | UntisTeacherScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more UntisTeacher

// Get all UntisTeacher
const UntisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.findMany()
// Get first 10 UntisTeacher
const UntisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where UntisTeacherWhereInput No
orderBy UntisTeacherOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UntisTeacherOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct UntisTeacherScalarFieldEnum | UntisTeacherScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one UntisTeacher

// Create one UntisTeacher
const UntisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a UntisTeacher


Name Type Required
data UntisTeacherCreateInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one UntisTeacher

// Delete one UntisTeacher
const UntisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one UntisTeacher


Name Type Required
where UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one UntisTeacher

// Update one UntisTeacher
const untisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data UntisTeacherUpdateInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more UntisTeacher

// Delete a few UntisTeacher
const { count } = await prisma.untisTeacher.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where UntisTeacherWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one UntisTeacher

const { count } = await prisma.untisTeacher.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data UntisTeacherUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where UntisTeacherWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one UntisTeacher

// Update or create a UntisTeacher
const untisTeacher = await prisma.untisTeacher.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a UntisTeacher
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the UntisTeacher we want to update


Name Type Required
where UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput Yes
create UntisTeacherCreateInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update UntisTeacherUpdateInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No



Name Type Attributes Required Comment
id Int
  • @id
  • @default(autoincrement())
Yes -
room String
  • -
Yes -
subject String
  • -
Yes -
description String
  • -
Yes -
semesterNr Int
  • -
Yes -
year Int
  • -
Yes -
weekDay Int
  • -
Yes -
startHHMM Int
  • -
Yes -
endHHMM Int
  • -
Yes -
classes UntisClass[]
  • -
Yes -
teachers UntisTeacher[]
  • -
Yes -
semester Semester
  • -
Yes -
semesterId String
  • -
Yes -



Find zero or one UntisLesson

// Get one UntisLesson
const untisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first UntisLesson

// Get one UntisLesson
const untisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where UntisLessonWhereInput No
orderBy UntisLessonOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UntisLessonOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct UntisLessonScalarFieldEnum | UntisLessonScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more UntisLesson

// Get all UntisLesson
const UntisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.findMany()
// Get first 10 UntisLesson
const UntisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where UntisLessonWhereInput No
orderBy UntisLessonOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UntisLessonOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct UntisLessonScalarFieldEnum | UntisLessonScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one UntisLesson

// Create one UntisLesson
const UntisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a UntisLesson


Name Type Required
data UntisLessonCreateInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one UntisLesson

// Delete one UntisLesson
const UntisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one UntisLesson


Name Type Required
where UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one UntisLesson

// Update one UntisLesson
const untisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data UntisLessonUpdateInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more UntisLesson

// Delete a few UntisLesson
const { count } = await prisma.untisLesson.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where UntisLessonWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one UntisLesson

const { count } = await prisma.untisLesson.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data UntisLessonUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where UntisLessonWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one UntisLesson

// Update or create a UntisLesson
const untisLesson = await prisma.untisLesson.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a UntisLesson
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the UntisLesson we want to update


Name Type Required
where UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput Yes
create UntisLessonCreateInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update UntisLessonUpdateInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No



Name Type Attributes Required Comment
id Int
  • @id
  • @default(autoincrement())
Yes -
name String
  • @unique
Yes -
legacyName String?
  • @unique
No -
year Int
  • -
Yes -
sf String
  • -
Yes -
lessons UntisLesson[]
  • -
Yes -
teachers UntisTeacher[]
  • -
Yes -
department Department?
  • -
No -
departmentId String?
  • -
No -



Find zero or one UntisClass

// Get one UntisClass
const untisClass = await prisma.untisClass.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where UntisClassWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first UntisClass

// Get one UntisClass
const untisClass = await prisma.untisClass.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where UntisClassWhereInput No
orderBy UntisClassOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UntisClassOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor UntisClassWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct UntisClassScalarFieldEnum | UntisClassScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more UntisClass

// Get all UntisClass
const UntisClass = await prisma.untisClass.findMany()
// Get first 10 UntisClass
const UntisClass = await prisma.untisClass.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where UntisClassWhereInput No
orderBy UntisClassOrderByWithRelationInput[] | UntisClassOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor UntisClassWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct UntisClassScalarFieldEnum | UntisClassScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one UntisClass

// Create one UntisClass
const UntisClass = await prisma.untisClass.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a UntisClass


Name Type Required
data UntisClassCreateInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one UntisClass

// Delete one UntisClass
const UntisClass = await prisma.untisClass.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one UntisClass


Name Type Required
where UntisClassWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one UntisClass

// Update one UntisClass
const untisClass = await prisma.untisClass.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data UntisClassUpdateInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where UntisClassWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more UntisClass

// Delete a few UntisClass
const { count } = await prisma.untisClass.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where UntisClassWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one UntisClass

const { count } = await prisma.untisClass.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data UntisClassUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where UntisClassWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one UntisClass

// Update or create a UntisClass
const untisClass = await prisma.untisClass.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a UntisClass
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the UntisClass we want to update


Name Type Required
where UntisClassWhereUniqueInput Yes
create UntisClassCreateInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update UntisClassUpdateInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No



Name Type Attributes Required Comment
sid String
  • @id
Yes -
sess Json
  • -
Yes -
expire DateTime
  • -
Yes -



Find zero or one Session

// Get one Session
const session = await prisma.session.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where SessionWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: Session
Required: No
List: No


Find first Session

// Get one Session
const session = await prisma.session.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where SessionWhereInput No
orderBy SessionOrderByWithRelationInput[] | SessionOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor SessionWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct SessionScalarFieldEnum | SessionScalarFieldEnum[] No


Type: Session
Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more Session

// Get all Session
const Session = await prisma.session.findMany()
// Get first 10 Session
const Session = await prisma.session.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where SessionWhereInput No
orderBy SessionOrderByWithRelationInput[] | SessionOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor SessionWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct SessionScalarFieldEnum | SessionScalarFieldEnum[] No


Type: Session
Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one Session

// Create one Session
const Session = await prisma.session.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a Session


Name Type Required
data SessionCreateInput | SessionUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Type: Session
Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one Session

// Delete one Session
const Session = await prisma.session.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one Session


Name Type Required
where SessionWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: Session
Required: No
List: No


Update one Session

// Update one Session
const session = await prisma.session.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data SessionUpdateInput | SessionUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where SessionWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: Session
Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more Session

// Delete a few Session
const { count } = await prisma.session.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where SessionWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one Session

const { count } = await prisma.session.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data SessionUpdateManyMutationInput | SessionUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where SessionWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one Session

// Update or create a Session
const session = await prisma.session.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a Session
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the Session we want to update


Name Type Required
where SessionWhereUniqueInput Yes
create SessionCreateInput | SessionUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update SessionUpdateInput | SessionUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Type: Session
Required: Yes
List: No


Name Value
  • userId
  • teacherId
  • classId
  • semesterId
  • userId
  • teacherId
  • classId
  • semesterId


Name Type Attributes Required Comment
userId String
  • -
Yes -
teacherId Int
  • -
Yes -
teacherName String
  • -
Yes -
classId Int
  • -
Yes -
className String
  • -
Yes -
semesterId String
  • -
Yes -



Find zero or one View_KLPs

// Get one View_KLPs
const view_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_KLPsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: view_KLPs
Required: No
List: No


Find first View_KLPs

// Get one View_KLPs
const view_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_KLPsWhereInput No
orderBy view_KLPsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_KLPsOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_KLPsWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_KLPsScalarFieldEnum | View_KLPsScalarFieldEnum[] No


Type: view_KLPs
Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more View_KLPs

// Get all View_KLPs
const View_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_KLPs
const View_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where view_KLPsWhereInput No
orderBy view_KLPsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_KLPsOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_KLPsWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_KLPsScalarFieldEnum | View_KLPsScalarFieldEnum[] No


Type: view_KLPs
Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one View_KLPs

// Create one View_KLPs
const View_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a View_KLPs


Name Type Required
data view_KLPsCreateInput | view_KLPsUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Type: view_KLPs
Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one View_KLPs

// Delete one View_KLPs
const View_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one View_KLPs


Name Type Required
where view_KLPsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: view_KLPs
Required: No
List: No


Update one View_KLPs

// Update one View_KLPs
const view_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_KLPsUpdateInput | view_KLPsUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where view_KLPsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Type: view_KLPs
Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more View_KLPs

// Delete a few View_KLPs
const { count } = await prisma.view_KLPs.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_KLPsWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one View_KLPs

const { count } = await prisma.view_KLPs.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_KLPsUpdateManyMutationInput | view_KLPsUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where view_KLPsWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one View_KLPs

// Update or create a View_KLPs
const view_KLPs = await prisma.view_KLPs.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a View_KLPs
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the View_KLPs we want to update


Name Type Required
where view_KLPsWhereUniqueInput Yes
create view_KLPsCreateInput | view_KLPsUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update view_KLPsUpdateInput | view_KLPsUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Type: view_KLPs
Required: Yes
List: No


Name Value
  • userId
  • eventId
  • semesterId
  • classId
  • lessonId
  • userId
  • eventId
  • semesterId
  • classId
  • lessonId


Name Type Attributes Required Comment
eventId String
  • -
Yes -
userId String
  • -
Yes -
semesterId String
  • -
Yes -
untisTeacherId Int?
  • -
No -
classId Int
  • -
Yes -
className String
  • -
Yes -
lessonId Int
  • -
Yes -
lessonSubject String
  • -
Yes -
eventAudience EventAudience
  • -
Yes -
affectedDepartmentId String?
  • -
No -
affectsDepartment Boolean?
  • -
No -
affectsClassname Boolean
  • -
Yes -
affectsClassgroup Boolean
  • -
Yes -
affectsLesson Boolean
  • -
Yes -
isKlp Boolean?
  • -
No -



Find zero or one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered

// Get one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered

// Get one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput No
orderBy view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredScalarFieldEnum | View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered

// Get all View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput No
orderBy view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredScalarFieldEnum | View_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered

// Create one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered


Name Type Required
data view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredCreateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered

// Delete one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered


Name Type Required
where view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered

// Update one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUpdateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered

// Delete a few View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const { count } = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered

const { count } = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUpdateManyMutationInput | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered

// Update or create a View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
const view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered = await prisma.view_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the View_AffectedByEventsUnfiltered we want to update


Name Type Required
where view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredWhereUniqueInput Yes
create view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredCreateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUpdateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Name Value
  • userId
  • eventId
  • semesterId
  • classId
  • lessonId
  • userId
  • eventId
  • semesterId
  • classId
  • lessonId


Name Type Attributes Required Comment
eventId String
  • -
Yes -
userId String
  • -
Yes -
semesterId String
  • -
Yes -
untisTeacherId Int?
  • -
No -
classId Int
  • -
Yes -
className String
  • -
Yes -
lessonId Int
  • -
Yes -
lessonSubject String
  • -
Yes -
eventAudience EventAudience
  • -
Yes -
affectedDepartmentId String?
  • -
No -
affectsDepartment Boolean?
  • -
No -
affectsClassname Boolean
  • -
Yes -
affectsClassgroup Boolean
  • -
Yes -
affectsLesson Boolean
  • -
Yes -
isKlp Boolean?
  • -
No -



Find zero or one View_AffectedByEvents

// Get one View_AffectedByEvents
const view_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_AffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first View_AffectedByEvents

// Get one View_AffectedByEvents
const view_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput No
orderBy view_AffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_AffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_AffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_AffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum | View_AffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more View_AffectedByEvents

// Get all View_AffectedByEvents
const View_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_AffectedByEvents
const View_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput No
orderBy view_AffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_AffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_AffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_AffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum | View_AffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one View_AffectedByEvents

// Create one View_AffectedByEvents
const View_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a View_AffectedByEvents


Name Type Required
data view_AffectedByEventsCreateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one View_AffectedByEvents

// Delete one View_AffectedByEvents
const View_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one View_AffectedByEvents


Name Type Required
where view_AffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one View_AffectedByEvents

// Update one View_AffectedByEvents
const view_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_AffectedByEventsUpdateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where view_AffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more View_AffectedByEvents

// Delete a few View_AffectedByEvents
const { count } = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one View_AffectedByEvents

const { count } = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_AffectedByEventsUpdateManyMutationInput | view_AffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one View_AffectedByEvents

// Update or create a View_AffectedByEvents
const view_AffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_AffectedByEvents.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a View_AffectedByEvents
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the View_AffectedByEvents we want to update


Name Type Required
where view_AffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput Yes
create view_AffectedByEventsCreateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update view_AffectedByEventsUpdateInput | view_AffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Name Value
  • id
  • userId
  • semesterId
  • id
  • userId
  • semesterId


Name Type Attributes Required Comment
userId String
  • -
Yes -
semesterId String
  • -
Yes -
id String
  • @id
Yes -
authorId String
  • -
Yes -
start DateTime
  • -
Yes -
end DateTime
  • -
Yes -
location String
  • -
Yes -
description String
  • -
Yes -
descriptionLong String
  • -
Yes -
state EventState
  • -
Yes -
jobId String?
  • -
No -
classes String[]
  • -
Yes -
classGroups String[]
  • -
Yes -
createdAt DateTime
  • -
Yes -
updatedAt DateTime
  • @updatedAt
Yes -
deletedAt DateTime?
  • -
No -
teachingAffected TeachingAffected
  • -
Yes -
parentId String?
  • -
No -
cloned Boolean
  • -
Yes -
audience EventAudience
  • -
Yes -
affectsDepartment2 Boolean?
  • -
No -
meta Json?
  • -
No -



Find zero or one View_UsersAffectedByEvents

// Get one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const view_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first View_UsersAffectedByEvents

// Get one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const view_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereInput No
orderBy view_UsersAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_UsersAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_UsersAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum | View_UsersAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more View_UsersAffectedByEvents

// Get all View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const View_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const View_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereInput No
orderBy view_UsersAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_UsersAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_UsersAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum | View_UsersAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one View_UsersAffectedByEvents

// Create one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const View_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a View_UsersAffectedByEvents


Name Type Required
data view_UsersAffectedByEventsCreateInput | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one View_UsersAffectedByEvents

// Delete one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const View_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one View_UsersAffectedByEvents


Name Type Required
where view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one View_UsersAffectedByEvents

// Update one View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const view_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_UsersAffectedByEventsUpdateInput | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more View_UsersAffectedByEvents

// Delete a few View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const { count } = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one View_UsersAffectedByEvents

const { count } = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_UsersAffectedByEventsUpdateManyMutationInput | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one View_UsersAffectedByEvents

// Update or create a View_UsersAffectedByEvents
const view_UsersAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_UsersAffectedByEvents.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a View_UsersAffectedByEvents
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the View_UsersAffectedByEvents we want to update


Name Type Required
where view_UsersAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput Yes
create view_UsersAffectedByEventsCreateInput | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update view_UsersAffectedByEventsUpdateInput | view_UsersAffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Name Value
  • id
  • eventId
  • sId
  • id
  • eventId
  • sId


Name Type Attributes Required Comment
eventId String
  • -
Yes -
sId String
  • -
Yes -
id Int
  • @id
Yes -
room String
  • -
Yes -
subject String
  • -
Yes -
description String
  • -
Yes -
semesterNr Int
  • -
Yes -
year Int
  • -
Yes -
weekDay Int
  • -
Yes -
startHHMM Int
  • -
Yes -
endHHMM Int
  • -
Yes -
semesterId String?
  • -
No -
teacherIds Int[]
  • -
Yes -
classIds Int[]
  • -
Yes -



Find zero or one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents

// Get one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const view_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first View_LessonsAffectedByEvents

// Get one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const view_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput No
orderBy view_LessonsAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more View_LessonsAffectedByEvents

// Get all View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const View_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const View_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput No
orderBy view_LessonsAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum | View_LessonsAffectedByEventsScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents

// Create one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const View_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a View_LessonsAffectedByEvents


Name Type Required
data view_LessonsAffectedByEventsCreateInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents

// Delete one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const View_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents


Name Type Required
where view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents

// Update one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const view_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more View_LessonsAffectedByEvents

// Delete a few View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const { count } = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents

const { count } = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateManyMutationInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one View_LessonsAffectedByEvents

// Update or create a View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
const view_LessonsAffectedByEvents = await prisma.view_LessonsAffectedByEvents.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a View_LessonsAffectedByEvents
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the View_LessonsAffectedByEvents we want to update


Name Type Required
where view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereUniqueInput Yes
create view_LessonsAffectedByEventsCreateInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUpdateInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Name Value
  • id
  • classId
  • departmentId
  • id
  • classId
  • departmentId


Name Type Attributes Required Comment
id String
  • @id
Yes -
authorId String
  • -
Yes -
start DateTime
  • -
Yes -
end DateTime
  • -
Yes -
location String
  • -
Yes -
description String
  • -
Yes -
descriptionLong String
  • -
Yes -
state EventState
  • -
Yes -
jobId String?
  • -
No -
classes String[]
  • -
Yes -
classGroups String[]
  • -
Yes -
createdAt DateTime
  • -
Yes -
updatedAt DateTime
  • @updatedAt
Yes -
deletedAt DateTime?
  • -
No -
teachingAffected TeachingAffected
  • -
Yes -
parentId String?
  • -
No -
cloned Boolean
  • -
Yes -
audience EventAudience
  • -
Yes -
affectsDepartment2 Boolean?
  • -
No -
meta Json?
  • -
No -
classId Int
  • -
Yes -
className String
  • -
Yes -
departmentId String
  • -
Yes -



Find zero or one View_EventsClasses

// Get one View_EventsClasses
const view_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_EventsClassesWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first View_EventsClasses

// Get one View_EventsClasses
const view_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_EventsClassesWhereInput No
orderBy view_EventsClassesOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_EventsClassesOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_EventsClassesWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_EventsClassesScalarFieldEnum | View_EventsClassesScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more View_EventsClasses

// Get all View_EventsClasses
const View_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_EventsClasses
const View_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where view_EventsClassesWhereInput No
orderBy view_EventsClassesOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_EventsClassesOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_EventsClassesWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_EventsClassesScalarFieldEnum | View_EventsClassesScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one View_EventsClasses

// Create one View_EventsClasses
const View_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a View_EventsClasses


Name Type Required
data view_EventsClassesCreateInput | view_EventsClassesUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one View_EventsClasses

// Delete one View_EventsClasses
const View_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one View_EventsClasses


Name Type Required
where view_EventsClassesWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one View_EventsClasses

// Update one View_EventsClasses
const view_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_EventsClassesUpdateInput | view_EventsClassesUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where view_EventsClassesWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more View_EventsClasses

// Delete a few View_EventsClasses
const { count } = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_EventsClassesWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one View_EventsClasses

const { count } = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_EventsClassesUpdateManyMutationInput | view_EventsClassesUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where view_EventsClassesWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one View_EventsClasses

// Update or create a View_EventsClasses
const view_EventsClasses = await prisma.view_EventsClasses.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a View_EventsClasses
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the View_EventsClasses we want to update


Name Type Required
where view_EventsClassesWhereUniqueInput Yes
create view_EventsClassesCreateInput | view_EventsClassesUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update view_EventsClassesUpdateInput | view_EventsClassesUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Name Value
  • id
  • departmentId
  • id
  • departmentId


Name Type Attributes Required Comment
id String
  • @id
Yes -
authorId String
  • -
Yes -
start DateTime
  • -
Yes -
end DateTime
  • -
Yes -
location String
  • -
Yes -
description String
  • -
Yes -
descriptionLong String
  • -
Yes -
state EventState
  • -
Yes -
jobId String?
  • -
No -
classes String[]
  • -
Yes -
classGroups String[]
  • -
Yes -
createdAt DateTime
  • -
Yes -
updatedAt DateTime
  • @updatedAt
Yes -
deletedAt DateTime?
  • -
No -
teachingAffected TeachingAffected
  • -
Yes -
parentId String?
  • -
No -
cloned Boolean
  • -
Yes -
audience EventAudience
  • -
Yes -
affectsDepartment2 Boolean?
  • -
No -
meta Json?
  • -
No -
departmentId String
  • -
Yes -



Find zero or one View_EventsDepartments

// Get one View_EventsDepartments
const view_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_EventsDepartmentsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first View_EventsDepartments

// Get one View_EventsDepartments
const view_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_EventsDepartmentsWhereInput No
orderBy view_EventsDepartmentsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_EventsDepartmentsOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_EventsDepartmentsWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_EventsDepartmentsScalarFieldEnum | View_EventsDepartmentsScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more View_EventsDepartments

// Get all View_EventsDepartments
const View_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_EventsDepartments
const View_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where view_EventsDepartmentsWhereInput No
orderBy view_EventsDepartmentsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_EventsDepartmentsOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_EventsDepartmentsWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_EventsDepartmentsScalarFieldEnum | View_EventsDepartmentsScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one View_EventsDepartments

// Create one View_EventsDepartments
const View_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a View_EventsDepartments


Name Type Required
data view_EventsDepartmentsCreateInput | view_EventsDepartmentsUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one View_EventsDepartments

// Delete one View_EventsDepartments
const View_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one View_EventsDepartments


Name Type Required
where view_EventsDepartmentsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one View_EventsDepartments

// Update one View_EventsDepartments
const view_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_EventsDepartmentsUpdateInput | view_EventsDepartmentsUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where view_EventsDepartmentsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more View_EventsDepartments

// Delete a few View_EventsDepartments
const { count } = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_EventsDepartmentsWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one View_EventsDepartments

const { count } = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_EventsDepartmentsUpdateManyMutationInput | view_EventsDepartmentsUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where view_EventsDepartmentsWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one View_EventsDepartments

// Update or create a View_EventsDepartments
const view_EventsDepartments = await prisma.view_EventsDepartments.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a View_EventsDepartments
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the View_EventsDepartments we want to update


Name Type Required
where view_EventsDepartmentsWhereUniqueInput Yes
create view_EventsDepartmentsCreateInput | view_EventsDepartmentsUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update view_EventsDepartmentsUpdateInput | view_EventsDepartmentsUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Name Value
  • eventId
  • rpId
  • eventId
  • rpId


Name Type Attributes Required Comment
eventId String
  • -
Yes -
rpId String
  • -
Yes -
rpName String
  • -
Yes -
rpIsOpen Boolean
  • -
Yes -
rpStart DateTime
  • -
Yes -
rpEnd DateTime
  • -
Yes -
rpEventRangeStart DateTime
  • -
Yes -
rpEventRangeEnd DateTime
  • -
Yes -



Find zero or one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods

// Get one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const view_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.findUnique({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Find first View_EventsRegistrationPeriods

// Get one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const view_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.findFirst({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput No
orderBy view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarFieldEnum | View_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: No
List: No


Find zero or more View_EventsRegistrationPeriods

// Get all View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const View_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.findMany()
// Get first 10 View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const View_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.findMany({ take: 10 })


Name Type Required
where view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput No
orderBy view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsOrderByWithRelationInput[] | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsOrderByWithRelationInput No
cursor view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereUniqueInput No
take Int No
skip Int No
distinct View_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarFieldEnum | View_EventsRegistrationPeriodsScalarFieldEnum[] No


Required: Yes
List: Yes


Create one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods

// Create one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const View_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.create({
  data: {
    // ... data to create a View_EventsRegistrationPeriods


Name Type Required
data view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsCreateInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUncheckedCreateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Delete one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods

// Delete one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const View_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.delete({
  where: {
    // ... filter to delete one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods


Name Type Required
where view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Update one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods

// Update one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const view_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.update({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUpdateInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUncheckedUpdateInput Yes
where view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereUniqueInput Yes


Required: No
List: No


Delete zero or more View_EventsRegistrationPeriods

// Delete a few View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const { count } = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.deleteMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here


Name Type Required
where view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Update zero or one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods

const { count } = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.updateMany({
  where: {
    // ... provide filter here
  data: {
    // ... provide data here


Name Type Required
data view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUpdateManyMutationInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUncheckedUpdateManyInput Yes
where view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereInput No


Required: Yes
List: No


Create or update one View_EventsRegistrationPeriods

// Update or create a View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
const view_EventsRegistrationPeriods = await prisma.view_EventsRegistrationPeriods.upsert({
  create: {
    // ... data to create a View_EventsRegistrationPeriods
  update: {
    // ... in case it already exists, update
  where: {
    // ... the filter for the View_EventsRegistrationPeriods we want to update


Name Type Required
where view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsWhereUniqueInput Yes
create view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsCreateInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUncheckedCreateInput Yes
update view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUpdateInput | view_EventsRegistrationPeriodsUncheckedUpdateInput Yes


Required: Yes
List: No


Input Types


Name Type Nullable
AND UserWhereInput | UserWhereInput[] No
OR UserWhereInput[] No
NOT UserWhereInput | UserWhereInput[] No
id UuidFilter | String No
email StringFilter | String No
untisId IntNullableFilter | Int | Null Yes
firstName StringFilter | String No
lastName StringFilter | String No
role EnumRoleFilter | Role No
createdAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
updatedAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
icsLocator StringNullableFilter | String | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null Yes
untis UntisTeacherNullableRelationFilter | UntisTeacherWhereInput | Null Yes
events EventListRelationFilter No
jobs JobListRelationFilter No
eventGroups EventGroupListRelationFilter No


Name Type Nullable
id SortOrder No
email SortOrder No
untisId SortOrder | SortOrderInput No
firstName SortOrder No
lastName SortOrder No
role SortOrder No
createdAt SortOrder No
updatedAt SortOrder No
icsLocator SortOrder | SortOrderInput No
notifyOnEventUpdate SortOrder | SortOrderInput No
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest SortOrder | SortOrderInput No
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision SortOrder | SortOrderInput No
untis UntisTeacherOrderByWithRelationInput No
events EventOrderByRelationAggregateInput No
jobs JobOrderByRelationAggregateInput No
eventGroups EventGroupOrderByRelationAggregateInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
email String No
untisId Int No
icsLocator String No
AND UserWhereInput | UserWhereInput[] No
OR UserWhereInput[] No
NOT UserWhereInput | UserWhereInput[] No
firstName StringFilter | String No
lastName StringFilter | String No
role EnumRoleFilter | Role No
createdAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
updatedAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
notifyOnEventUpdate BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null Yes
untis UntisTeacherNullableRelationFilter | UntisTeacherWhereInput | Null Yes
events EventListRelationFilter No
jobs JobListRelationFilter No
eventGroups EventGroupListRelationFilter No


Name Type Nullable
id SortOrder No
email SortOrder No
untisId SortOrder | SortOrderInput No
firstName SortOrder No
lastName SortOrder No
role SortOrder No
createdAt SortOrder No
updatedAt SortOrder No
icsLocator SortOrder | SortOrderInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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notifyAdminOnReviewDecision BoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Boolean | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
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OR EventWhereInput[] No
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groups EventGroupListRelationFilter No


Name Type Nullable
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start SortOrder No
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updatedAt SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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groups EventGroupListRelationFilter No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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description SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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childDepartment2 DepartmentNullableRelationFilter | DepartmentWhereInput | Null Yes
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events EventListRelationFilter No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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OR SemesterWhereInput[] No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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start SortOrder No
end SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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active SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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_min UntisTeacherMinOrderByAggregateInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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OR UntisLessonWhereInput[] No
NOT UntisLessonWhereInput | UntisLessonWhereInput[] No
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Name Type Nullable
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subject SortOrder No
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year SortOrder No
weekDay SortOrder No
startHHMM SortOrder No
endHHMM SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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teachers UntisTeacherListRelationFilter No
semester SemesterRelationFilter | SemesterWhereInput No


Name Type Nullable
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room SortOrder No
subject SortOrder No
description SortOrder No
semesterNr SortOrder No
year SortOrder No
weekDay SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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sf SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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sf SortOrder No
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_min UntisClassMinOrderByAggregateInput No
_sum UntisClassSumOrderByAggregateInput No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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classId SortOrder No
className SortOrder No
semesterId SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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semesterId UuidFilter | String No


Name Type Nullable
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className SortOrder No
semesterId SortOrder No
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_min view_KLPsMinOrderByAggregateInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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_max view_AffectedByEventsUnfilteredMaxOrderByAggregateInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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OR view_AffectedByEventsWhereInput[] No
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isKlp BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
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affectsClassgroup SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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audience SortOrder No
affectsDepartment2 SortOrder | SortOrderInput No
meta SortOrder | SortOrderInput No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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OR view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput[] No
NOT view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput | view_LessonsAffectedByEventsWhereInput[] No
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Name Type Nullable
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teacherIds SortOrder No
classIds SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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departmentId UuidFilter | String No


Name Type Nullable
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departmentId SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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role Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
icsLocator String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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eventGroups EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
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lastName String No
role Role No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
icsLocator String | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
email String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
firstName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
email String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisId Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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role Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
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start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
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updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
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departments DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No
groups EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
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departments DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No
groups EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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groups EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
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departments DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No
groups EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
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updatedAt DateTime No
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meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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updatedAt DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
id String No
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description String No
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color String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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departments DepartmentUpdateManyWithoutRegistrationPeriodsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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updatedAt DateTime No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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state JobState No
userId String No
semesterId String | Null Yes
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createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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classes UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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user UserUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutUntisInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int No
name String No
longName String No
title String No
active Boolean No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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active Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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year Int No
weekDay Int No
startHHMM Int No
endHHMM Int No
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semester SemesterCreateNestedOneWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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subject String No
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semesterNr Int No
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weekDay Int No
startHHMM Int No
endHHMM Int No
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Name Type Nullable
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description String No
semesterNr Int No
year Int No
weekDay Int No
startHHMM Int No
endHHMM Int No
semesterId String No


Name Type Nullable
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weekDay Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
startHHMM Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
endHHMM Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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startHHMM Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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sf String No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
sid String No
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expire DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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semesterId String No


Name Type Nullable
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className String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
eventId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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semesterId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisTeacherId Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
classId Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
className String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lessonId Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lessonSubject String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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affectsClassgroup Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsLesson Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
isKlp Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
eventId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
userId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
semesterId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisTeacherId Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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className String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lessonId Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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affectsClassgroup Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsLesson Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
isKlp Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
eventId String No
userId String No
semesterId String No
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classId Int No
className String No
lessonId Int No
lessonSubject String No
eventAudience EventAudience No
affectedDepartmentId String | Null Yes
affectsDepartment Boolean | Null Yes
affectsClassname Boolean No
affectsClassgroup Boolean No
affectsLesson Boolean No
isKlp Boolean | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
eventId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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untisTeacherId Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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className String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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affectsClassgroup Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsLesson Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
isKlp Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
eventId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
userId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
semesterId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisTeacherId Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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className String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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affectsClassgroup Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsLesson Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
isKlp Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
eventId String No
userId String No
semesterId String No
untisTeacherId Int | Null Yes
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className String No
lessonId Int No
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affectedDepartmentId String | Null Yes
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affectsClassgroup Boolean No
affectsLesson Boolean No
isKlp Boolean | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
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userId String No
semesterId String No
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affectsClassgroup Boolean No
affectsLesson Boolean No
isKlp Boolean | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
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untisTeacherId Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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className String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lessonId Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lessonSubject String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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affectsClassgroup Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsLesson Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
isKlp Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
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userId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
semesterId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisTeacherId Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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className String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lessonId Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lessonSubject String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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affectsClassgroup Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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isKlp Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
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userId String No
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affectsClassgroup Boolean No
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isKlp Boolean | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
eventId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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semesterId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisTeacherId Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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className String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lessonId Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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affectsClassgroup Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsLesson Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
isKlp Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
eventId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
userId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
semesterId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisTeacherId Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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affectsClassgroup Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsLesson Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
isKlp Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
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semesterId String No
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descriptionLong String No
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createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected No
parentId String | Null Yes
cloned Boolean No
audience EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No


Name Type Nullable
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semesterId String No
id String No
authorId String No
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end DateTime No
location String No
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updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
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parentId String | Null Yes
cloned Boolean No
audience EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No


Name Type Nullable
userId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
semesterId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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affectsDepartment2 Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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Name Type Nullable
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affectsDepartment2 Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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Name Type Nullable
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semesterId String No
id String No
authorId String No
start DateTime No
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deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
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cloned Boolean No
audience EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No


Name Type Nullable
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id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No


Name Type Nullable
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id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
authorId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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className String No
departmentId String No


Name Type Nullable
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authorId String No
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className String No
departmentId String No


Name Type Nullable
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departmentId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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departmentId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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departmentId String No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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departmentId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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deletedAt DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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cloned Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
audience EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
departmentId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
authorId String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
description String No
descriptionLong String No
state EventState No
jobId String | Null Yes
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classGroups view_EventsDepartmentsCreateclassGroupsInput | String No
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updatedAt DateTime No
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teachingAffected TeachingAffected No
parentId String | Null Yes
cloned Boolean No
audience EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
departmentId String No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
authorId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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descriptionLong String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
state EventState | EnumEventStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
jobId String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
classes view_EventsDepartmentsUpdateclassesInput | String No
classGroups view_EventsDepartmentsUpdateclassGroupsInput | String No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
deletedAt DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
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Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
authorId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
deletedAt DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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departmentId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
eventId String No
rpId String No
rpName String No
rpIsOpen Boolean No
rpStart DateTime No
rpEnd DateTime No
rpEventRangeStart DateTime No
rpEventRangeEnd DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
eventId String No
rpId String No
rpName String No
rpIsOpen Boolean No
rpStart DateTime No
rpEnd DateTime No
rpEventRangeStart DateTime No
rpEventRangeEnd DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
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rpEventRangeStart DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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rpId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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rpEventRangeStart DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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rpId String No
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rpEventRangeEnd DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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rpId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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rpEnd DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
rpEventRangeStart DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
rpEventRangeEnd DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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gt DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
gte DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
every EventWhereInput No
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none EventWhereInput No


Name Type Nullable
every JobWhereInput No
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Name Type Nullable
every EventGroupWhereInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
_count SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
_count SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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email SortOrder No
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icsLocator SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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untisId SortOrder No
firstName SortOrder No
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role SortOrder No
createdAt SortOrder No
updatedAt SortOrder No
icsLocator SortOrder No
notifyOnEventUpdate SortOrder No
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest SortOrder No
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
id SortOrder No
email SortOrder No
untisId SortOrder No
firstName SortOrder No
lastName SortOrder No
role SortOrder No
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icsLocator SortOrder No
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notifyAdminOnReviewRequest SortOrder No
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
untisId SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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_min NestedStringFilter No
_max NestedStringFilter No


Name Type Nullable
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_max NestedIntNullableFilter No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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isEmpty Boolean No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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gt Json | JsonFieldRefInput No
gte Json | JsonFieldRefInput No
not Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter No


Name Type Nullable
is UserWhereInput No
isNot UserWhereInput No


Name Type Nullable
is JobWhereInput | Null Yes
isNot JobWhereInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
is EventWhereInput | Null Yes
isNot EventWhereInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
every DepartmentWhereInput No
some DepartmentWhereInput No
none DepartmentWhereInput No


Name Type Nullable
_count SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
id SortOrder No
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start SortOrder No
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location SortOrder No
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meta SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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start SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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description SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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none UntisClassWhereInput No


Name Type Nullable
every RegistrationPeriodWhereInput No
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Name Type Nullable
_count SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
_count SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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state SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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active SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
id SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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affectsLesson SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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classId SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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id SortOrder No
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teachingAffected SortOrder No
parentId SortOrder No
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audience SortOrder No
affectsDepartment2 SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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has Int | IntFieldRefInput | Null Yes
hasEvery Int | ListIntFieldRefInput No
hasSome Int | ListIntFieldRefInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
id SortOrder No
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teacherIds SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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endHHMM SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
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id SortOrder No
room SortOrder No
subject SortOrder No
description SortOrder No
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year SortOrder No
weekDay SortOrder No
startHHMM SortOrder No
endHHMM SortOrder No
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Name Type Nullable
id SortOrder No
semesterNr SortOrder No
year SortOrder No
weekDay SortOrder No
startHHMM SortOrder No
endHHMM SortOrder No
teacherIds SortOrder No
classIds SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
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Name Type Nullable
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start SortOrder No
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description SortOrder No
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affectsDepartment2 SortOrder No
meta SortOrder No
classId SortOrder No
className SortOrder No
departmentId SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
id SortOrder No
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start SortOrder No
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description SortOrder No
descriptionLong SortOrder No
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createdAt SortOrder No
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teachingAffected SortOrder No
parentId SortOrder No
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affectsDepartment2 SortOrder No
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departmentId SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
id SortOrder No
authorId SortOrder No
start SortOrder No
end SortOrder No
location SortOrder No
description SortOrder No
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state SortOrder No
jobId SortOrder No
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deletedAt SortOrder No
teachingAffected SortOrder No
parentId SortOrder No
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audience SortOrder No
affectsDepartment2 SortOrder No
classId SortOrder No
className SortOrder No
departmentId SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
classId SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
departmentId String No


Name Type Nullable
id SortOrder No
authorId SortOrder No
start SortOrder No
end SortOrder No
location SortOrder No
description SortOrder No
descriptionLong SortOrder No
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classes SortOrder No
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updatedAt SortOrder No
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parentId SortOrder No
cloned SortOrder No
audience SortOrder No
affectsDepartment2 SortOrder No
meta SortOrder No
departmentId SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
id SortOrder No
authorId SortOrder No
start SortOrder No
end SortOrder No
location SortOrder No
description SortOrder No
descriptionLong SortOrder No
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jobId SortOrder No
createdAt SortOrder No
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affectsDepartment2 SortOrder No
departmentId SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
id SortOrder No
authorId SortOrder No
start SortOrder No
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location SortOrder No
description SortOrder No
descriptionLong SortOrder No
state SortOrder No
jobId SortOrder No
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updatedAt SortOrder No
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parentId SortOrder No
cloned SortOrder No
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affectsDepartment2 SortOrder No
departmentId SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
eventId SortOrder No
rpId SortOrder No
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rpIsOpen SortOrder No
rpStart SortOrder No
rpEnd SortOrder No
rpEventRangeStart SortOrder No
rpEventRangeEnd SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
eventId SortOrder No
rpId SortOrder No
rpName SortOrder No
rpIsOpen SortOrder No
rpStart SortOrder No
rpEnd SortOrder No
rpEventRangeStart SortOrder No
rpEventRangeEnd SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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rpId SortOrder No
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rpStart SortOrder No
rpEnd SortOrder No
rpEventRangeStart SortOrder No
rpEventRangeEnd SortOrder No


Name Type Nullable
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connectOrCreate UntisTeacherCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput No
connect UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput No


Name Type Nullable
set String No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
set DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
set Boolean | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
create JobCreateWithoutUserInput | JobCreateWithoutUserInput[] | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput[] No
connectOrCreate JobCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput[] No
upsert JobUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput | JobUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput[] No
createMany JobCreateManyUserInputEnvelope No
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disconnect JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] No
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update JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput | JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput[] No
updateMany JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutUserInput | JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutUserInput[] No
deleteMany JobScalarWhereInput | JobScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create EventGroupCreateWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupCreateWithoutUsersInput[] | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutUsersInput[] No
connectOrCreate EventGroupCreateOrConnectWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupCreateOrConnectWithoutUsersInput[] No
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connect EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput[] No
update EventGroupUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutUsersInput[] No
updateMany EventGroupUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutUsersInput[] No
deleteMany EventGroupScalarWhereInput | EventGroupScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
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increment Int No
decrement Int No
multiply Int No
divide Int No


Name Type Nullable
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disconnect EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
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connect EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
update EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput | EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutAuthorInput[] No
updateMany EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutAuthorInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutAuthorInput[] No
deleteMany EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create JobCreateWithoutUserInput | JobCreateWithoutUserInput[] | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput[] No
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disconnect JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] No
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Name Type Nullable
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upsert EventGroupUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutUsersInput[] No
set EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput[] No
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delete EventGroupWhereUniqueInput | EventGroupWhereUniqueInput[] No
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updateMany EventGroupUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutUsersInput[] No
deleteMany EventGroupScalarWhereInput | EventGroupScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
set String No


Name Type Nullable
set String No


Name Type Nullable
create UserCreateWithoutEventsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput No
connectOrCreate UserCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput No
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Name Type Nullable
create JobCreateWithoutEventsInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput No
connectOrCreate JobCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput No
connect JobWhereUniqueInput No


Name Type Nullable
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connectOrCreate EventCreateOrConnectWithoutChildrenInput No
connect EventWhereUniqueInput No


Name Type Nullable
set EventState No


Name Type Nullable
set Boolean No


Name Type Nullable
set String No
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Name Type Nullable
set String No
push String | String No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
set TeachingAffected No


Name Type Nullable
set DateTime | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
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disconnect EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
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updateMany EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutParentInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutParentInput[] No
deleteMany EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
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connectOrCreate DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput[] No
upsert DepartmentUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutEventsInput[] No
set DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
update DepartmentUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutEventsInput[] No
updateMany DepartmentUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutEventsInput[] No
deleteMany DepartmentScalarWhereInput | DepartmentScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create EventGroupCreateWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupCreateWithoutEventsInput[] | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput[] No
connectOrCreate EventGroupCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput[] No
upsert EventGroupUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutEventsInput[] No
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deleteMany EventGroupScalarWhereInput | EventGroupScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
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updateMany EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutParentInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutParentInput[] No
deleteMany EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
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connectOrCreate DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutEventsInput[] No
upsert DepartmentUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutEventsInput[] No
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disconnect DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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updateMany EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutGroupsInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutGroupsInput[] No
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Name Type Nullable
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disconnect UserWhereUniqueInput | UserWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UserWhereUniqueInput | UserWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UserWhereUniqueInput | UserWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UserUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutEventGroupsInput | UserUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutEventGroupsInput[] No
updateMany UserUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutEventGroupsInput | UserUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutEventGroupsInput[] No
deleteMany UserScalarWhereInput | UserScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
set String No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
create DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment1Input No
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Name Type Nullable
create DepartmentCreateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutChildDepartment2Input No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
create DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment2Input No
connectOrCreate DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartment2Input No
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Name Type Nullable
set String No
push String | String No


Name Type Nullable
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connect UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
create RegistrationPeriodCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | RegistrationPeriodCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput[] | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput[] No
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deleteMany RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
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delete EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
update EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutDepartmentsInput[] No
updateMany EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutDepartmentsInput[] No
deleteMany EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create RegistrationPeriodCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | RegistrationPeriodCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput[] | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput[] No
connectOrCreate RegistrationPeriodCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartmentsInput | RegistrationPeriodCreateOrConnectWithoutDepartmentsInput[] No
upsert RegistrationPeriodUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutDepartmentsInput | RegistrationPeriodUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutDepartmentsInput[] No
set RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput | RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput | RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput | RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput | RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput[] No
update RegistrationPeriodUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutDepartmentsInput | RegistrationPeriodUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutDepartmentsInput[] No
updateMany RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutDepartmentsInput | RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutDepartmentsInput[] No
deleteMany RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisLessonCreateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput[] No
upsert UntisLessonUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput[] No
createMany UntisLessonCreateManySemesterInputEnvelope No
set UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisLessonUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput[] No
updateMany UntisLessonUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutSemesterInput[] No
deleteMany UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] No
connectOrCreate JobCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput[] No
upsert JobUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput | JobUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput[] No
createMany JobCreateManySemesterInputEnvelope No
set JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] No
update JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput | JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput[] No
updateMany JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutSemesterInput | JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutSemesterInput[] No
deleteMany JobScalarWhereInput | JobScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisLessonCreateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput[] No
upsert UntisLessonUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput[] No
createMany UntisLessonCreateManySemesterInputEnvelope No
set UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisLessonUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput[] No
updateMany UntisLessonUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutSemesterInput[] No
deleteMany UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput[] No
connectOrCreate JobCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput | JobCreateOrConnectWithoutSemesterInput[] No
upsert JobUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput | JobUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput[] No
createMany JobCreateManySemesterInputEnvelope No
set JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect JobWhereUniqueInput | JobWhereUniqueInput[] No
update JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput | JobUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutSemesterInput[] No
updateMany JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutSemesterInput | JobUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutSemesterInput[] No
deleteMany JobScalarWhereInput | JobScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create DepartmentCreateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentCreateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput[] | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput[] No
connectOrCreate DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput[] No
upsert DepartmentUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput[] No
set DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
update DepartmentUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput[] No
updateMany DepartmentUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput[] No
deleteMany DepartmentScalarWhereInput | DepartmentScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create DepartmentCreateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentCreateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput[] | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput[] No
connectOrCreate DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput[] No
upsert DepartmentUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput[] No
set DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect DepartmentWhereUniqueInput | DepartmentWhereUniqueInput[] No
update DepartmentUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput[] No
updateMany DepartmentUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput[] No
deleteMany DepartmentScalarWhereInput | DepartmentScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UserCreateWithoutJobsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutJobsInput No
connectOrCreate UserCreateOrConnectWithoutJobsInput No
connect UserWhereUniqueInput No


Name Type Nullable
create SemesterCreateWithoutJobsInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateWithoutJobsInput No
connectOrCreate SemesterCreateOrConnectWithoutJobsInput No
connect SemesterWhereUniqueInput No


Name Type Nullable
set JobType No


Name Type Nullable
set JobState No


Name Type Nullable
create EventCreateWithoutJobInput | EventCreateWithoutJobInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput[] No
connectOrCreate EventCreateOrConnectWithoutJobInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutJobInput[] No
upsert EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput[] No
createMany EventCreateManyJobInputEnvelope No
set EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
update EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput | EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput[] No
updateMany EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutJobInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutJobInput[] No
deleteMany EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create EventCreateWithoutJobInput | EventCreateWithoutJobInput[] | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput[] No
connectOrCreate EventCreateOrConnectWithoutJobInput | EventCreateOrConnectWithoutJobInput[] No
upsert EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput | EventUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput[] No
createMany EventCreateManyJobInputEnvelope No
set EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect EventWhereUniqueInput | EventWhereUniqueInput[] No
update EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput | EventUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutJobInput[] No
updateMany EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutJobInput | EventUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutJobInput[] No
deleteMany EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UserCreateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutUntisInput No
connectOrCreate UserCreateOrConnectWithoutUntisInput No
connect UserWhereUniqueInput No


Name Type Nullable
create UserCreateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutUntisInput No
connectOrCreate UserCreateOrConnectWithoutUntisInput No
connect UserWhereUniqueInput No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisLessonCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonCreateWithoutTeachersInput[] | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutTeachersInput[] No
upsert UntisLessonUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput[] No
set UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisLessonUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput[] No
updateMany UntisLessonUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutTeachersInput[] No
deleteMany UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisClassCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassCreateWithoutTeachersInput[] | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisClassCreateOrConnectWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassCreateOrConnectWithoutTeachersInput[] No
upsert UntisClassUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput[] No
set UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisClassUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput[] No
updateMany UntisClassUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutTeachersInput[] No
deleteMany UntisClassScalarWhereInput | UntisClassScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
set Int No
increment Int No
decrement Int No
multiply Int No
divide Int No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisLessonCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonCreateWithoutTeachersInput[] | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutTeachersInput[] No
upsert UntisLessonUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput[] No
set UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisLessonUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput[] No
updateMany UntisLessonUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutTeachersInput[] No
deleteMany UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisClassCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassCreateWithoutTeachersInput[] | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisClassCreateOrConnectWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassCreateOrConnectWithoutTeachersInput[] No
upsert UntisClassUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput[] No
set UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisClassUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutTeachersInput[] No
updateMany UntisClassUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutTeachersInput[] No
deleteMany UntisClassScalarWhereInput | UntisClassScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UserCreateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutUntisInput No
connectOrCreate UserCreateOrConnectWithoutUntisInput No
upsert UserUpsertWithoutUntisInput No
disconnect Boolean | UserWhereInput No
delete Boolean | UserWhereInput No
connect UserWhereUniqueInput No
update UserUpdateToOneWithWhereWithoutUntisInput | UserUpdateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutUntisInput No


Name Type Nullable
create SemesterCreateWithoutLessonsInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput No
connectOrCreate SemesterCreateOrConnectWithoutLessonsInput No
connect SemesterWhereUniqueInput No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisClassCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassCreateWithoutLessonsInput[] | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisClassCreateOrConnectWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassCreateOrConnectWithoutLessonsInput[] No
upsert UntisClassUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput[] No
set UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisClassUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput[] No
updateMany UntisClassUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutLessonsInput[] No
deleteMany UntisClassScalarWhereInput | UntisClassScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisTeacherCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherCreateWithoutLessonsInput[] | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisTeacherCreateOrConnectWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherCreateOrConnectWithoutLessonsInput[] No
upsert UntisTeacherUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput[] No
set UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisTeacherUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput[] No
updateMany UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutLessonsInput[] No
deleteMany UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisClassCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassCreateWithoutLessonsInput[] | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisClassCreateOrConnectWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassCreateOrConnectWithoutLessonsInput[] No
upsert UntisClassUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput[] No
set UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisClassWhereUniqueInput | UntisClassWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisClassUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput[] No
updateMany UntisClassUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutLessonsInput[] No
deleteMany UntisClassScalarWhereInput | UntisClassScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisTeacherCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherCreateWithoutLessonsInput[] | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisTeacherCreateOrConnectWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherCreateOrConnectWithoutLessonsInput[] No
upsert UntisTeacherUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput[] No
set UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisTeacherUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutLessonsInput[] No
updateMany UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutLessonsInput[] No
deleteMany UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create DepartmentCreateWithoutClassesInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput No
connectOrCreate DepartmentCreateOrConnectWithoutClassesInput No
connect DepartmentWhereUniqueInput No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisLessonCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonCreateWithoutClassesInput[] | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutClassesInput[] No
upsert UntisLessonUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput[] No
set UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisLessonUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput[] No
updateMany UntisLessonUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutClassesInput[] No
deleteMany UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisTeacherCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherCreateWithoutClassesInput[] | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisTeacherCreateOrConnectWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherCreateOrConnectWithoutClassesInput[] No
upsert UntisTeacherUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput[] No
set UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisTeacherUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput[] No
updateMany UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutClassesInput[] No
deleteMany UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisLessonCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonCreateWithoutClassesInput[] | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonCreateOrConnectWithoutClassesInput[] No
upsert UntisLessonUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput[] No
set UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput | UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisLessonUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput[] No
updateMany UntisLessonUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutClassesInput[] No
deleteMany UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
create UntisTeacherCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherCreateWithoutClassesInput[] | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput[] No
connectOrCreate UntisTeacherCreateOrConnectWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherCreateOrConnectWithoutClassesInput[] No
upsert UntisTeacherUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput[] No
set UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
disconnect UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
delete UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
connect UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput | UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput[] No
update UntisTeacherUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutClassesInput[] No
updateMany UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutClassesInput[] No
deleteMany UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput[] No


Name Type Nullable
set String No


Name Type Nullable
set String No


Name Type Nullable
set String No
push String | String No


Name Type Nullable
set String No
push String | String No


Name Type Nullable
set Int No


Name Type Nullable
set Int No


Name Type Nullable
set Int No
push Int | Int No


Name Type Nullable
set Int No
push Int | Int No


Name Type Nullable
set String No


Name Type Nullable
set String No


Name Type Nullable
set String No
push String | String No


Name Type Nullable
set String No
push String | String No


Name Type Nullable
set String No


Name Type Nullable
set String No


Name Type Nullable
set String No
push String | String No


Name Type Nullable
set String No
push String | String No


Name Type Nullable
equals String | StringFieldRefInput No
in String | ListStringFieldRefInput No
notIn String | ListStringFieldRefInput No
lt String | StringFieldRefInput No
lte String | StringFieldRefInput No
gt String | StringFieldRefInput No
gte String | StringFieldRefInput No
not String | NestedUuidFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals String | StringFieldRefInput No
in String | ListStringFieldRefInput No
notIn String | ListStringFieldRefInput No
lt String | StringFieldRefInput No
lte String | StringFieldRefInput No
gt String | StringFieldRefInput No
gte String | StringFieldRefInput No
contains String | StringFieldRefInput No
startsWith String | StringFieldRefInput No
endsWith String | StringFieldRefInput No
not String | NestedStringFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals Int | IntFieldRefInput | Null Yes
in Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null Yes
notIn Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null Yes
lt Int | IntFieldRefInput No
lte Int | IntFieldRefInput No
gt Int | IntFieldRefInput No
gte Int | IntFieldRefInput No
not Int | NestedIntNullableFilter | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
equals Role | EnumRoleFieldRefInput No
in Role[] | ListEnumRoleFieldRefInput No
notIn Role[] | ListEnumRoleFieldRefInput No
not Role | NestedEnumRoleFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
in DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput No
notIn DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput No
lt DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
lte DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
gt DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
gte DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
not DateTime | NestedDateTimeFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals String | StringFieldRefInput | Null Yes
in String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null Yes
notIn String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null Yes
lt String | StringFieldRefInput No
lte String | StringFieldRefInput No
gt String | StringFieldRefInput No
gte String | StringFieldRefInput No
contains String | StringFieldRefInput No
startsWith String | StringFieldRefInput No
endsWith String | StringFieldRefInput No
not String | NestedStringNullableFilter | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
equals Boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput | Null Yes
not Boolean | NestedBoolNullableFilter | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
equals String | StringFieldRefInput No
in String | ListStringFieldRefInput No
notIn String | ListStringFieldRefInput No
lt String | StringFieldRefInput No
lte String | StringFieldRefInput No
gt String | StringFieldRefInput No
gte String | StringFieldRefInput No
not String | NestedUuidWithAggregatesFilter No
_count NestedIntFilter No
_min NestedStringFilter No
_max NestedStringFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals Int | IntFieldRefInput No
in Int | ListIntFieldRefInput No
notIn Int | ListIntFieldRefInput No
lt Int | IntFieldRefInput No
lte Int | IntFieldRefInput No
gt Int | IntFieldRefInput No
gte Int | IntFieldRefInput No
not Int | NestedIntFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals String | StringFieldRefInput No
in String | ListStringFieldRefInput No
notIn String | ListStringFieldRefInput No
lt String | StringFieldRefInput No
lte String | StringFieldRefInput No
gt String | StringFieldRefInput No
gte String | StringFieldRefInput No
contains String | StringFieldRefInput No
startsWith String | StringFieldRefInput No
endsWith String | StringFieldRefInput No
not String | NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter No
_count NestedIntFilter No
_min NestedStringFilter No
_max NestedStringFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals Int | IntFieldRefInput | Null Yes
in Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null Yes
notIn Int | ListIntFieldRefInput | Null Yes
lt Int | IntFieldRefInput No
lte Int | IntFieldRefInput No
gt Int | IntFieldRefInput No
gte Int | IntFieldRefInput No
not Int | NestedIntNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null Yes
_count NestedIntNullableFilter No
_avg NestedFloatNullableFilter No
_sum NestedIntNullableFilter No
_min NestedIntNullableFilter No
_max NestedIntNullableFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals Float | FloatFieldRefInput | Null Yes
in Float | ListFloatFieldRefInput | Null Yes
notIn Float | ListFloatFieldRefInput | Null Yes
lt Float | FloatFieldRefInput No
lte Float | FloatFieldRefInput No
gt Float | FloatFieldRefInput No
gte Float | FloatFieldRefInput No
not Float | NestedFloatNullableFilter | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
equals Role | EnumRoleFieldRefInput No
in Role[] | ListEnumRoleFieldRefInput No
notIn Role[] | ListEnumRoleFieldRefInput No
not Role | NestedEnumRoleWithAggregatesFilter No
_count NestedIntFilter No
_min NestedEnumRoleFilter No
_max NestedEnumRoleFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
in DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput No
notIn DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput No
lt DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
lte DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
gt DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
gte DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
not DateTime | NestedDateTimeWithAggregatesFilter No
_count NestedIntFilter No
_min NestedDateTimeFilter No
_max NestedDateTimeFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals String | StringFieldRefInput | Null Yes
in String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null Yes
notIn String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null Yes
lt String | StringFieldRefInput No
lte String | StringFieldRefInput No
gt String | StringFieldRefInput No
gte String | StringFieldRefInput No
contains String | StringFieldRefInput No
startsWith String | StringFieldRefInput No
endsWith String | StringFieldRefInput No
not String | NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null Yes
_count NestedIntNullableFilter No
_min NestedStringNullableFilter No
_max NestedStringNullableFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals Boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput | Null Yes
not Boolean | NestedBoolNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null Yes
_count NestedIntNullableFilter No
_min NestedBoolNullableFilter No
_max NestedBoolNullableFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals Boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput No
not Boolean | NestedBoolFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals String | StringFieldRefInput | Null Yes
in String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null Yes
notIn String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null Yes
lt String | StringFieldRefInput No
lte String | StringFieldRefInput No
gt String | StringFieldRefInput No
gte String | StringFieldRefInput No
not String | NestedUuidNullableFilter | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
equals DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | Null Yes
in DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | Null Yes
notIn DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | Null Yes
lt DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
lte DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
gt DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
gte DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
not DateTime | NestedDateTimeNullableFilter | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
equals Boolean | BooleanFieldRefInput No
not Boolean | NestedBoolWithAggregatesFilter No
_count NestedIntFilter No
_min NestedBoolFilter No
_max NestedBoolFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals String | StringFieldRefInput | Null Yes
in String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null Yes
notIn String | ListStringFieldRefInput | Null Yes
lt String | StringFieldRefInput No
lte String | StringFieldRefInput No
gt String | StringFieldRefInput No
gte String | StringFieldRefInput No
not String | NestedUuidNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null Yes
_count NestedIntNullableFilter No
_min NestedStringNullableFilter No
_max NestedStringNullableFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput | Null Yes
in DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | Null Yes
notIn DateTime | ListDateTimeFieldRefInput | Null Yes
lt DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
lte DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
gt DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
gte DateTime | DateTimeFieldRefInput No
not DateTime | NestedDateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Null Yes
_count NestedIntNullableFilter No
_min NestedDateTimeNullableFilter No
_max NestedDateTimeNullableFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter No
path String No
string_contains String | StringFieldRefInput No
string_starts_with String | StringFieldRefInput No
string_ends_with String | StringFieldRefInput No
array_contains Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null Yes
array_starts_with Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null Yes
array_ends_with Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null Yes
lt Json | JsonFieldRefInput No
lte Json | JsonFieldRefInput No
gt Json | JsonFieldRefInput No
gte Json | JsonFieldRefInput No
not Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldRefInput No
in JobType[] | ListEnumJobTypeFieldRefInput No
notIn JobType[] | ListEnumJobTypeFieldRefInput No
not JobType | NestedEnumJobTypeFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals Int | IntFieldRefInput No
in Int | ListIntFieldRefInput No
notIn Int | ListIntFieldRefInput No
lt Int | IntFieldRefInput No
lte Int | IntFieldRefInput No
gt Int | IntFieldRefInput No
gte Int | IntFieldRefInput No
not Int | NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter No
_count NestedIntFilter No
_avg NestedFloatFilter No
_sum NestedIntFilter No
_min NestedIntFilter No
_max NestedIntFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals Float | FloatFieldRefInput No
in Float | ListFloatFieldRefInput No
notIn Float | ListFloatFieldRefInput No
lt Float | FloatFieldRefInput No
lte Float | FloatFieldRefInput No
gt Float | FloatFieldRefInput No
gte Float | FloatFieldRefInput No
not Float | NestedFloatFilter No


Name Type Nullable
equals Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter No
path String No
string_contains String | StringFieldRefInput No
string_starts_with String | StringFieldRefInput No
string_ends_with String | StringFieldRefInput No
array_contains Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null Yes
array_starts_with Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null Yes
array_ends_with Json | JsonFieldRefInput | Null Yes
lt Json | JsonFieldRefInput No
lte Json | JsonFieldRefInput No
gt Json | JsonFieldRefInput No
gte Json | JsonFieldRefInput No
not Json | JsonFieldRefInput | JsonNullValueFilter No


Name Type Nullable
name String No
longName String No
title String No
active Boolean No
lessons UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput No
classes UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int No
name String No
longName String No
title String No
active Boolean No
lessons UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput No
classes UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput No
create UntisTeacherCreateWithoutUserInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
description String No
descriptionLong String No
state EventState No
cloned Boolean No
classes EventCreateclassesInput | String No
classGroups EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
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createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
job JobCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput No
parent EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput No
children EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput No
departments DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No
groups EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
description String No
descriptionLong String No
state EventState No
cloned Boolean No
jobId String | Null Yes
parentId String | Null Yes
classes EventCreateclassesInput | String No
classGroups EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
children EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput No
departments DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No
groups EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventWhereUniqueInput No
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Name Type Nullable
data EventCreateManyAuthorInput | EventCreateManyAuthorInput[] No
skipDuplicates Boolean No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
type JobType No
state JobState No
syncDate DateTime | Null Yes
description String No
filename String | Null Yes
log String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
semester SemesterCreateNestedOneWithoutJobsInput No
events EventCreateNestedManyWithoutJobInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
type JobType No
state JobState No
semesterId String | Null Yes
syncDate DateTime | Null Yes
description String No
filename String | Null Yes
log String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
events EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutJobInput No


Name Type Nullable
where JobWhereUniqueInput No
create JobCreateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput No


Name Type Nullable
data JobCreateManyUserInput | JobCreateManyUserInput[] No
skipDuplicates Boolean No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
events EventCreateNestedManyWithoutGroupsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
events EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutGroupsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventGroupWhereUniqueInput No
create EventGroupCreateWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutUsersInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisTeacherWhereInput No
data UntisTeacherUpdateWithoutUserInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput No


Name Type Nullable
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
longName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
title String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
active Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lessons UntisLessonUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput No
classes UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
longName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
title String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
active Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lessons UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput No
classes UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutTeachersNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventWhereUniqueInput No
data EventUpdateWithoutAuthorInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutAuthorInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventScalarWhereInput No
data EventUpdateManyMutationInput | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutAuthorInput No


Name Type Nullable
AND EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] No
OR EventScalarWhereInput[] No
NOT EventScalarWhereInput | EventScalarWhereInput[] No
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location StringFilter | String No
description StringFilter | String No
descriptionLong StringFilter | String No
state EnumEventStateFilter | EventState No
cloned BoolFilter | Boolean No
jobId UuidNullableFilter | String | Null Yes
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classGroups StringNullableListFilter No
audience EnumEventAudienceFilter | EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null Yes
teachingAffected EnumTeachingAffectedFilter | TeachingAffected No
createdAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
updatedAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
deletedAt DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null Yes
meta JsonNullableFilter No


Name Type Nullable
where JobWhereUniqueInput No
update JobUpdateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput No
create JobCreateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput No


Name Type Nullable
where JobWhereUniqueInput No
data JobUpdateWithoutUserInput | JobUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput No


Name Type Nullable
where JobScalarWhereInput No
data JobUpdateManyMutationInput | JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUserInput No


Name Type Nullable
AND JobScalarWhereInput | JobScalarWhereInput[] No
OR JobScalarWhereInput[] No
NOT JobScalarWhereInput | JobScalarWhereInput[] No
id UuidFilter | String No
type EnumJobTypeFilter | JobType No
state EnumJobStateFilter | JobState No
userId UuidFilter | String No
semesterId UuidNullableFilter | String | Null Yes
syncDate DateTimeNullableFilter | DateTime | Null Yes
description StringFilter | String No
filename StringNullableFilter | String | Null Yes
log StringFilter | String No
createdAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
updatedAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
where EventGroupWhereUniqueInput No
data EventGroupUpdateWithoutUsersInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateWithoutUsersInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventGroupScalarWhereInput No
data EventGroupUpdateManyMutationInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUsersInput No


Name Type Nullable
AND EventGroupScalarWhereInput | EventGroupScalarWhereInput[] No
OR EventGroupScalarWhereInput[] No
NOT EventGroupScalarWhereInput | EventGroupScalarWhereInput[] No
id UuidFilter | String No
name StringFilter | String No
description StringFilter | String No
createdAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
updatedAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
email String No
firstName String No
lastName String No
role Role No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
icsLocator String | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | Null Yes
untis UntisTeacherCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput No
jobs JobCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput No
eventGroups EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
email String No
untisId Int | Null Yes
firstName String No
lastName String No
role Role No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
icsLocator String | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | Null Yes
jobs JobUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput No
eventGroups EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UserWhereUniqueInput No
create UserCreateWithoutEventsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
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state JobState No
syncDate DateTime | Null Yes
description String No
filename String | Null Yes
log String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
user UserCreateNestedOneWithoutJobsInput No
semester SemesterCreateNestedOneWithoutJobsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
type JobType No
state JobState No
userId String No
semesterId String | Null Yes
syncDate DateTime | Null Yes
description String No
filename String | Null Yes
log String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
where JobWhereUniqueInput No
create JobCreateWithoutEventsInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
description String No
descriptionLong String No
state EventState No
cloned Boolean No
classes EventCreateclassesInput | String No
classGroups EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
author UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput No
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parent EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput No
departments DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No
groups EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
authorId String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
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descriptionLong String No
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cloned Boolean No
jobId String | Null Yes
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affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
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departments DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No
groups EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventWhereUniqueInput No
create EventCreateWithoutChildrenInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutChildrenInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
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end DateTime No
location String No
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descriptionLong String No
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createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
author UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput No
job JobCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput No
children EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput No
departments DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No
groups EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
authorId String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
description String No
descriptionLong String No
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affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
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createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
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groups EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventWhereUniqueInput No
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Name Type Nullable
data EventCreateManyParentInput | EventCreateManyParentInput[] No
skipDuplicates Boolean No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
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classes UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
letter String No
classLetters DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String No
department1_Id String | Null Yes
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color String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input No
classes UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentWhereUniqueInput No
create DepartmentCreateWithoutEventsInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
users UserCreateNestedManyWithoutEventGroupsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
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Name Type Nullable
where EventGroupWhereUniqueInput No
create EventGroupCreateWithoutEventsInput | EventGroupUncheckedCreateWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UserWhereInput No
data UserUpdateWithoutEventsInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
email String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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role Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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eventGroups EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
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role Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
icsLocator String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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groups EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
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authorId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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groups EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventWhereUniqueInput No
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Name Type Nullable
where EventScalarWhereInput No
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Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentWhereUniqueInput No
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Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentScalarWhereInput No
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Name Type Nullable
AND DepartmentScalarWhereInput | DepartmentScalarWhereInput[] No
OR DepartmentScalarWhereInput[] No
NOT DepartmentScalarWhereInput | DepartmentScalarWhereInput[] No
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createdAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
updatedAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
where EventGroupWhereUniqueInput No
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Name Type Nullable
where EventGroupScalarWhereInput No
data EventGroupUpdateManyMutationInput | EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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end DateTime No
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updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
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departments DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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updatedAt DateTime No
icsLocator String | Null Yes
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Name Type Nullable
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email String No
untisId Int | Null Yes
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updatedAt DateTime No
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notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | Null Yes
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
where EventScalarWhereInput No
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Name Type Nullable
where UserWhereUniqueInput No
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Name Type Nullable
where UserScalarWhereInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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notifyAdminOnReviewDecision BoolNullableFilter | Boolean | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
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updatedAt DateTime No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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letter String No
classLetters DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String No
department1_Id String | Null Yes
department2_Id String | Null Yes
color String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input No
classes UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput No
events EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentWhereUniqueInput No
create DepartmentCreateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutChildDepartment2Input No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
letter String No
classLetters DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String No
color String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
department1 DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment1Input No
childDepartment1 DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input No
childDepartment2 DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input No
classes UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput No
events EventCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
letter String No
classLetters DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String No
department1_Id String | Null Yes
color String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input No
classes UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput No
events EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentWhereUniqueInput No
create DepartmentCreateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartment2Input No


Name Type Nullable
name String No
legacyName String | Null Yes
year Int No
sf String No
lessons UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput No
teachers UntisTeacherCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int No
name String No
legacyName String | Null Yes
year Int No
sf String No
lessons UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput No
teachers UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisClassWhereUniqueInput No
create UntisClassCreateWithoutDepartmentInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentInput No


Name Type Nullable
data UntisClassCreateManyDepartmentInput | UntisClassCreateManyDepartmentInput[] No
skipDuplicates Boolean No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
description String No
descriptionLong String No
state EventState No
cloned Boolean No
classes EventCreateclassesInput | String No
classGroups EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
author UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput No
job JobCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput No
parent EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput No
children EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput No
groups EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
authorId String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
description String No
descriptionLong String No
state EventState No
cloned Boolean No
jobId String | Null Yes
parentId String | Null Yes
classes EventCreateclassesInput | String No
classGroups EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
children EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput No
groups EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventWhereUniqueInput No
create EventCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
eventRangeStart DateTime No
eventRangeEnd DateTime No
isOpen Boolean No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
eventRangeStart DateTime No
eventRangeEnd DateTime No
isOpen Boolean No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
where RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput No
create RegistrationPeriodCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentWhereInput No
data DepartmentUpdateWithoutChildDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutChildDepartment1Input No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
department1 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput No
department2 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput No
classes UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput No
events EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
department1_Id String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
department2_Id String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput No
classes UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput No
events EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentWhereInput No
data DepartmentUpdateWithoutDepartment1Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartment1Input No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput No
department2 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput No
classes UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput No
events EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
department2_Id String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput No
classes UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput No
events EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentWhereInput No
data DepartmentUpdateWithoutChildDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutChildDepartment2Input No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
department1 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput No
department2 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput No
classes UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput No
events EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
department1_Id String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
department2_Id String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput No
classes UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput No
events EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentWhereInput No
data DepartmentUpdateWithoutDepartment2Input | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartment2Input No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
department1 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput No
classes UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput No
events EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
department1_Id String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput No
classes UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput No
events EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisClassWhereUniqueInput No
data UntisClassUpdateWithoutDepartmentInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartmentInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisClassScalarWhereInput No
data UntisClassUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentInput No


Name Type Nullable
AND UntisClassScalarWhereInput | UntisClassScalarWhereInput[] No
OR UntisClassScalarWhereInput[] No
NOT UntisClassScalarWhereInput | UntisClassScalarWhereInput[] No
id IntFilter | Int No
name StringFilter | String No
legacyName StringNullableFilter | String | Null Yes
year IntFilter | Int No
sf StringFilter | String No
departmentId UuidNullableFilter | String | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
where EventWhereUniqueInput No
data EventUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventScalarWhereInput No
data EventUpdateManyMutationInput | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where RegistrationPeriodWhereUniqueInput No
data RegistrationPeriodUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput No
data RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyMutationInput | RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
AND RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput[] No
OR RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput[] No
NOT RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput | RegistrationPeriodScalarWhereInput[] No
id UuidFilter | String No
name StringFilter | String No
description StringFilter | String No
start DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
end DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
eventRangeStart DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
eventRangeEnd DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
isOpen BoolFilter | Boolean No
createdAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No
updatedAt DateTimeFilter | DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
room String No
subject String No
description String No
semesterNr Int No
year Int No
weekDay Int No
startHHMM Int No
endHHMM Int No
classes UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput No
teachers UntisTeacherCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int No
room String No
subject String No
description String No
semesterNr Int No
year Int No
weekDay Int No
startHHMM Int No
endHHMM Int No
classes UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput No
teachers UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput No
create UntisLessonCreateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput No


Name Type Nullable
data UntisLessonCreateManySemesterInput | UntisLessonCreateManySemesterInput[] No
skipDuplicates Boolean No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
type JobType No
state JobState No
syncDate DateTime | Null Yes
description String No
filename String | Null Yes
log String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
user UserCreateNestedOneWithoutJobsInput No
events EventCreateNestedManyWithoutJobInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
type JobType No
state JobState No
userId String No
syncDate DateTime | Null Yes
description String No
filename String | Null Yes
log String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
events EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutJobInput No


Name Type Nullable
where JobWhereUniqueInput No
create JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput No


Name Type Nullable
data JobCreateManySemesterInput | JobCreateManySemesterInput[] No
skipDuplicates Boolean No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput No
data UntisLessonUpdateWithoutSemesterInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateWithoutSemesterInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisLessonScalarWhereInput No
data UntisLessonUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSemesterInput No


Name Type Nullable
AND UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput[] No
OR UntisLessonScalarWhereInput[] No
NOT UntisLessonScalarWhereInput | UntisLessonScalarWhereInput[] No
id IntFilter | Int No
room StringFilter | String No
subject StringFilter | String No
description StringFilter | String No
semesterNr IntFilter | Int No
year IntFilter | Int No
weekDay IntFilter | Int No
startHHMM IntFilter | Int No
endHHMM IntFilter | Int No
semesterId UuidFilter | String No


Name Type Nullable
where JobWhereUniqueInput No
update JobUpdateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedUpdateWithoutSemesterInput No
create JobCreateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedCreateWithoutSemesterInput No


Name Type Nullable
where JobWhereUniqueInput No
data JobUpdateWithoutSemesterInput | JobUncheckedUpdateWithoutSemesterInput No


Name Type Nullable
where JobScalarWhereInput No
data JobUpdateManyMutationInput | JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSemesterInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
letter String No
classLetters DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String No
color String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
department1 DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment1Input No
childDepartment1 DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input No
department2 DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment2Input No
childDepartment2 DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input No
classes UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput No
events EventCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
letter String No
classLetters DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String No
department1_Id String | Null Yes
department2_Id String | Null Yes
color String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input No
classes UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentInput No
events EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentWhereUniqueInput No
create DepartmentCreateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentWhereUniqueInput No
data DepartmentUpdateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentScalarWhereInput No
data DepartmentUpdateManyMutationInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutRegistrationPeriodsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
email String No
firstName String No
lastName String No
role Role No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
icsLocator String | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | Null Yes
untis UntisTeacherCreateNestedOneWithoutUserInput No
events EventCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput No
eventGroups EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
email String No
untisId Int | Null Yes
firstName String No
lastName String No
role Role No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
icsLocator String | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | Null Yes
events EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput No
eventGroups EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UserWhereUniqueInput No
create UserCreateWithoutJobsInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutJobsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
untisSyncDate DateTime No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
lessons UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutSemesterInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
untisSyncDate DateTime No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
lessons UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSemesterInput No


Name Type Nullable
where SemesterWhereUniqueInput No
create SemesterCreateWithoutJobsInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateWithoutJobsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
description String No
descriptionLong String No
state EventState No
cloned Boolean No
classes EventCreateclassesInput | String No
classGroups EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
author UserCreateNestedOneWithoutEventsInput No
parent EventCreateNestedOneWithoutChildrenInput No
children EventCreateNestedManyWithoutParentInput No
departments DepartmentCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No
groups EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
authorId String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
description String No
descriptionLong String No
state EventState No
cloned Boolean No
parentId String | Null Yes
classes EventCreateclassesInput | String No
classGroups EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String No
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affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
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departments DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No
groups EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutEventsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventWhereUniqueInput No
create EventCreateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput No


Name Type Nullable
data EventCreateManyJobInput | EventCreateManyJobInput[] No
skipDuplicates Boolean No


Name Type Nullable
where UserWhereInput No
data UserUpdateWithoutJobsInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutJobsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
email String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
firstName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lastName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
role Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
icsLocator String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
untis UntisTeacherUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput No
events EventUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput No
eventGroups EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
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email String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisId Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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lastName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
role Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
icsLocator String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
events EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput No
eventGroups EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
where SemesterWhereInput No
data SemesterUpdateWithoutJobsInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateWithoutJobsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisSyncDate DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lessons UntisLessonUpdateManyWithoutSemesterNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisSyncDate DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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Name Type Nullable
where EventWhereUniqueInput No
update EventUpdateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutJobInput No
create EventCreateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedCreateWithoutJobInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventWhereUniqueInput No
data EventUpdateWithoutJobInput | EventUncheckedUpdateWithoutJobInput No


Name Type Nullable
where EventScalarWhereInput No
data EventUpdateManyMutationInput | EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutJobInput No


Name Type Nullable
room String No
subject String No
description String No
semesterNr Int No
year Int No
weekDay Int No
startHHMM Int No
endHHMM Int No
classes UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput No
semester SemesterCreateNestedOneWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int No
room String No
subject String No
description String No
semesterNr Int No
year Int No
weekDay Int No
startHHMM Int No
endHHMM Int No
semesterId String No
classes UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput No
create UntisLessonCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput No


Name Type Nullable
name String No
legacyName String | Null Yes
year Int No
sf String No
lessons UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput No
department DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int No
name String No
legacyName String | Null Yes
year Int No
sf String No
departmentId String | Null Yes
lessons UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisClassWhereUniqueInput No
create UntisClassCreateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutTeachersInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
email String No
firstName String No
lastName String No
role Role No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
icsLocator String | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | Null Yes
events EventCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput No
jobs JobCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput No
eventGroups EventGroupCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
email String No
firstName String No
lastName String No
role Role No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
icsLocator String | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | Null Yes
events EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutAuthorInput No
jobs JobUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput No
eventGroups EventGroupUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUsersInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UserWhereUniqueInput No
create UserCreateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedCreateWithoutUntisInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput No
data UntisLessonUpdateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateWithoutTeachersInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisLessonScalarWhereInput No
data UntisLessonUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutTeachersInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisClassWhereUniqueInput No
data UntisClassUpdateWithoutTeachersInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateWithoutTeachersInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisClassScalarWhereInput No
data UntisClassUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutTeachersInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UserWhereInput No
data UserUpdateWithoutUntisInput | UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutUntisInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
email String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
firstName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lastName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
role Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
icsLocator String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
events EventUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput No
jobs JobUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput No
eventGroups EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
email String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
firstName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lastName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
role Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
icsLocator String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
events EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput No
jobs JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput No
eventGroups EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUsersNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
name String No
legacyName String | Null Yes
year Int No
sf String No
teachers UntisTeacherCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput No
department DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int No
name String No
legacyName String | Null Yes
year Int No
sf String No
departmentId String | Null Yes
teachers UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisClassWhereUniqueInput No
create UntisClassCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
name String No
longName String No
title String No
active Boolean No
classes UntisClassCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput No
user UserCreateNestedOneWithoutUntisInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int No
name String No
longName String No
title String No
active Boolean No
classes UntisClassUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput No
user UserUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutUntisInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput No
create UntisTeacherCreateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
untisSyncDate DateTime No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
jobs JobCreateNestedManyWithoutSemesterInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
untisSyncDate DateTime No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
jobs JobUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutSemesterInput No


Name Type Nullable
where SemesterWhereUniqueInput No
create SemesterCreateWithoutLessonsInput | SemesterUncheckedCreateWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisClassWhereUniqueInput No
data UntisClassUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisClassScalarWhereInput No
data UntisClassUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput No
data UntisTeacherUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput No
data UntisTeacherUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
AND UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput[] No
OR UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput[] No
NOT UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput | UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput[] No
id IntFilter | Int No
name StringFilter | String No
longName StringFilter | String No
title StringFilter | String No
active BoolFilter | Boolean No


Name Type Nullable
where SemesterWhereInput No
data SemesterUpdateWithoutLessonsInput | SemesterUncheckedUpdateWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisSyncDate DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
jobs JobUpdateManyWithoutSemesterNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisSyncDate DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
jobs JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutSemesterNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
room String No
subject String No
description String No
semesterNr Int No
year Int No
weekDay Int No
startHHMM Int No
endHHMM Int No
teachers UntisTeacherCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput No
semester SemesterCreateNestedOneWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int No
room String No
subject String No
description String No
semesterNr Int No
year Int No
weekDay Int No
startHHMM Int No
endHHMM Int No
semesterId String No
teachers UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutLessonsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput No
create UntisLessonCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
name String No
longName String No
title String No
active Boolean No
lessons UntisLessonCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput No
user UserCreateNestedOneWithoutUntisInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int No
name String No
longName String No
title String No
active Boolean No
lessons UntisLessonUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutTeachersInput No
user UserUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutUntisInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput No
create UntisTeacherCreateWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
letter String No
classLetters DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String No
color String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
department1 DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment1Input No
childDepartment1 DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input No
department2 DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutChildDepartment2Input No
childDepartment2 DepartmentCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input No
events EventCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
name String No
description String No
letter String No
classLetters DepartmentCreateclassLettersInput | String No
department1_Id String | Null Yes
department2_Id String | Null Yes
color String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment1Input No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUncheckedCreateNestedOneWithoutDepartment2Input No
events EventUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutDepartmentsInput No


Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentWhereUniqueInput No
create DepartmentCreateWithoutClassesInput | DepartmentUncheckedCreateWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisLessonWhereUniqueInput No
data UntisLessonUpdateWithoutClassesInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisLessonScalarWhereInput No
data UntisLessonUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisLessonUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisTeacherWhereUniqueInput No
data UntisTeacherUpdateWithoutClassesInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
where UntisTeacherScalarWhereInput No
data UntisTeacherUpdateManyMutationInput | UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
where DepartmentWhereInput No
data DepartmentUpdateWithoutClassesInput | DepartmentUncheckedUpdateWithoutClassesInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
department1 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput No
department2 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput No
events EventUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
department1_Id String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
department2_Id String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput No
events EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
description String No
descriptionLong String No
state EventState No
cloned Boolean No
jobId String | Null Yes
parentId String | Null Yes
classes EventCreateclassesInput | String No
classGroups EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
type JobType No
state JobState No
semesterId String | Null Yes
syncDate DateTime | Null Yes
description String No
filename String | Null Yes
log String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
location String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
descriptionLong String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
state EventState | EnumEventStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
cloned Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classes EventUpdateclassesInput | String No
classGroups EventUpdateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
deletedAt DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
job JobUpdateOneWithoutEventsNestedInput No
parent EventUpdateOneWithoutChildrenNestedInput No
children EventUpdateManyWithoutParentNestedInput No
departments DepartmentUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No
groups EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
location String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
descriptionLong String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
state EventState | EnumEventStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
cloned Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
jobId String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
parentId String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
classes EventUpdateclassesInput | String No
classGroups EventUpdateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
deletedAt DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
children EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutParentNestedInput No
departments DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No
groups EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
location String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
descriptionLong String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
state EventState | EnumEventStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
cloned Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
jobId String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
parentId String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
classes EventUpdateclassesInput | String No
classGroups EventUpdateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
deletedAt DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
type JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
state JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
semesterId String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
syncDate DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
filename String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
log String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
events EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutJobNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
type JobType | EnumJobTypeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
state JobState | EnumJobStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
semesterId String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
syncDate DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
filename String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
log String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
events EventUpdateManyWithoutGroupsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
events EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutGroupsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
authorId String No
start DateTime No
end DateTime No
location String No
description String No
descriptionLong String No
state EventState No
cloned Boolean No
jobId String | Null Yes
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classGroups EventCreateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No
deletedAt DateTime | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
location String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
descriptionLong String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
state EventState | EnumEventStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
cloned Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classes EventUpdateclassesInput | String No
classGroups EventUpdateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
deletedAt DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
author UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutEventsNestedInput No
job JobUpdateOneWithoutEventsNestedInput No
children EventUpdateManyWithoutParentNestedInput No
departments DepartmentUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No
groups EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
authorId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
location String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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jobId String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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classGroups EventUpdateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
deletedAt DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No
children EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutParentNestedInput No
departments DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No
groups EventGroupUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
authorId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
location String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
descriptionLong String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
state EventState | EnumEventStateFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
cloned Boolean | BoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
jobId String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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classGroups EventUpdateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
deletedAt DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
department1 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment1NestedInput No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput No
department2 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutChildDepartment2NestedInput No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput No
classes UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
department1_Id String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
department2_Id String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
childDepartment1 DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment1NestedInput No
childDepartment2 DepartmentUncheckedUpdateOneWithoutDepartment2NestedInput No
classes UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentNestedInput No
registrationPeriods RegistrationPeriodUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classLetters DepartmentUpdateclassLettersInput | String No
department1_Id String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
department2_Id String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
users UserUpdateManyWithoutEventGroupsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
users UserUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventGroupsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
start DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
location String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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teachingAffected TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
deletedAt DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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author UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutEventsNestedInput No
job JobUpdateOneWithoutEventsNestedInput No
parent EventUpdateOneWithoutChildrenNestedInput No
children EventUpdateManyWithoutParentNestedInput No
departments DepartmentUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
authorId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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jobId String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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classGroups EventUpdateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
deletedAt DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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children EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutParentNestedInput No
departments DepartmentUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
authorId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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jobId String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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classGroups EventUpdateclassGroupsInput | String No
audience EventAudience | EnumEventAudienceFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
affectsDepartment2 Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
teachingAffected TeachingAffected | EnumTeachingAffectedFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
deletedAt DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
meta NullableJsonNullValueInput | Json No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
email String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
firstName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
lastName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
role Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
icsLocator String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
untis UntisTeacherUpdateOneWithoutUserNestedInput No
events EventUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput No
jobs JobUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
email String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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role Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
icsLocator String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
events EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutAuthorNestedInput No
jobs JobUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
email String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
untisId Int | NullableIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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lastName String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
role Role | EnumRoleFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
icsLocator String | NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyOnEventUpdate Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewRequest Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
notifyAdminOnReviewDecision Boolean | NullableBoolFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes


Name Type Nullable
id Int No
name String No
legacyName String | Null Yes
year Int No
sf String No


Name Type Nullable
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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year Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
sf String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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teachers UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
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sf String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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teachers UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutClassesNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
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year Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
sf String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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groups EventGroupUpdateManyWithoutEventsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
name String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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end DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int No
room String No
subject String No
description String No
semesterNr Int No
year Int No
weekDay Int No
startHHMM Int No
endHHMM Int No


Name Type Nullable
id String No
type JobType No
state JobState No
userId String No
syncDate DateTime | Null Yes
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filename String | Null Yes
log String No
createdAt DateTime No
updatedAt DateTime No


Name Type Nullable
room String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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startHHMM Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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classes UntisClassUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput No
teachers UntisTeacherUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
room String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
subject String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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semesterNr Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
year Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
weekDay Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
startHHMM Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
endHHMM Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
classes UntisClassUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput No
teachers UntisTeacherUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutLessonsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
id Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
room String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
subject String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
semesterNr Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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weekDay Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
startHHMM Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
endHHMM Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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userId String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
syncDate DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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Name Type Nullable
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syncDate DateTime | NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Null Yes
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createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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letter String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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color String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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events EventUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutDepartmentsNestedInput No


Name Type Nullable
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description String | StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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createdAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
updatedAt DateTime | DateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput No


Name Type Nullable
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updatedAt DateTime No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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startHHMM Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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startHHMM Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
id Int | IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput No
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Output Types


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Name Type Nullable
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Name Type Nullable
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